China's civil service exam:Can you answer these questions?
分析的文章来自于China Daily, 网址:http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201712/10/WS5a2c86aea310eefe3e9a137d.html
今天天气寒冷,所以采用问答的方式记忆单词。Lucy查找材料的时候发现China Daily 的小编去年的文章和今年的文章几乎一样,连图片都没有换,不过也是,公务员考试这些年也一直换汤不换药。
1. 公务员考试咋说?
从英文原文看,应该是“civil service exam”, “civil”意为“公民的”,无需赘言,并,喜欢“service"这个英文单词,把为人民服务的宗旨都翻译出来了。例文:China's civil service exam:Can you answer these questions?
2. 参加考试的人咋说?
从英文原文看,应该是“candidate”, 意为“候选人、应试者”等,特朗普曾经就是总统候选人,用得也是这个词。例文:Chinese examinees walk towards an exam site to attend the 2015 China national civil service examination in Nanjing city, East China's Jiangsu province, Nov 30, 2014.
3. “铁饭碗”怎么表达?
从英文原文看,应该是“iron rice bowl”, 英文编辑挺周全的,直译加解释,让句子的含义表达的淋漓尽致。例文:It attracts a large number of candidates each year because government jobs, dubbed "iron rice bowls", mean guaranteed job security, steady income and benefits. 另外补充一点,“dub”意为“授予称号”。
4. “考试紧张”咋表达?
先上原句:If you think your high school exam was nerve-wracking, then this would make you sweat from every part of your body. “wrack” 意为“毁灭、崩溃”,“nerve-wracking”是很地道的说法,意为“超级费脑的”。“sweat from every part of your body” 不再赘言。
5. “国考”就是“Guokao”。
今天还有另外一则只有图没有字的新闻,“Infographic(information+graphic): What you need to know about Guokao”。
1. 有资格咋说?岗位空缺咋说?
1.66 millionpeople areeligibleto sit the test this year while28,000+ job vacaniesare available, which means only1/58of the candidates will get a job.
2. 笔试(written tests)包括啥?
从英文原文看,应该是“aptitude test” (行政职业能力测试) 和 “essay on policy” (申论)。原文中也做出了进一步解释:The aptitude test includes language, math, logic, data analysis, and general knowledge covering politics, law, culture, etc./ The essay includes topics covering social issues, civil disputes (民事纠纷),etc.