2022-05-19 本文已影响0人
英文 | 中文 |
Oh, dear, that sounds quite worrisome, mother. | 老天听着怪让人担心的妈妈 |
Have you been to a doctor? | 你去看医生了吗 |
Do they know why your hair is falling out in clumps? | 他们知道你为什么一撮撮地往下掉头发吗 |
Wasn't there just the one clump left anyway? | 不过你不是只剩一撮头发了吗 |
Oh, I see. Yes. | 这样啊 |
Oh, I see! | 这样啊 |
Yes, I see. | 我明白了 |
Oh, my God, I just dropped an entire pot of tea! | 上帝啊我把茶壶给掉地上了 |
It's everywhere. I'll call you right back. | 溅得到处都是回头打给你 |
If you're going to walk around in a towel again, | 下次你要围着浴巾瞎转悠的时候 |
I'm going to need at least 24 hours notice to pack a small bag | 提前一天告诉我我好收拾细软 |
and check into a hotel. | 移居旅店 |
And how do you propose I take a shower? | 那你说我该怎么洗澡 |
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With as much clothing on as possible. | 穿上衣服越多越好 |
No-one should have to see you wet. | 你湿身的样子简直没法看 |
It was like a shaved squirrel with hips. | 像只剃了毛的大屁股松鼠 |
Now, I want you to be brutally honest. | 我要你说实话 |
I've got this audition tomorrow. | 我明天要去试镜 |
Do you think I can pass for 50? | 你看我像五十岁的人吗 |

I'm not even sure you can pass for the alive. | 我看你都不怎么像个活人 |
That's Violet. | 是维奥莱特 |
Hey, she was upset. | 她心情不好 |
She had something she needed to discuss with us. | 想找咱们聊聊心事 |
Poor dear. Just don't let her sit down. | 真可怜不许让她坐下 |
I want her in and out. | 直接进门然后走人 |
Hello, darling. Do I look terrible? | 你好亲爱的我是不是很憔悴 |
I've been crying for two days straight. | 人家已经哭了两天了 |
That sounds like something you probably don't want to talk about. | 你现在应该不想跟我们谈这个吧 |
It's an incredibly long and complicated story, I'm afraid. | 太复杂了一时半会儿说不清楚 |
- Hello, Freddie. - Hello, Vi. | -你好弗雷迪-你好小维 |
You do look awful. | 气色是够糟的 |
I'm going to need at least three cups of tea to get through this. | 至少得有三杯茶的工夫才能把这事讲完 |
Oh, look, and you're sitting down. | 瞧啊你坐下了 |
- Nicely done! - She's too quick. | -干得好-她动作太快了 |
Well... he broke up with me. | 他和我分手了 |
- Who did, dear? - Kristoff. | -谁跟你分手了-克里斯托夫 |
We didn't even know you were seeing anybody. | 我们都不知道你在约会 |
That's because Kristoff swore me to secrecy. | 克里斯托夫让我保密 |
He lives abroad and would fly me to Hungary once a month | 他住在国外每个月都带我去次匈牙利 |
to do unspeakable things. | 做些难以启齿的事 |
Well, he is Hungarian, dear. | 他可是匈牙利人亲爱的 |
It's probably very speakable over there. | 说不定这事在他们那可好启齿了 |
We were even talking about having a child. | 我们甚至讨论过要孩子的事 |
They can do incredible things nowadays in the world of science. | 当今的科技真是无所不能啊 |
You might also want to consider the supernatural world. | 你也可以试试借助超自然的手段 |
I don't even think God could impregnate you at this point. | 这会儿恐怕上帝都没法让你怀孕了 |
We were getting very serious, | 我们就快确立关系了 |
and then I get an email from him this morning | 可他今早给我发了封邮件 |
saying he never wants to see me again. | 说要和我分手 |
You poor thing. You probably want to be alone. | 真可怜你很想一个人静静吧 |
No, that's just it. I don't want to be alone. | 不正相反我不想一个人 |
I want a companion. I want what you both have. | 我想有个伴儿就像你们那样 |
Well, not that. That's horrific. | 倒也不是你俩这样太可怕 |
But I want something. Something meaningful. | 我想拥有一段实实在在的感情 |
Then might I suggest that next time an Eastern European asks you | 我建议下次再有东欧佬找你 |
to perform depraved sex acts, you politely decline. | 进行恬不知耻的性爱活动时你最好婉拒 |
That's good advice for anybody, really. | 这倒是个人人受用的好建议 |
