Game of Thrones S1-2-6
第一季 02国王大道 The Kings Road
上期回顾: [Winterhell]:
Jaime 和 Snow 的一段对话,完全可以看两个人都不成熟,Jaime虽然摆出长辈的架式以及春风得意的样子,显出Snow年少无知且初生牛犊不怕虎的尴尬,但此时的Jaime内心空空、玩世不恭,此时的Snow踌躇满志又前途未卜。这也许是为了和后来两人再次见面做的伏笔和铺垫。
Jaime :A sword for the wall?
Snow:I already have one.
Jaime :Good man. Have you swung it yet?
Snow:Of course I have.
Jaime :At someone, I mean. It's a strange thing, the first time you cut a man. You realize we're nothing but sacks of meat and blood and some bone to keep it all standing. Let me thank you ahead of time for guarding us all from the perils beyond the wall, Wildings and White Walkers and whatnot. We're grateful to have good, strong men like you protecting us.
Snow:We're guarded the kingdoms for 8,000 years.
Jaime :Is it "we" already? Have you taken your vows then?
Snow:Soon enough.
Jaime:Give me regards to The Night's Watch. I'm sure it will be thrilling to serve in such an elite force. And if not? It's only for life.
Arya: Septa Mordance says I have to do it again. My things weren't properly folded, she says. Who cares how they're folded?! They're going to get all messed up anyway.
Snow:It's good you've got help.
Arya: Watch. Nymeria, gloves.
Snow: Impressive.
Arya: Shut up. Nymeria, gloves.
Snow: I have something for you . And it has to be packed very carefully.
Arya: A present?
Snow: Close the door. This is no toy. Be careful you don't cut yourself.
Arya: It's so skinny.
Snow: So are you. I had the blacksmith make it for you special. It won't hack a man's head off, but it can poke him full of holes if you're quick enough.
Arya: I can be quick.
Snow: You'll have to work at it every day. How does it feel? Do you like the balance?
Arya: I think so.
Snow: First lesson : Stick them with the pointy end.
Arya: I know which end to use.
Snow: I'm going to miss you. Careful! All the best swords have names, you know.
Arya: Sansa can keep her sewing needles. I've got a needles of my own.
fold (My things weren't properly folded, she says. Who cares how they're folded?! )
1. 褶痕(a line made in paper or material when you fold one part of it over another)
例句:Bend back the card and cut along the fold.
2. (材料的)折叠处,褶子(a rounded shape made by folded material)
例句:Ahmed had a dagger concealed in the folds of his robe.
3. 皱皮褶痕(an area of loose folded skin)
例句:The old dog had thick folds of skin around its neck.
4. the fold 同一群体的人,志同道合的人(the group of people that you belong to and share the same beliefs and ideas as)
reture/come back to the fold
例句:Many Democrats who voted Republican in the 80s have now returned to the fold.
stray from/leave the fold
例句:a former advocate of free market economics who had strayed from the fold.
5. 羊栏(a small area of a field surrounded by a wall or fence where sheep are kept for safety)
6. 褶皱(technical a bend in layers of rock, caused by underground movements in the earth)
7. 狭小的山谷(literary a small narrow valley)
1. 折叠,对折 [T] (to bend a piece of paper, cloth etc by laying or pressing one part over another)fold sth in two/half
例句:The woman folded the tickets in two and tore them in half.
2. fold/fold up 折起,叠好 [T] (to fold something several times so that it makes a small neat shape)
例句:I wish you kids would fold up your clothes.
3. [I] 可折叠 (if something such as a piece of furniture folds in a particular way, it is designed so that part of it can be folded to make it smaller )fold away , fold up , fold down
例句:a useful little bed that folds away when you don't need it
4. [T] 折叠,折起 (to fold or bend part of something such as a piece of furniture to make it smaller )fold sth away / up / down
例句:Can you fold up these chairs while I clean the floor?
5. fold your arms/legs etc 交叉双臂、双腿等(to bend your arms or legs ,especially so that they are resting against your body)
例句:George stood silently with his arms folded.
6. [I] fold/fold up (因资金不足而)倒闭,歇业(if an organization folds or folds up, it closes because it does not have enough money to continue)
7. [T] 包,裹 (to cover something, especially by wrapping it in material of putting your hand over it )fold sth in sth
例句:a silver dagger folded in a piece of while cloth
8. fold sb in your arms 抱紧某人(especially literary to hold someone closely by putting your arms around them)
[T] fold sth in (烹制食物时)拌入,把……调入(to gently mix another substance into a mixture when you are preparing food)
例句:Fold in the sugar and whisk until stiff.
foldaway 可折叠(存放)的
folder (电脑屏幕上的图标,表示信息储存位置的)文件夹
folding 可折叠的,折叠式的
-I came to say goodbye to Bran.
-You've said it.-I wish I could be here when you wake up. I'm going worth with Uncle Benjen. I'm taking the black. I know we always talked about seeing the wall together, but you'll be able to come visit me at Castle Black when you've better. I'll know my way around by then. I'll be a sworn brother of the Night's Watch. We can go out walking beyond the wall, if you're not afraid.
-I want you to leave.
[To be continued]