Functional Python Programming -
Learning notes on Functional Python Programming
- Book: Functional Python Programming
- Chapter: Introducing Functional Programming
Functional programming and Imperative programming
python is an imperative programming language, which indicates which indicates the state of computation is reflected by the variables in various namespaces.
- Like concept of "Everything is a file" in UNIX world, for imperative languages "Every state is a snapshot of variables"
- Like the pipeline/redirection/filter concepts in UNIX, the program will always focus on states of variables, the program is nothing more then a pipeline connected filter(algorithm) collections, which may try to redirect the input data to the target output data
python also holds some functional programming features
- In functional programming, the states of variables were being replaced by function evaluations, each evaluation will create a new object from the current object
- As the program is a collection of functions, it is very similar to the solving procedures in Math, we can make easy functions, then regroup them by iteration or recusion to achieve complex functions
Comparison among different models in imperative programming: Procedural and OO
- Procedural: procudural model will treate the data as a stream, everything will be built around the stream, the state of the program is defined by variables
- OO: The state of the program is also determined by variables
# example Procedural
for idx in range(0,11):
if idx % 3 == 0 or count % 5 == 0:
count += 1
# example OO
for idx in range(0,11):
if idx % 3 == 0 or count % 5 == 0:
# Another OO example: a class with a method sum
class sum_list(list):
def sum(self):
s = 0
for v in self.__iter__():
s += v
return s
- Functional Paradigm
- To calc the sum of the multiples of 3 and 5 can be defined in two parts:
- The sum of a sequence of numbers
- The number for sum must pass a simple test to be selected
- To calc the sum of the multiples of 3 and 5 can be defined in two parts:
# A resursive sum function
def sum(sequence):
if len(sequence) == 0:
return 0
return sequence[0]+sum(sequence[1:])
sum([x for x in range(1,11)]);
In the last case, the sum function is being transformed into a "divide-calc-merge" function, first divide the funtion into parts, where all parts follow a same pattern then calc it by recursion, at last merge the result at the final dest., it is a great idea to apply the resursive here.
# An impletation of function until
def until(n, filter_func, v):
# End subject, until the bound
if v == n:
return []
# If v can satisfy the selection function, then return v and check next
if filter_func(v):
return [v] + until (n, filter_func, v+1)
# If v cannot satisfy the selection function, then check next
return until(n, filter_func, v+1)
In functional programming, it is all based on the lambda calc in math, a new keyword lambda is used to expand the area of original python.
# This usage seems like to check whether the x is belongs to a set
mult_3_5 = lambda x: x%3 == 0 or x%5 == 0
print (mult_3_5(2), mult_3_5(3))
False True
# Combine the new lambda calc with the until() function, the result is just like find the join set of the set 'lambda' and the original full set
until(11, mult_3_5, 0)
[0, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10]
Python also supports the hybrid solution to include FP into procedural programming:
print([x for x in range(0,11) if x % 3 == 0 or x %5 == 0])
[0, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10]
The last form uses Nested Generated Expressions to iterate through the collection of the vars and select the taret ones
# In python the simple orderized sum seems won't be avoided by order
import timeit
print(timeit.timeit("((([]+[1])+[2])+[3])+[4]"), timeit.timeit("[]+([1]+([2]+([3]+[4])))"))
0.3882635319896508 0.39000111201312393
Using FP flavour python to calc sqrt()
Use FP method it is very easy to generate math results
# Newton method to approach sqrt(2)
# It is also a mathematical method, convert f(x) into the lambda calc result based on x
n = 2;
def next_(n, x):
return (x+n/x)/2
f = lambda x: next_(n, x)
a = 1.0
[round(x ,4) for x in [a, f(a), f(f(a)), f(f(f(a)))]]
[1.0, 1.5, 1.4167, 1.4142]
# A simple repeat for function f with init var a
def repeat(f, a):
yield a
for v in repeat(f, f(a)):
yield v
Python is not a pure FP lanuage and the current computer arches are not LISP machines, python uses recursive method to represent the yielding of the infinite list, then we must select a iterator as the generator of the values:
# General form
# for y in some_iter: yield y;
def within(eps, iterable):
# Check whether is satisfy the end subject or just try to iter into next
def head_tail(eps, a, iterable):
b = next(iterable)
if abs(a-b) <= eps:
return b
return head_tail(eps, b, iterable)
return head_tail(eps, next(iterable), iterable)
# Full sqrt function in FP:
def sqrt(a, eps, n):
return within(eps, repeat(lambda x: next_(n, x), a))
tgt=sqrt(1.0, 0.000001, 2)
This FP flavour calc of sqrt() consists of following steps:
- Define the function model to use and the iterator function
- Define the end subject of the iteration
- Iter and check the result: whether ||f(iter)-f(next_iter)|| meets the end subject
# Framework of this method:
# divide-calc-merge
def next_(n, x):
return (x+n/x)/2
f = lambda x: next_(n, x)
#-calc(multi times, generate f_n(a))
def repeat(f, a):
yield a
for v in repeat(f, f(a)):
yield v
def within(eps, iterable):
# Check whether is satisfy the end subject or just try to iter into next
def head_tail(eps, a, iterable):
b = next(iterable)
if abs(a-b) <= eps:
return b
return head_tail(eps, b, iterable)
return head_tail(eps, next(iterable), iterable)
def sqrt(a, eps, n):
return within(eps, repeat(lambda x: next_(n, x), a))
tgt=sqrt(1.0, 0.000001, 2)