
1. fellow / 'feləʊ /
adj. 同伴的,同事的;同道的
n. 家伙;朋友;同事;会员
they urged the troops not to fire on their fellow citizens.
2. delegate / 'delɪɡɪt /
n. 代表
They drafted him to serve as their delegate.
3. unthinkable / ʌn'θɪŋkəbəl /
adj. 不能想象的;过分的
It is unthinkable that a mistake like this could have happened.
4. alliance / əˈlaɪəns /
n. 联盟,联合;联姻
They made an alliance against the common enemy.
5. embody / ɪm'bɒdi /
vt. 体现,使具体化;具体表达
All you have to do is unite mentally and emotionally with the good you wish to embody.
6. assert / əˈsɜːt /
vt. 维护,坚持;断言;主张;声称
French cooking, she asserted, is the best in the world.
7. relevant / 'relɪv ə nt /
adj. 相关的;切题的;中肯的;有重大关系的;有意义的,目的明确的
As for your second question, we have noticed relevant reports.
8. violate / 'vaɪəleɪt /
vt. 违反;侵犯,妨碍;亵渎
It is therefore in the best interest of the group to punish those who violate this unspoken rule/convention.
9. erode / ɪ'rəʊd /
vt. 腐蚀,侵蚀
The cliffs are being constantly eroded by heavy seas.
10. capital / 'kæpɪtl /
n. 首都,省会;资金;大写字母;资本家
The troops advanced on the capital.
11. democratic / ‚demə'krætɪk /
adj. 民主的;民主政治的;大众的
They pledged to fight for democratic rights.
12. immune / ɪ'mjuːn /
adj. 免疫的;免于……的,免除的
Once we’ve had the disease, we’re immune for life.
13. accountable / əˈkaʊntəb ə l /
adj. 有责任的;有解释义务的;可解释的
The hospital should be held accountable for the quality of care it gives.
14. diplomatic / ‚dɪplə'mætɪk /
adj. 外交的;外交上的;老练的
Diplomatic efforts to end the fighting began on October 25.
15. conquer / 'kɒŋkə /
vt. 战胜,征服;攻克,攻取
If you let it go, it’ll conquer you.
16. collapse / kə'læps /
vi. 倒塌;瓦解;暴跌
vt. 使倒塌,使崩溃;使萎陷;折叠
n. 倒塌;失败;衰竭
The earthquake was the occasion of the building's collapse.
17. innocent / 'ɪnəsənt /
adj. 无辜的;无罪的;无知的
n. 天真的人;笨蛋
Nobody would believe that I was innocent.
18. brutal / ˈbruːtl /
adj. 残忍的;野蛮的,不讲理的
I should not like to be brutal or seem extravagant.
19. empower / ɪm'paʊə /
vt. 授权,允许;使能够
I empower my agent to make the deal for me.
20. insulate / 'ɪnsjʊleɪt /
vt. 隔离,使孤立;使绝缘,使隔热
Insulate it and the rest of your house. Put in double-pane windows filled with inert gas.
21. mindful / 'maɪndf ə l /
adj. 留心的;记住的;警觉的
I do not know about you, but I often read about being mindful and finding miracles around me.
22. fate / feɪt /
n. 命运
I wouldn’t wish such a fate on my worst enemy.
23. troop / truːp /
n. 军队;组;群;多数
vi. 群集;成群而行;结队
vt. 把(骑兵)编成骑兵连
Both countries agreed to withdraw their troops .
24. perceive / pə'siːv /
vt. 察觉,感觉;理解;认知
vi. 感到,感知;认识到
The concept reality means to each of us what we perceive, what we experience.
25. notion / 'nəʊʃən /
n. 概念;见解;打算
She had no notion what he meant.
26. collective / kə'lektɪv /
adj. 集体的;共同的;集合的;集体主义的
I do feel deeply the strength of the collective.
27. trillion / 'trɪljən /
n. [数] 万亿
adj. 万亿的
In a short time the number of cells is more than a trillion.
28. norm / nɔːm /
n. 标准,规范
The World Bank is certainly not a typical bank, but in this respect it follows the norm.
29. backwards / ˈbækwədz ; ˋbækwɚdz /
adv. 倒;向后;逆
Then the train began to move backwards.
30. versus / 'vɜːsəs /
prep. 对;与...相对;对抗
Today's football match is France versus Brazil.
1、…and by building a international system that cost on those who choose conflict over cooperation …
分析:"that "引导定语从句指代international system,在从句中做主语。"who "引导定语从句,指代人"those ",在从句中做主语。
2、there have been too many times when,collectively, we have fallen short of these ideas.
分析:"have been "是现在完成时形式。表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,过去的动作或状态持续到现在。其构成是主语+have/has +动词的过去分词。"when "代替"times "做状语,这里不能用"that "。
3、It is this international order that has underwritten unparalleled advances in human liberty and prosperity.
分析:"it is……that "引导的强调句,被强调部分是"this international order "主语。去掉"it is 、that "后,句子仍然完整。强调句结构为It is (was) +被强调部分+ that (who) + 句子其他部分。此结构强调的成分仅限于主语,宾语和状语。
4、that is the idea that this body,at its best,has pursued.
分析:the idea that同位语从句,at its best,插入语
5、 It is these international principles that helped constrainbigger countries from imposing our will on smaller ones.
分析:principles为主语,helped为谓语,整句话为同位语 It is..... that......是标志
6、On this basis , we see some major powers assert themselvesin ways that contravene international law.
分析:此句是定语从句,that引导整个从句some major powers aasert themselves为主语 contravene作谓语。
President Obama made a speech on The United General Assembly 2015.First of all,he made the opening remarks and introduced the setting of world.He looked back on the ashes of the Second War and emphasized the importance of the Unite Nation."The order that has underwritten unparalleled advences in human liberty and properity."In the next place,he put forward the importance of the U.N. charter according to the trend of inequality.Afterwards,he believed that there are many opposing forces.Such as the power of contravene international law and the increasing skepticism of international order raised by the most advanced democracies.At the last time,he expressed his concern and called on every countries to unite to solve the word's problems.If they work together to defeat,the militaries can impose conflice that is not temporary.
1.根据B段by forging alliance (ally的名词形式) with old adversaries(对手,与enemies同义)
2.根据D段It is this collective endeavor(努力)…has lifted more than a billion people from poverty.
3.根据J段We see an arguement made that the only strength that matters for the United States is bellicose (好战的) words and shows of military force,that cooperation and diplomacy will not work.
4.根据F段Technologies that empower (允许,授权)individuals are now also exploited by those who spread disinformation(虚假信息).
5.根据G段The disorder we see is not driven…any single ideology.
6.根据K段I lead the strongest military that the world has ever known.
7.根据H段We see some major powers assert themselves in ways that contravene(违反,与violate同义)international law.We see an erosion(侵蚀) of the democratic (民主的) principles.
8.根据F段global capital…accelerated inequality.
9.根据L段No nation in this Assembly can insulate(隔离) itself from the threat…the danger of a warming planet.
10.根据J段even as our economy is growing.