

2016-12-30  本文已影响1382人  HabileBadger

Large-scale Linear Models with TensorFlow#


The tf.learn API provides (among other things) a rich set of tools for working with linear models in TensorFlow. This document provides an overview of those tools. It explains:

在Tensorflow里,tf.learn API 提供一个丰富的用于线性模型的工具集。这篇文档提供一个关于这些工具的概述,解释了:

Read this overview to decide whether the tf.learn linear model tools might be useful to you. Then do the Linear Models tutorial to give it a try. This overview uses code samples from the tutorial, but the tutorial walks through the code in greater detail.

阅读这篇概述以决定 tf.learn 线性模型工具是否对你有用。然后尝试一下 线性模型教程。这篇概述会使用该教程的示例代码,并详细介绍这些代码。

To understand this overview it will help to have some familiarity with basic machine learning concepts, and also with tf.learn.

理解这篇概述,它将有助于你熟悉基本的机器学习的概念和 tf.learn.



What is a linear model?##


A linear model uses a single weighted sum of features to make a prediction. For example, if you have data on age, years of education, and weekly hours of work for a population, you can learn weights for each of those numbers so that their weighted sum estimates a person's salary. You can also use linear models for classification.


Some linear models transform the weighted sum into a more convenient form. For example, logistic regression plugs the weighted sum into the logistic function to turn the output into a value between 0 and 1. But you still just have one weight for each input feature.

一些线性模型会将加权和转换为一个更方便的形式。例如,logistic 回归 注入加权和进 logistic函数中以将输出转换为0和1之间的值。但是你依然需要为每一个输入的特征提供一个权重。

Why would you want to use a linear model?##


Why would you want to use so simple a model when recent research has demonstrated the power of more complex neural networks with many layers?


Linear models:


How does tf.learn help you build linear models?##


You can build a linear model from scratch in TensorFlow without the help of a special API. But tf.learn provides some tools that make it easier to build effective large-scale linear models.

在Tensorflow下,你能够在不借助一些特别的API的情况下,从头开始建立一个线性模型。并且 tf.learn 提供一些工具使得能够的建立一个大规模线性模型。

Feature columns and transformations###


Much of the work of designing a linear model consists of transforming raw data into suitable input features. tf.learn uses the FeatureColumn abstraction to enable these transformations.

设计一个线性模型有许多工作,包括转换原始数据成一个适合的输入特征。tf.learn 使用 FeatureColumn 来抽象使用这些变换。

A FeatureColumn represents a single feature in your data. A FeatureColumn may represent a quantity like 'height', or it may represent a category like 'eye_color' where the value is drawn from a set of discrete possibilities like {'blue', 'brown', 'green'}.

一个FeatureColumn 在你的数据中表示一个单个特征。 一个 FeatyreColumn 可能会表示成 '高度' 的数量,或者它可能表示成一个 '眼睛颜色' 的目录并且其值可能会被绘制成一个像{'蓝色', '棕色', '绿色'}的离散可能性值。

In the case of both continuous features like 'height' and categorical features like 'eye_color', a single value in the data might get transformed into a sequence of numbers before it is input into the model. The FeatureColumn abstraction lets you manipulate the feature as a single semantic unit in spite of this fact. You can specify transformations and select features to include without dealing with specific indices in the tensors you feed into the model.

在这两种连续特征,像 '高度' 和 像 '眼睛颜色' 的 ‘分类特征’ 情况下,单个值在输入这个模型前可能会被转换成一个数字序列。抽象出的FeatureColumn 使得你能够像操作语义一样来操作这些特征。你可以在不需要处理输入模型的张量中的特定指数的情况下,指定转换方式并选择要进行转换的特征。

Sparse columns####


Categorical features in linear models are typically translated into a sparse vector in which each possible value has a corresponding index or id. For example, if there are only three possible eye colors you can represent 'eye_color' as a length 3 vector: 'brown' would become [1, 0, 0], 'blue' would become [0, 1, 0] and 'green' would become [0, 0, 1]. These vectors are called "sparse" because they may be very long, with many zeros, when the set of possible values is very large (such as all English words).

分类特征在线性模型通常被转化成一个稀疏向量,并且其对应值都有一个对应的序列或者id。例如,如果对于眼睛颜色只存在三种可能性的情况下,你可以表示‘眼睛颜色’为一个长度为3的向量:'棕色'应为[1, 0, 0], '蓝色'应为[0, 1, 0]然后 '绿色' 为 [0, 0, 1]。当可能值的集合非常大时(如所有英语单词),这些向量被称为“”稀疏向量”,因为他们可能很长但是存在很多0值。

While you don't need to use sparse columns to use tf.learn linear models, one of the strengths of linear models is their ability to deal with large sparse vectors. Sparse features are a primary use case for the tf.learn linear model tools.

