

2019-06-09  本文已影响4人  f39cff225668

现在进行时:1、概念  表示正在进行的、发生的动作

                   2、在句子中常和时间状语now, look, listen.等连用。

                   3、句子的结构如下:  be (  are   am is)   +现在分词(do+ ing)

肯定句:be + doing

否定句:be not + doing

疑问句:Be + 主语 + doing?


肯定句:1. I am listening to the music now.

        2. The students are drawing pictures now.

        3. Listen! She is singing .

        4. Look! Mr Li is riding a bike.

否定句:1.I am not (I’m not)listening to the music now.

        2.The students are not(aren’t) drawing pictures now.


1. Listen! Is Amy singing?

Yes,she is.\No, she isn’t.

2. What are they doing?

They are (They’re) swimming.


  1. 在动词后直接加ing,如: go-going , wash-washing,fly—flying 

  2. 以不发音字母e结尾 , 去掉e再加ing,如 :drive—driving, ride—riding,skate-skating,make-making,have-having,write-writing,take-taking, dive-diving,dance-dancing,come-coming

  3.双写双写末尾字母,再加ing,如:swim- swimming,run—running,get—getting,put-putting,set-setting 


1.Mr Zheng                (read) a book now.

2. The rabbits                (jump) now.

3.. Look ! Tom and John                  (swim).

4. My brother                      (make) a kite in his room now.

5. Look! The bus                    (stop).

6. We                    (have) an English class now.

7. Listen! Someone is                  (come).

8. What are they doing?

They                      (catch) butterflies now.

9. What is he doing ?

He                      (do) an experiment now.

10. Are they collegting leaves ?

No,they’re not. They                  (collect) stamps now.

11. Look! He                    (dive) now.

12. Tom                ( watch ) TV in the dining room.

13. The doctors                    (get ) off the bus.

14. Come on. They                  ( leave ) now.

15. It                (eat) fish now.

16. My father                    (work) in the office now.

17. Where is your mother?

  She                  (answer) the phone.

18. The teachers                      (run) now.


