csv文件NA 空白的处理 2019-02-19
2019-02-19 本文已影响0人
Solution 1: Replace empty/null values with a space
- Fill all null or empty cells in your original DataFrame with an empty space and set that to a new DataFrame variable, here, called ‘modifiedFlights’*.
modifiedFlights=flights.fillna(“ “)
- Verify that you no longer have any null values by running
- Save your modified dataset to a new CSV, replacing ‘modifiedFlights.csv’ with whatever you would like to name your new file.
- If you wish, you can replace your original DataFrame, using
flights=flights.fillna(" ")
Solution 2: Remove rows with empty values
- If there are only a few null values and you know that deleting values will not cause adverse effects on your result, remove them from your DataFrame and store that in a new DataFrame.
modifiedFlights = flights.dropna()
- Verify that you no longer have any null values by running
- Save your modified dataset to a new CSV, replacing ‘modifiedFlights.csv’ with whatever you would like to name your new file.
- If you wish, you can replace your original DataFrame, using