

2018-07-14  本文已影响9人  徐丹的写作课

Visiting Wat Chedi Luang

Wat Chedi Luang is a famous temple in Chiang Mai, Thailand. By visiting there, we had a bit direct feeling of the Buddhist culture in Thailand.

1 The background of Wat Chedi Luang

King Saen Muang Ma began building the Phra Chedi Luang to enshrine the relics of his father at the end of the 14th century, but King Tilokarat completed it. The chedi used to be 90 meters high before it was partly destroyed in an earthquake in 1545; it was to remain the tallest structure in Chiang Mai for over 500 years. The present restored chedi is about 60 meters high.

During the visiting, I was curious aboutthe “dragon” statues in every entrance of the buildings. By checking online, these are Naga and Makara which are gods of snakes. The one that has sad emotions with mouth open is Makara. And the one that is as proud as a peacock and shows its teeth is Naga. These two aquatic gods are both from Vedic mythology and are ridden by Varuna. They are in charge of precipitation and are protectors of water force including rain, dew, rivers, lakes and oceans. Since Southeast Asia produces a lot of rice and water is the key point of rice growing, Naga and Makara gain much respect there. Also, they are the connection of invisible world and normal people in visible world. Due to the fact that they guide people to nirvana, the temples use them to protect the entrance stage.

2 Decorations inside and my feelings

The temple is very clean and tidy. The buildings are all beautiful. Since when we went into a main hall, we need to take off shoes, the feeling of the ground was a bit cold but not uncomfortable.The outside was hot, but the inside was quiet, luxuriously decorated and the clear breeze blew gently. I sat on the floor for a while because I saw many people doing that. I didn’t think anything, did some meditation and just enjoyed the environment.

I took some pictures in the main hall. The temples in Thailand don’t forbid taking photographs. But when we get into the halls, we can’t wear strapless clothes and the trousers or dresses must blow our knees. The pictures I took are as follow:

3 Thai Monks’ life

After our visit, I found some articles on the web that say in Wat Chedi Luang, tourists can talk with the monks in English and discuss topics that they care about. We didn’t encounter that sinc ewe went there on weekend, only on weekdays monks can chat with visitors.

But when we walked in Wat Chedi Luang, we could see lots of monks, mostly very young, around 10 to 20 years old. I didn’t dare to talk with them because I didn’t know if there was a taboo. By searching information, being a monk in Thailand has certain benefits. Due to the Buddhismis the national religion and cultural traditions, being a monk for a period of time is a must for men.

Actually, being a monk has many advantages. Especially for men whose families are not very rich, being a monk means getting education cheaply. If they want to get a higher degree or learn English, temples are best choices. Like the chatting activities arranged in Wat ChediLuang, the monks can have lots of opportunities to practice English and what’s more, they can feel the real world by seeing visitors worldwide. Buddhist culture is also spread during these activities, so it is a nice way of propaganda.

Monks don’t need to be monks forever. It is like to join the army, for example, working and obeying all kinds of rules. But they can get food and other daily necessities for free and can accept education. Most monks will return to normal life and get married. Only a few people who really love Buddhism will continue the study, accept tough exams and finally be initiated into monkhood.

No matter considering the Buddhism organization or the monks themselves, the regulations are terrific. We visitors must buy a ticket to see the temple, so the organization is very clever in economy. All in all, this ensures a stable and developing Buddhism system in Thailand.

My feelings are as above after experiencing Buddhism culture in Wat Chedi Luang.



1 柴迪隆寺的背景知识

兴建柴迪隆寺的国王名叫Saen Muang Ma,大概在14世纪末的时候开始的,(对应中国是明朝)寺内的主塔是为了珍藏他父亲的遗骨,但是直到Tilokarat这位国王的时候才修建完成。这座塔原来有90米高,但在1545年的地震中被损坏了,存留的部分大概60米高,仍然是500年来清迈的最高建筑(清迈不让盖超过这个高度的楼)。

在寺内参观的时候,我对每个殿门口左右两条“龙”一样的装饰很好奇,后来查了一下资料,这个是蛇神的雕塑,名字叫那伽或者玛卡拉。表情哀怨、撑著大嘴的是玛卡拉(Makara);神气活现、呲牙裂嘴的则是那伽(Naga)。两者都源自於在印度吠陀神话(Vedic mythology),是水生动物,也都是伐楼拿(Varuna)神的坐骑。他们掌管雨水,也是一切赋予生命的水能量的守护者,包括雨露、河流、湖泊以及海洋等都算是它们的管辖范围。东南亚盛产稻米,而水正是影响稻米生长最重要的因素之一。因此掌管水源的玛卡拉与那伽自然十分受到东南亚人的敬重。此外,那伽和玛卡拉还象征着有形世界中的凡人与无形世界之间的联系,指引了通往涅盘的道路。因此所有寺庙门口都由那伽和玛卡拉守护在阶梯两旁。

2 大殿内装潢和我的感觉



3 泰国僧人的生活








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