

2018-05-17  本文已影响23人  微凉_Elena

While Dorian was having breakfast the next morning, Basil Hallward  came to see him.


'At last I've found you, Dorian,' he said seriously. 'I came last night, but they told me that you'd gone out to dinner with friends. I knew that wasn't true, of course. I wanted to tell you how sorry i was about  Sybil Vane. poor girl!'

“终于找到你了,多里安,”他严肃地说, “我昨晚来找过你,但他们说你出去和朋友吃饭了。当然,我知道不是那样的。我就是想跟你说对于西比尔·文恩的事我很难过。 可伶的孩子!”

'My dear Basil,'said Dorian. He looked bored. 'I was at Lord Henry's house last night. It was a very amusing evening!'


Basil stared at him. 'You went out to dinner?' he said slowly. 'You went out to dinner when Sybil Vane was lying dead in some dirty theatre?'


'Stop, Basil! I won't listen to you!' Dorian jumped to his feet. 'Sybil Vane is in the past...finished...forgotten.'



'You've changed, Dorian,' said Basil. 'You have the same wonderful face, but where is the kind and gentle boy who sat for my portrait? Have you no heart?'


'Yesterday my heart was full of sadness. I have cried for Sybil, yes, i cannot cry today. I have changed, Basil. I'm a man now, with new feelings, new ideas. Don't be angry with me. I am what i am. There's nothing more to say.'


Basil watch him sadly. 'Well, Dorian,' he said at last, 'I won't speak of poor Sybil again. But will you come and sit for another portrait soon?'


'No, never,' said Dorian quickly. 'It's impossible.'


'But why?'asked Basil, very surprised. 'And why have you covered the portrait?' he walked across the room towards the painting.


Dorian cried out in fear, and ran between Basil and the portrait. 'No, Basil.  You must not look at it. I don't want you to see it.' His face was white and angry. 'If you try to look at it, I'll never speak to you again.'


The artist stared at him. 'Why can't i look at my own work?' he asked.'I'm going to exhibit it in an art gallery in Paris soon.'


Dorian tried to hide his fear. 'But you said...you told me that you would never exhibit the picture. Why  have you changed your mind?' He came closer to Basil and looked into his face. 'Tell me why?' he said.


Basil turned away. After a while he said slowly, 'I see that you too have noticed something strange about the picture. Dorian, you changed my life as an artist from the moment when i met you. You became very important to me - I could not stop thinking about you. And when i painted this portrait, i felt that i'd put too much of myself into it.  I could not let other people see it.' He was silent for a moment, then turned back to Dorian. 'Perhaps you're right. I cannot exhibit this picture. But will you let me look at it again?'

巴兹尔别开脸,过了会,才慢慢开口:“我知道你也注意到了画像有些不一样。多里安,从我遇见你的那一刻开始,你就改变了我作为画家的生涯。你变得对我很重要 - 我无时无刻不在想你。当我画这幅画像时,我在画中投注了太多自我。我不能让其他人知道这些的。”他停了一会,才看向多里安。“或许你说得对,我不能展出这幅画, 但你还会让我看这幅画的吧?”

'No, never!'


The artist smiled sadly. 'Well, i've told you my secret now. Try to understand me, Dorian. You've been the one person in my life who has really influenced my art.'


As he left the room, Dorian Gary smiled to himself. What a dangerous moment that had been! Poor Basil! Although he had told his own secret. But the picture...he must hide it away at once. No one must ever see it again.


He had the covered portrait carried upstairs to a small room at the top of the house. Then he locked the door and kept the key himself. He felt safe now, because only his eyes would see the terrible changes in that beautiful face.


When he returned to the room downstairs, he picked up a book that Lord Henry had lent him. He sat down and began to read.


It was the story of a Frenchman, who has spent his life searching for beauty and pleasure - pleasure of all kinds, both good and bad. Dorian read for hours. It was a frightening book, full of strange ideas and dangerous dreams -  dreams that slowly became real for Dorian.

故事的主人公是个法国人,他穷极一生都在追寻美貌和享乐 - 不论好坏,各式各样的享乐。多里安连着看了几个小时。这是一本奇怪的书,里面满是奇奇怪怪的想法和危险的梦想 - 梦想都慢慢在多里安身上变成了现实。

Dorian read this book many times. In fact, he could not stop reading it, and over the years, it became more and more interesting to him. He felt that the Frenchman's life was a mirror of his own.








