

2015-03-01  本文已影响700人  s2dongman申悦

本文来源于一本书《Mobile Design Book》,是在浏览每日新产品时发现的,当在其网站注册了邮箱后,就会每2天发送1个课程邮件,内容摘抄自书中的章节。在此特意进行整理和翻译,留存学习。


What could a dating app possibly know about filing out form?


Forms -OKCupid is a free online dating app. It offers opportunities for friendship and networking in addition to dating.


When filling out a dating profile there is a lot of information you usually have to input about yourself. OKCupid makes this a little easier for you. Under your profile details page you have the typical fields like how tall are you, what’s your religion and if you like dogs, cats or both. We all know that forms are taboo; they are the black sheep of the internet. However, there are some things you can do to make filling them out easier. The more effortless a form is to fill out the higher success rate of it being completed.


In OKCupid’s case, all of their fields are actually select fields making filling it out much easier for you. The app requires you to pick an answer out of pre-made choices rather than think of one. This takes the cognitive load off from the user, making the form filling easier. The form in itself is aesthetic through its minimal design; it uses subtle shades of gray, good typography and makes good use of whitespace and iconography. The form has it’s own design compared to using the default iOS form design.、


Because the form looks good, it’s more inviting for users to fill out. The consistent UI makes this long form coherent; the visual design doesn’t overwhelm. There is a simple and light icon by every field to indicate it’s editable. When you haven’t picked an answer there is just a dash to let you know an answer is missing; it’s a great way to show it. All of the text is thin weight making the text easy to handle as well. It’s a long form, but an easy one to digest.


Take away:Forms are tedious for anyone to fill out; make it easier for the user by giving your forms a clean style.


Do you think the experience of a form should be something to take into an account when designing an app? How important could it possibly be?



