Building a Process Model-MIMO Bl
• Unfold(展开)- MIMO模块可以被转换回传递函数模块。要完成此变换,在菜单中选择所需的MIMO模块,并在该块上右键单击选中Unfold MIMO block(展开MIMO模块)。MIMO模块将被替代为包含相应互联MIMO模块的所有传递函数模块的子系统模块所替代。
Block Finder(模块搜寻)窗口搜索标准和按钮
Block Name(模块名称) 标准—需要寻找的模块名称。
Description(描述) 标准—需要寻找的模块描述。
SubSystem(子系统) 标准—查找含有该模块的子系统。这是模型中包含子系统的下拉列表字段。
Block Type(模块类型) 标准—查找模块的类型。这是包含所有操作输入,干扰输入,输出和传递函数的下拉列表字段。
Refresh Button(刷新按钮) 刷新在不同列表下满足搜索条件的模块列表。
Cancel Button(取消按钮) 关闭模块搜寻窗口。
The order of the inputs and outputs as well as the number of inputs and outputs can be easily edited in the parameters tab. Drag-and-drop the column and/or row headers to the desired location to change the order of the inputs and outputs. The connections in the main model builder window update accordingly. To edit the number of inputs and/or outputs in the matrix, the user has two options: selecting the Layout/MIMO menu and performing the desired operation or using the standard toolbar buttons ( ) to change the quantity of inputs/outputs.
The “Parameters” tab shows the details of the transfer function matrix.
The “Plots” tab shows the step or impulse responses of the transfer functions within the MIMO block. This tool is useful for model verification.
• Unfold – A MIMO block can be transformed back into a group of transfer function blocks. To do this transformation, select the desired MIMO block and right click on the block to select Unfold MIMO block from the menu. The MIMO block is replaced by a sub-system block that contains all transfer function blocks within the MIMO block with the corresponding interconnections.
To illustrate the creation of the MIMO block we use the previous example. The figure below shows the selected blocks on the left hand side with the right click menu Fold into MIMO Block which after selected results in the creation of the new MIMO block shown on the right hand side of the figure. All the blocks that were selected prior to the “fold” are effectively replaced by ONE MIMO block. The individual transfer functions of the replaced blocks are now elements of the transfer function matrix and are displayed in the “Parameters” tab.
Block Finder
To find a particular (set of) block(s) in the whole model, the GMB contains a tool called the Block Finder. This tool can be accessed by either navigating through the View menu or by clicking on the icon on the main Toolbar.
Block Finder Window Search Criteria and Buttons
Block Name Criterion – Block Name to find.
Description Criterion – Block Description to find.
SubSystem Criterion – SubSystem containing the block to find. This is a drop-down list field including the sub-systems in the model.
Block Type Criterion – Type of the Block to find. It is a drop-down list field including All, Manipulated Inputs, Disturbance Inputs, Outputs and Transfer Functions.
Refresh Button Refresh the list of the block satisfying the search criteria in the different fields.
Cancel Button Close the Block Finder window.
NOTE: In the search criteria fields, unknown letters are represented by the standard asterisk “*”.