
2018-06-06  本文已影响14人  上官曙光

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Brick walls are there for a reason:they let us prove how badly we want things --Randy Pausch

that's been one of my mantras - focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: Your have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple but it's worth it in the end because once you get there.you can move mountains -- Steve Jobs

There is no learning without trying lots of ideas and failing lots of times

if you spend too much time thinking about a thing,you'll never get it done.Make at least one definite move daily toward your goal
-- Bruce Lee
如果你花太多的时间思考一件事, 你永远也做不到。每天至少对你的目标做一个明确的移动

正向心理学(Positive Psychology)则提出了七项指标,认为它们是预示孩子未来成功的“七大秘密武器”。这七项指标分别是:grit 坚毅、zest 激情、self-control 自制力、optimism 乐观态度、gratitude 感恩精神、social intelligence 社交智力、curiosity 好奇心

如果你见一个孩子“能很投入地一直做一件事”,这就是Grit。“向着长期的目标,坚持自己的激情,即便历经失败,依然能够坚持不懈地努力下去,这就叫做坚毅”,Angela Duckworth 在2013年TED演讲时,给Grit如是定义

Grit 可译为“坚毅”,但其涵义远比毅力、勤勉、坚强都要丰富得多。Grit 是对长期目标的持续激情及持久耐力,是不忘初衷、专注投入、坚持不懈,是一种包涵了自我激励、自我约束和自我调整的性格特征。

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