人工智能应用研究快讯 2021-11-04

2021-11-04  本文已影响0人  峰谷皆平
[PDF] Artificial intelligence in services: current trends, benefits and challenges

C Flavián, LV Casaló
ABSTACT:The automation of services taking advantage of the significant opportunities offered
by artificial intelligence and other Industry 4.0 technologies is receiving increasing
attention both from academics and practitioners. Interest in the subject has been...

On the Risks of Trusting Artificial Intelligence: The Case of Cybersecurity

M Taddeo
The 2020 Yearbook of the Digital Ethics Lab, 2021
ABSTACT:In this chapter, I draw on my previous work on trust and cybersecurity to offer a
definition of trust and trustworthiness to understand to what extent trusting AI for
cybersecurity tasks is justified and what measures can be put in place to rely on AI in...

Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Predictive Analytics on Customer Turnover: A User-Friendly Interface for Non-expert Users

J Souza, CK Leung
Explainable AI Within the Digital Transformation and..., 2021
ABSTACT:Nowadays, machine learning techniques have become critical for decision-making
mechanisms in numerous real-life applications in areas like healthcare, justice,
transportation, and finance. However, recommendations made by machine learning...

Toward a Framework for Teaching Artificial Intelligence to a Higher Education Audience

B Allen, AS McGough, M Devlin
ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE), 2021
ABSTACT:Artificial Intelligence and its sub-disciplines are becoming increasingly relevant in
numerous areas of academia as well as industry and can now be considered a core
area of Computer Science. The Higher Education sector are offering more courses in...

[PDF] Artificial intelligence and statistics for quality technology: an introduction to the special issue

BM Colosimo, E del Castillo, LA Jones-Farmer...
Journal of Quality..., 2021
ABSTACT:In many applied and industrial settings, the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for quality
technology is gaining growing attention. AI refers to the broad set of techniques
which replicate human cognitive and analytical skills for problem solving, including...

[HTML] Narrative Review: Proposing an End-to-End Framework using Wearable Sensors, Real-Time Location Systems and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Algorithms...

AA Phatak, FG Wieland, K Vempala, F Volkmar...
Sports Medicine-Open, 2021
ABSTACT:With the rising amount of data in the sports and health sectors, a plethora of
applications using big data mining have become possible. Multiple frameworks have
been proposed to mine, store, preprocess, and analyze physiological vitals data...

[HTML] Wolbachia detection in Aedes aegypti using MALDI-TOF MS coupled to artificial intelligence

A Rakotonirina, C Caruzzo, V Ballan, M Kainiu...
Scientific Reports, 2021
ABSTACT:The mosquito Aedes aegypti is the major vector of arboviruses like dengue, Zika and
chikungunya viruses. Attempts to reduce arboviruses emergence focusing on Ae.
aegypti control has proven challenging due to the increase of insecticide resistances...

COVID-19 Diagnosis from Routine Blood Tests using Artificial Intelligence Techniques

SB Rikan, AS Azar, A Ghafari, JB Mohasefi, H Pirnejad
...Signal Processing and..., 2021
ABSTACT:Abstract Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a unique worldwide pandemic. With
new mutations of the virus with higher transmission rates, it is imperative to diagnose
positive cases as quickly and accurately as possible. Therefore, a fast, accurate, and...

[HTML] An artificial intelligence based-model for heat transfer modeling of 5G smart poles

A Khosravi, T Laukkanen, K Saari, V Vuorinen
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2021
ABSTACT:The LuxTurrim5G project is built on integrating different types of sensors and
equipment that have been integrated into light poles in order to build new data-
driven services. One additional service could be to harvest the waste heat produced...

[PDF] A Comprehensive Literature Review of Application of Artificial Intelligence in Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Disease Diagnosis

A Nawaz, AU Rehman, TM Ali, Z Hayat, A Rahim...
Applied Artificial Intelligence, 2021
ABSTACT:ABSTRACT Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI) is a noninvasive test to
analyze several medical ailments by using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to
detect the abnormalities in the active part of the brain and evaluate the minute...

