Week 2 笔译周训练营
It is great pleasure come to beautiful Davos. Despite a small town located on the Alps, Davos is a important window to know the world economy. People come here from all around the world to exchange ideas which can open their eyes. It is effective because low cost can get high yield.I think it can call” Schwab economics”.
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” These are the words used by the English writer Charles Dickens to describe the world after the Industrial Revolution.Today, We also live in a contradiction world. On the one hand, with the increasing material wealth, improving science and technology advance, the civilization development has reach a record level. On the other hand, as frequent regional crisis, terrorism, refugees as well as poverty, unemployment and widening gap income, the world would face more uncertainty.
If we want to solve the question, we should first figure out the source of the problem. somebody blame economy globalization for the chaos of the world. The economy globalization was once the treasure cave founds in Alibaba in the Arabian Nights,but today it is regarded as Pandora’s box if open up you can’t shut it again. International community has been in a popular debate about globalization issue.
Today, I hope to get started from economy globalization.
Third, we should keep pace with times to foster a governance model with just and resonable. It is said that"People with petty shrewdness attend to trivial matters, while people with vision attend to governance of institutions."The global economic governance highlights revolution, with increasing call from the international community. Only when adapting to the new demand of international economic archetecture, the global governance systerm can provide support for the global economy.
All of the nations are equal in the international community no matter how it is strong, big, or poverty. We should equally take part in the decision, enjoy rights and meet your obligations. We should give access to emerging market nations and developing nations.In 2010, International Moneytary Fund has put the portion revolution in operation,which should stay that way.We should maintain multilateralism with its authority and effectiveness. We should fulfill our promise and observe the rules for we have not to
第四,坚持公平包容,打造 平衡普惠的发展模式。“大道之行也,天下为公。”发展的目的是造福人民。要让发展更加平衡,让发展机会更加均等、发展成果人人共享,就要完善发展理念和模式,提升发展公平性、有效性、协同性。
Four,we should uphold to keep just and inclusive to foster a development of balance and inclusove.The old saying is:" A just cause should be pursued for common good."The aim to development is to benefit the people.We should keep more stable development and give more just development opportunities access to people.So we have to improve the development theory and model to make the development more fairness,effectiveness and synergy.
We should initiate frugallity and endeavor to value the achievement of all the people.We should work hard to solve the problem such as poverty ,unemployment and widening income gap.We should concerntrate on the vulnerable people to develop the social justive,We should protect the ecoenvironment to propel the coordinated development between economic ,society and environment to harmonise human,nature and society.We should put the 2030 sustainable development outlook of the Union in place to realise balanced development around the world.
It is said that Victory is ensured when people pool their strength; success is secured when people put their heads together.As long as we firmly established a theory of community of common shared life,and work togethere to overcome the difficulties that we can make the world better and people more happier.