- Hi, Ash. - Hi. Is this a bad time? | -你好艾什-你好打扰你们了吗 |
- Of course not. Come in. - Hello, Ash. | -当然没有快请进-你好艾什 |

- You remember our friend Violet. - Hi. | -还记得我们的朋友维奥莱特吧-你好 |
Please, we've met so many times | 拜托我们都见过好几次了 |
I almost feel like we're an item. | 感觉我俩跟一对儿似的 |
People will start talking. | 别人会说闲话的 |
Yes, about how ill the thought makes them. | 是啊说这种想法让他们多恶心 |
- Ash, please, sit down. - Thanks. | -艾什快请坐-谢谢 |
You're sitting very far away from me, Ash. | 你坐得离人家好远艾什 |
I know. | 我知道 |
Would you like us to ask her to leave? | 要我们请她离开吗 |
No, I only feel bad that I'm interrupting. | 不真抱歉打扰到你们了 |
No, we finished, right, dear? | 没有你已经说完了吧亲爱的 |
You're sad, lonely and nobody's ever going to love you. | 你伤心寂寞也不会有人再爱你 |
Great! So, in that case, I wanted to ask your opinion on something. | 太好了有件事我想问问你们的看法 |
Well, we are all very good listeners. | 我们可是倾听的好手 |
OK, so, you know how I've told you | 我跟你们说过 |
that my father's been in prison ten years for armed robbery. | 我爸因为持枪抢劫已经在监狱蹲了十年了 |
No... I don't believe you did tell us | 不你好像没跟我们说过 |
that very, very disturbing bit of news. | 这件骇人的事 |
Oh, I thought I did. | 我以为我说过呢 |
Well, the whole story is... | 大致就是 |
my father's been in prison ten years for armed robbery. | 我爸因为持枪抢劫已经在监狱蹲了十年 |
Ah. Now we're caught up. | 现在算是知道了 |
And, anyway, you both have been like grandfath... | 反正就是你们二位就像我的爷... |
Uncles to me, and I wanted to ask your advice. | 伯伯一样所以我想让你们给点建议 |
What a lovely thing to say. | 这话真动听啊 |
And are these uncles of yours in prison, as well? | 那你的叔叔伯伯是不是也都在牢里蹲着呢 |
No, I don't have any uncles. | 我没有叔伯 |
This is all very confusing. | 这倒耐人寻味了 |
See, I've been working at this restaurant, | 问题是我现在在一家餐馆工作 |
and it's going OK I suppose, | 做得也挺好的 |
but I don't think it's what I really want to do. | 但我觉得这不是我真正想做的事 |
Well, what are you interested in? | 那你想做什么呢 |
Dunno. I don't really know how to do much. | 不知道我也没什么一技之长 |
Well, what about acting? | 做演员怎么样 |
Yes, one doesn't have to know anything to do that. | 对啊干那个都不用脑子 |
- Do you really think I could be an actor? - Well, why not? | -你觉得我能当演员吗-怎么不行 |
- You've certainly got the right look. - And you have fantastic hair. | -你长得这么俊-还有一头极好的头发 |
A lot of acting is just good hair. | 多少表演看的都是头发 |
Yes, that's true. | 说得没错 |
I've always wondered what it would be like to be an actor. | 我一直很好奇当演员会是什么样 |
Yeah. So has Freddie. | 弗雷迪也是 |
Well, I think it sounds marvellous! | 我觉得听起来就很拉风 |
Just know you're going to have to take your shirt off a lot. | 不过你得知道要经常露肉 |
People are always wanting young men to take their shirts off. | 观众总是希望看到年轻演员的肉体 |
It's appalling, I know, but that's the world we live in. | 我知道这很可怕但现实就是如此 |
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You might as well take it off now. | 你不如这会儿就脱了吧 |
I'd be happy to advise you, Ash. | 我很乐意为你提供建议艾什 |
I actually have an audition tomorrow. | 话说回来我明天还要参加一个试镜 |
And you can help me prepare, if you'd like? | 如果你愿意的话可以帮我准备 |
Great. What can I do? | 好啊有什么我能做的 |
Well, to start with, | 首先 |
you're going to have to take 25 years off him. | 要让他年轻二十五岁 |
Then teach him how to act. | 然后教他怎么表演 |
All right, my audition | 我参加的是 |
is for my favourite television programme... | 我最爱的一个电视剧的试镜 |
..Downton Abbey. | 《唐顿庄园》 |
That's a great show! | 这部剧很不错的 |
Yes, I know it is, I don't need you to tell me that. | 这我知道不用你来告诉我 |
