Functional Python Programming -

2017-05-05  本文已影响0人  ChunYu_Wang

Learning notes on Functional Python Programming

Functional programming and Imperative programming

# example Procedural
for idx in range(0,11):
    if idx % 3 == 0 or count % 5 == 0:
        count += 1

# example OO
for idx in range(0,11):
    if idx % 3 == 0 or count % 5 == 0:

# Another OO example: a class with a method sum
class sum_list(list):
    def sum(self):
        s = 0
        for v in self.__iter__():
            s += v
        return s
# A resursive sum function
def sum(sequence):
    if len(sequence) == 0:
        return 0
    return sequence[0]+sum(sequence[1:])
sum([x for x in range(1,11)]);

In the last case, the sum function is being transformed into a "divide-calc-merge" function, first divide the funtion into parts, where all parts follow a same pattern then calc it by recursion, at last merge the result at the final dest., it is a great idea to apply the resursive here.

# An impletation of function until
def until(n, filter_func, v):
    # End subject, until the bound
    if v == n:
        return []
    # If v can satisfy the selection function, then return v and check next
    if filter_func(v):
        return [v]  + until (n, filter_func, v+1)
    # If v cannot satisfy the selection function, then check next
        return until(n, filter_func, v+1)

In functional programming, it is all based on the lambda calc in math, a new keyword lambda is used to expand the area of original python.

# This usage seems like to check whether the x is belongs to a set
mult_3_5 = lambda x: x%3 == 0 or x%5 == 0
print (mult_3_5(2), mult_3_5(3))
False True
# Combine the new lambda calc with the until() function, the result is just like find the join set of the set 'lambda' and the original full set
until(11, mult_3_5, 0)
[0, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10]

Python also supports the hybrid solution to include FP into procedural programming:

print([x for x in range(0,11) if x % 3 == 0 or x %5 == 0])
[0, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10]

The last form uses Nested Generated Expressions to iterate through the collection of the vars and select the taret ones

# In python the simple orderized sum seems won't be avoided by order
import timeit
print(timeit.timeit("((([]+[1])+[2])+[3])+[4]"), timeit.timeit("[]+([1]+([2]+([3]+[4])))"))
0.3882635319896508 0.39000111201312393

Using FP flavour python to calc sqrt()

Use FP method it is very easy to generate math results

# Newton method to approach sqrt(2)
# It is also a mathematical method, convert f(x) into the lambda calc result based on x
n = 2;
def next_(n, x):
    return (x+n/x)/2
f = lambda x: next_(n, x)

a = 1.0
[round(x ,4) for x in [a, f(a), f(f(a)), f(f(f(a)))]]
[1.0, 1.5, 1.4167, 1.4142]
# A simple repeat for function f with init var a
def repeat(f, a):
    yield a
    for v in repeat(f, f(a)):
        yield v

Python is not a pure FP lanuage and the current computer arches are not LISP machines, python uses recursive method to represent the yielding of the infinite list, then we must select a iterator as the generator of the values:

# General form
# for y in some_iter: yield y;
def within(eps, iterable):
    # Check whether is satisfy the end subject or just try to iter into next
    def head_tail(eps, a, iterable):
        b = next(iterable)
        if abs(a-b) <= eps:
            return b
        return head_tail(eps, b, iterable)
    return head_tail(eps, next(iterable), iterable)
# Full sqrt function in FP:
def sqrt(a, eps, n):
    return within(eps, repeat(lambda x: next_(n, x), a))

tgt=sqrt(1.0, 0.000001, 2)


This FP flavour calc of sqrt() consists of following steps:

# Framework of this method:
# divide-calc-merge

def next_(n, x):
    return (x+n/x)/2
f = lambda x: next_(n, x)

#-calc(multi times, generate f_n(a))
def repeat(f, a):
    yield a
    for v in repeat(f, f(a)):
        yield v

def within(eps, iterable):
    # Check whether is satisfy the end subject or just try to iter into next
    def head_tail(eps, a, iterable):
        b = next(iterable)
        if abs(a-b) <= eps:
            return b
        return head_tail(eps, b, iterable)
    return head_tail(eps, next(iterable), iterable)

def sqrt(a, eps, n):
    return within(eps, repeat(lambda x: next_(n, x), a))

tgt=sqrt(1.0, 0.000001, 2)
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