Winter Snowfall
It was the wintertime, outside bitterly cold, and a cutting northeast wind had whistled for some time before a few straggling snowflakes slanted across the wind. Snow falls coming, with the wind dying out, snowflakes whirled down noiselessly, winds lapped at the window. Snowflakes were circling as they fell on trees, on hills, on roofs and by the river and the pond. The flakes crept into the lintels of the doors, into the corners of the windows and into every chink of the walls. The snowfall thickened, the flakes like gobbets of soap froth piled in thin drifts halfway up the windowpanes. Very quickly, silently, they cover the earth and in folding the dirt in the bosom of nature. After a while everything became white. It was a silvery white world. How beautiful the world was when it was snow covered.
Snow is as white as crystal, such as angels, like feathers, fluttering in the sky. The snow clothed the roads and the trees with whiteness.
In the hurrying snowflakes, a six year old boy plays with his sister in front of the house and waits for mom to come home. They both wear snow pants, boots and coats. The only difference is color; the boy wears blue, and his sister wears red. Now,they are all set and ready to face the snowstorm. They both lie down in the snow, watching the flakes swirl and pass by with smiling faces; with accompany of snowflakes, they push the snow on the ground slowly with their legs. Their heart is wafting far away with mom, waiting for mom to come home. When they getup, there were two child sized indents in the deep snow; the whole neighborhood is filled with cheers and laughter. After that, they try to build a snow man.
Their dad inside the building looks at kids running around in the snow. The six year old boy sees his dad standing at the window. In his hand is hot coffee, he drinks coffee at the same time keeping an eye on the children outside. The children played under the watchful eye of their father. The boy waves both his hands cheerfully when he faces to the window. He gesticulated wildly as he tried to make dad understand they need help to build the snow man. Dad smiles,winks and nods, giving his seal of approval, and puts down the coffee cup and comes out of the house. The little children dance around him when they see their dad, they smile as their dad begins to throw the snowball. The little boy catches it, but then slips on a patch of ice. His father runs over in a hurry to help the boy. The boy quickly gets up, and he is so happy to follow the dad to learn about how to build a snowman.
. The snow was drifting across the yard, in the yard crystal bits of snowflakes all around their heads in the wind. The snowflakes are wishes and the pretty texture predicts a nice future. Snowflakes are dancing in the air, as white as crystal,the white world mixing with the children’s winter clothes’ colors as they skip about in the yard, the red and blue color so beautiful in the white world.
First,they put snow together to look like a ball. Then, they are very happy, running around the house, pushing the snow ball, and collecting the snow. With dad’s help, they finally build a snowman in front of the house. The boy runs inside the house and finds dad’s hat and scarf. When he comes out, the branch snaps off because of the weight of the snow. The boy picks up a small branch of a tree in his hand. Then he puts a scarf around the neck of the snowman and jumps up to put the hat on head of the snowman. A small stick is used to connect the head and the body, which makes the snow man stronger. The children are capering about, shouting and laughing.
The family continues to play in the snow in the yard, waiting for mom to come home. The building is on the corner, garage on the other side of the road. In front of the building is a four way stop sign.
At this moment,a car slowly passes by their building. Looking through the car widow, the children see their mom. She is ready to make a turn to the corner to go to the garage.The six year old boy jumps up with joy and says, “Mom is home!” She leans forward, looking through the car's steamy windows at the snow outside.
Now snow is falling heavily, the road is slippery; it is difficult to look at the road. But from the other side of the road, a Toyota goes too fast without stopping at the four way stop sign. He brakes suddenly, causing the front wheels to skid. The Toyota goes out of control and veers across the road. In order to avoid the collision, the driver turns the car sharply to the right and hit the road- sign headlong with such a great force that the road-sign is tilted. As a result, the car is seriously damaged, the car front bumper is loose, the engine hood and window are left a pile of jagged glass and twisted metal, and it makes the air beg come out. After the accident, the driver, a young man, is hurt and is rushed to the hospital. Unfortunately, he dies in the car collision with his skull fractured. Sadly, the young man’s family will face missing him forever.He disappears into the beautiful snowfall.
The mom tries to brake sharply to avoid another car, but the road is slippery. The frozen snow is so slippery that it is hard and difficult to stop the car. Too late, it crashes into the young man’s car. Luckily, she is a slow driver, after the accident fear comes over her, she is so surprised to find out herself unhurt. Only crashed the car. The car is crashed, but she is safe. She emerges from the accident unharmed.
In fact, the dad and two kids in front of the building witness a car crash. They have hardly recovered from a recent shock, the six-year-old boy and his sister are crying now. They are afraid, and scared to lose loved ones. Immediately, they run to the car, trembling and bewildered. The woman driver comes out of the broken car and holds her kids tightly; she stands in a mixture of desire and apprehensions. Still not suffering from the shock, she is in a daze for quite along time before she recovers. Then they are screaming joyously, they jump up and down and hug each other.
The husband hurries down the road to hug his wife, he stretches out his arms and embraces her tightly and takes her in his arms and kisses her and children. After that the dad picks up the six year old boy and puts him on his shoulders, the mother hand in hand with the little girl they together go into the building. They leave fresh footprints in the deep snow.
The tow truck puts the Toyota car in a parking lot incident, the engine hood tilt exposed. The blood reflects off the snow-covered road. It quietly and silently tells the sad story. It lets children think that life is beautiful and precious and should beloved and treasured. They go their ways now, shadowed and stained with blood.The sad image will follow the children when they grow up, this is one of the most valuable lessons they will learn.