What Compile Do When An Empty Cl
2020-04-29 本文已影响0人
What Compile Do When An Empty Class Is Declared?
conclusion: when an empty class is declared, the compile will generate some members by default.
(1) default constructor;
(2) copy constructor;
(3) operator=();
(4) default destructor; - code
// the mepty class
class Empty{
//euqal to following
class Empty{
Empty(const Empty&){};
Empty& operator=(const Empty&){return *this};
inline ~Empty(){};
if user declares a constructor, the compile will not generate default constructor
- explaination: when a constrcutor is decalred in C++, the compile will not generate default constructor any more. Due to compile regards you do not need a default constructor anymore.
- code
// the mepty class
class Empty{
Empty(int val):m_data(val){}
int m_data;
//equals to following
class Empty{
Empty(int val):m_data(val){}
Empty(const Empty&){};
Empty& operator=(const Empty&){return *this};
inline ~Empty(){};