当你不需要使用稀疏来使用 tf.learn 的线性模型, 线性模型的其中一个优势是他有能力去处理大规模的稀疏向量。稀疏特征是 tf.learn 线性模型工具的一个主要用例。

Encoding sparse columns#####

FeatureColumn handles the conversion of categorical values into vectors automatically, with code like this:
eye_color = tf.contrib.layers.sparse_column_with_keys( column_name="eye_color", keys=["blue", "brown", "green"])

eye_color = tf.contrib.layers.sparse_column_with_keys( column_name="eye_color", keys=["blue", "brown", "green"])

where eye_color is the name of a column in your source data.


You can also generate FeatureColumns for categorical features for which you don't know all possible values. For this case you would use sparse_column_with_hash_bucket(), which uses a hash function to assign indices to feature values.
education = tf.contrib.layers.sparse_column_with_hash_bucket("education", hash_bucket_size=1000)

education = tf.contrib.layers.sparse_column_with_hash_bucket("education", hash_bucket_size=1000)

Feature Crosses#####

Because linear models assign independent weights to separate features, they can't learn the relative importance of specific combinations of feature values. If you have a feature 'favorite_sport' and a feature 'home_city' and you're trying to predict whether a person likes to wear red, your linear model won't be able to learn that baseball fans from St. Louis especially like to wear red.

因为线性模型是给每个单独的特征分配独立的权重,所以他们无法学习特征在特定组合的重要性。如果你有一个特征 '最喜欢的运动' 和特征 '居住城市',然后并且你试图想要推断一个人在什么情况下会穿红色的衣服。你的线性模型将没有不会学习到来自St.Louis的棒球粉丝是很喜欢穿红色系的衣服。

You can get around this limitation by creating a new feature 'favorite_sport_x_home_city'. The value of this feature for a given person is just the concatenation of the values of the two source features: 'baseball_x_stlouis', for example. This sort of combination feature is called a feature cross.

你可以通过创建一个新的叫‘最喜欢的运动x居住城市’ 特征来克服这个限制。这个特征的值对一个给定的人(的数据)来说只是关联了两个源特征的值。例如,这种组合特征被称为交叉特征

The crossed_column() method makes it easy to set up feature crosses:
sport = tf.contrib.layers.sparse_column_with_hash_bucket("sport", hash_bucket_size=1000) city = tf.contrib.layers.sparse_column_with_hash_bucket("city", hash_bucket_size=1000) sport_x_city = tf.contrib.layers.crossed_column([sport, city], hash_bucket_size=int(1e4))


Continuous columns####


You can specify a continuous feature like so:
age = tf.contrib.layers.real_valued_column("age")


Although, as a single real number, a continuous feature can often be input directly into the model, tf.learn offers useful transformations for this sort of column as well.




Bucketization turns a continuous column into a categorical column. This transformation lets you use continuous features in feature crosses, or learn cases where specific value ranges have particular importance.


Bucketization divides the range of possible values into subranges called buckets:
age_buckets = tf.contrib.layers.bucketized_column( age, boundaries=[18, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65])


The bucket into which a value falls becomes the categorical label for that value.


Input function####


FeatureColumns provide a specification for the input data for your model, indicating how to represent and transform the data. But they do not provide the data itself. You provide the data through an input function.


The input function must return a dictionary of tensors. Each key corresponds to the name of a FeatureColumn. Each key's value is a tensor containing the values of that feature for all data instances. See Building Input Functions with tf.contrib.learn for a more comprehensive look at input functions, and input_fn in the linear models tutorial code for an example implementation of an input function.


The input function is passed to the fit() and evaluate() calls that initiate training and testing, as described in the next section.


Linear estimators###


tf.learn's estimator classes provide a unified training and evaluation harness for regression and classification models. They take care of the details of the training and evaluation loops and allow the user to focus on model inputs and architecture.


To build a linear estimator, you can use either the tf.contrib.learn.LinearClassifier estimator or the tf.contrib.learn.LinearRegressor estimator, for classification and regression respectively.


As with all tf.learn estimators, to run the estimator you just:


Wide and deep learning##


The tf.learn API also provides an estimator class that lets you jointly train a linear model and a deep neural network. This novel approach combines the ability of linear models to "memorize" key features with the generalization ability of neural nets. Use tf.contrib.learn.DNNLinearCombinedClassifier to create this sort of "wide and deep" model:
e = tf.contrib.learn.DNNLinearCombinedClassifier( model_dir=YOUR_MODEL_DIR, linear_feature_columns=wide_columns, dnn_feature_columns=deep_columns, dnn_hidden_units=[100, 50])

tf.learn API同样提供一个估计器类使得让你联合训练一个线性模型和一个深度神经网络。这种新颖的方法结合了线性模型“记忆”关键特征与神经网络的泛化能力。使用tf.contrib.learn.DNNLinearCombinedClassifier去创建这种“广度且深度”的模型:

For more information, see the Wide and Deep Learning tutorial.


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