Spiritual energy is sustained by balancing a commitment to others with adequate self-care. Put another way, the capacity to live by our deepest values depends on regularly renewing our spirit—seeking ways to rest and rejuvenate and to reconnect with the values that we find most inspiring and meaningful.
When we lack sufficient spiritual energy, we must find systematic ways to go deeper—to challenge our complacency and expediency. In Roger B.’s case, the disconnection from a compelling sense of purpose had robbed him of passion and of any clear sense of direction. He operated instead in survival mode, doing what was necessary to fill immediate needs and to get by day-to-day. Often, he felt like a victim. Roger didn’t think much about the long-term consequences of his choices largely because he didn’t have a vision of what he wanted from life or where he was headed. The result was that all of his energy systems were compromised.
我的思考My Thinking
Spiritual energy (Purpose) is at the top of Energy Pyramid, which largely impact the actions for other dimensions and rooted in our values. Many people feel at sea and this is the consequence of poor spiritual energy (unclear purpose). People without spiritual energy(purpose) have no driving force and direction for their life and can't get the big picture and constrained by trivialities, worse they will changed to survival, the bottom level of Maslow's Needs-Hierarchy Theory and become a victim and always complains. As per law of attraction, worse life is ahead if no initial change.
我个人从加入早安群和用 aTimeLogger2 记录时间开销,在不断学习和践行中终于清晰了自己的价值观,自己的人生定位也就更加清晰了-成为一名高效人生教练,通过传授和辅导人们时间管理和精力管理,过超然人生。当自己的目标(价值观)清晰了,接下来的行动也就明朗了,改变也随之而来。
I started recording my time spending using aTimeLogger2 since 2 I joined the Morning Group and my values became more clear during the process of learning and practicing, my personal positioning is clear in mind: to be a Coach for Effective Life, helping people live a detached life by training and coaching on time management and energy management.