Can artificial intelligence become an artist?

A Wojciechowski, K Korjonen-Kuusipuro
Human Technology, 2021
ABSTACT:Modern visionaries claim supernatural abilities to artificial intelligence. Artificial
intelligence has been attributed artistic skills, including those related to the visual
arts. Is artificial intelligence a creator, or maybe it is the creators of algorithms who...

Facial landmark detection using artificial intelligence techniques

C Zhongshan, F Xinning, A Manickam...
Annals of Operations..., 2021
ABSTACT:In facial landmark detection processing, facial images can be divided into subsets
containing faces in similar positions and facial properties in an uncontrolled way.
Existing facial detection methods for deep learning have been achieved outstanding...

Development of image recognition software based on artificial intelligence algorithm for the efficient sorting of apple fruit

M Yang, P Kumar, J Bhola, M Shabaz
International Journal of System Assurance..., 2021
ABSTACT:Manual sorting of fruits was considered as a significant challenging for agricultural
sector as it is a laborious task and may also lead to inconsistency in the
classification. In order to improve the apple sorting efficiency and realize the non...

Decision support or autonomous artificial intelligence? The case of wrong blood in tube errors

CJL Farrell
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM), 2021
ABSTACT:Objectives Artificial intelligence (AI) models are increasingly being developed for
clinical chemistry applications, however, it is not understood whether human
interaction with the models, which may occur once they are implemented, improves...

Classification of human skin cancer using Stokes-Mueller decomposition method and artificial intelligence models

TN Luu, QH Phan, TH Le
Optik, 2021
ABSTACT:A hybrid framework consisting of the Stokes-decomposition method and various
artificial intelligence (AI) models is proposed for classifying human melanoma and
nonmelanoma skin cancer samples. In the proposed approach, the Stokes-Mueller...

...elevation not associated with acute cardiac necrosis (LESTONNAC). A prospective registry for validation of a deep learning system assisted by artificial intelligence

M Martínez-Sellés, M Juárez, M Marina-Breysse...
Journal of Electrocardiology, 2021
ABSTACT:Background Patients with chest pain and persistent ST segment elevation (STE) may
not have acute coronary occlusions or serum troponin curves suggestive of acute
necrosis. Our objective is the validation and cost-effectiveness analysis of a...

On the Limits of Design: What Are the Conceptual Constraints on Designing Artificial Intelligence for Social Good?

J Mökander
The 2020 Yearbook of the Digital Ethics Lab, 2021
ABSTACT:Artificial intelligence (AI) can bring substantial benefits to society by helping to
reduce costs, increase efficiency and enable new solutions to complex problems.
Using Floridi's notion of how to design the \infosphere\ as a starting point, in this...

[HTML] English Translation Teaching Model of Flipped Classroom Based on the Fusion Algorithm of Network Communication and Artificial Intelligence

L Li
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2021
ABSTACT:With the advent of the information age and the rapid development of communication
technology, traditional teaching methods and methods can no longer meet people's
needs for education in the information age. This research mainly discusses the...

Principles of Explainable Artificial Intelligence

R Guidotti, A Monreale, D Pedreschi, F Giannotti
Explainable AI Within the Digital..., 2021
ABSTACT:The last decade has witnessed the rise of a black box society where obscure
classification models are adopted by Artificial Intelligence systems (AI). The lack of
explanations of how AI systems make decisions is a key ethical issue to their...

Artificial Intelligence and NDE Competencies

RS Fernandez, K Hayes, F Gayosso - 2021
ABSTACT:The history of human progress runs parallel with a constant pursuit of augmenting
and expanding innate human capacities. For centuries this quest has included the
aspiration of creating artificial intelligent assistants, either embodied in physical...

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