I'm feeling enough stress as it is! | 我压力已经够大的了 |
Sorry. | 对不起 |
Now, the first thing you have to do when preparing for an audition | 准备试镜所要做的第一件事就是 |
is to work out what it is your character wants. | 弄清楚你的角色有什么需求 |
- How do you do that? - By studying the script. | -要怎么弄清楚-仔细研究剧本 |
Looking for any clues the writer might have given us. | 看看编剧有没有给我们任何暗示 |
So we'll start with my first line. | 从我的第一句台词开始 |
Which character are you auditioning for? | 你试镜的是哪个角色 |
Cook Staff Number Four. | 厨师丁 |
But I'm calling him Thomas. | 不过我叫他托马斯 |
There's already a character called Thomas on the show. | 那部剧里已经有一个托马斯了 |
Yes, I know there is. I watch the show, for God's sake. | 我知道我也看过那部剧 |
But this way I've created conflict. | 不过这样我就建立起了冲突 |
- That's important? - Very. | -这很重要吗-相当重要 |
It's all necessary for the making up of the backstory for your character. | 要借此为角色构建出背景故事 |
I already know that these two Thomas' | 我已经知道这两个托马斯 |
despise each other | 相互看不顺眼 |
and I haven't even read my first line. | 虽然我还没读我的第一句台词 |
So, how do we find out what it is the character wants? | 我们怎么知道这个角色有什么需求 |
And, you see, you've always got to want something. | 你瞧人总得有点需求 |
You can't just be standing there not wanting anything, | 不可能光站在那里无欲无求 |
looking like some sort of idiot, can you? | 看起来就跟傻子似的对吧 |
I suppose not. | 我想也是 |
All right. Well, now, you give me my cue. | 好现在你来帮我引入 |
That means you read out the line | 就是把我的第一句台词 |
before my first line. | 之前那句台词念出来 |
There are a lot of technical terms i'm going to be throwing at you | 接下来我会使用很多术语 |
and you've go to be ready! | 得时刻准备着 |
OK. Got it. | 好的明白 |
Give me my cue. | 引入吧 |
'Yes, what is it?' | 是什么事 |
'I just wanted to put these potatoes away.' | 我只是想把这些土豆放好 |
Is there anything more? | 还有吗 |
No, that's it. | 就这一句 |
Now, how do we work out what it is that Thomas wants? | 我们怎么知道托马斯有什么需求呢 |
Any ideas? | 有想法吗 |
To put away the potatoes? | 想把土豆放好吗 |
And why would you say that? | 为什么这么说 |
Because his only line is, | 因为他唯一的一句台词就是 |
'I just wanted to put these potatoes away.' | 我只是想把这些土豆放好 |
Yes, that's the obvious answer, I suppose. | 好吧表面上看来的确是这样 |
Remember, when you have a very small part, | 记住当你扮演一个小角色时 |
your job, as an actor, is to make it bigger. | 作为演员你的使命就是要为其添彩 |
I think Thomas really wants to be the head of the cook staff | 我觉得托马斯真正想要的是做厨房领班 |
and actually doesn't want to put those potatoes away. | 而且并不想把土豆放好 |
In that way, he can blame | 这样的话他就能责怪 |
the other Thomas for not putting them away. | 另一个托马斯没把土豆放好 |
Do you see? | 明白吗 |
I would never have thought of that. | 这我真想不到 |
Well, that's your job as an actor to think of these things. | 作为演员你就得考虑到这些 |
Right, well, now, if you would give me my cue again | 好现在再帮我引入一次 |
and let me see | 我看看 |
if I have my line memorised. | 有没有记住自己的台词 |
'Yes, what is it?' | 是什么事 |
Hello. | 你好 |
I'm bringing all of these potatoes | 我要把这些土豆 |
to put them into that cupboard right over there. | 放到那边的橱里 |
So if you would just excuse me, please, | 能不能麻烦你让一下 |
I need to squeeze by. | 我要过去 |
The line is actually 'I just wanted to put these potatoes away.' | 台词是"我只是想把这些土豆放好" |
It's all right to paraphrase as long as | 只要掌握了台词的精华所在 |
you get the essence of the line. And I think I improved it. | 就可以自己演绎我觉得我说的台词更好 |
Thanks very much, Freddie. I'm learning tons. | 非常感谢弗雷迪我获益匪浅 |