
2015-10-30  本文已影响0人  缘下杂音

Using the Transform tool Command-drag the corners to fit one of the rectangles we want to texture.


Then set the layer to Overlay blending mode and use a mask to round off the corners. The opacity can depend on the distance to the camera, meaning that the images in the background can be a little transparent to give the feeling of depth.



After you do this with all the other images you should end up with something pretty nice. Anyway, it is time consuming so I’ll jump straight to the end result.


Step 6 – Translucent Interface

步骤 6 - 添加半透明界面

I started by creating these fairly simple shapes in Illustrator. They will act as textures for the interface pieces.


Copy the bottom left shape into Photoshop and place it into position.



Set it to Multiply with 35% Opacity and apply the following layer styles.


Use the same settings and the Illustrator paths we first created to add the next shapes.


Add some texture using the other shapes. They should be white set to Soft Light blending mode at 100% Opacity. Place them using the Transform Tool (Command + T) and fit them to the interface pieces.

用其他形状添加一些肌理。这些形状应被填充为白色,其混合模式应为柔光,不透明度为100% 。用变形工具(COMMAND+T)将它们放置在合适的位置,并修整它们以适合界面。


And now FINALLY the last step. Create a new layer, load the interface selection, and with a 20% Opacity, soft, white brush paint some highlights just as we did with the rectangles.


THAT’S IT! Just zoom-out turn on the visibility of all layers and enjoy!


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