英文学习-Pups save a Goodway
2019-08-07 本文已影响10人
Pups save a Goodway
This was a big day - a great-great-great-great-granpa grover day! Mayor Goodway’s whole family would come the city hall to celebrate it. All pups went to help her for decoration. She had sent the Grandpa Grover’s statue to clean.The captain Turbot has helped her to deliver back. Unfortunately, he met a baby whale straight ahead on the way, the statue falled into the sea. He had to call paw patrol. Ryder used the sonaer to search the location of the statue. Ryder brought Zuma to sucba dive to find the statue, and use Skye’s cable to attach the statue. However, a baby whale showed in there again, the Statue had fallen into deeper. The cable wasn't enough to catch it. Ryder got an idea that used the gallon to lift it to the surface. Rocky finally found it and delivered to the beach. Ryder and Zuma dived again, and they made it. However, it worked too well. The statute flyed away. Skye had to catch it and back to the city hall. Finally, the statue showed the city hall on the time. Everyone were happied to celebrate the big great grandpa Grover day.

文末跟大家分享一点题外话,每次看到Ryder call pups to lookout。就觉得很官僚,现在科技如此发达,为什么一定要回到lookout去分配任务呢?小伙伴有什么看法呢?