
2022-02-22  本文已影响0人  xiaoke_donkey


英文 中文
Orlando, 1995. 奥兰多1995年
Just as glamorous as it sounds. 跟听上去一样迷人
My dad moved our family there from D.C. 我爸把我们家从华盛顿搬去了那里
So he could open his own restaurant, 就为了可以开一家餐厅
but business wasn't going quite the way he planned... 但是生意并没有像他预估的那样
he planned to have customers, and he didn't. 他预估会有很多客人结果并没有
Moms was worried, too, about money 我妈也很担心主要是担心钱
and about fitting in with the neighborhood women. 以及如何融入邻居妇女的群体中
So, "Melrose Place" 所以《飞越情海》
is about prostitutes who are mad at each other. 就是一部关于相互憎恶的妓女的剧
Yes. 是的
The one person who never seemed to worry 唯一一个无忧无虑的人
was my younger brother Emery. 就是我弟弟埃莫瑞
He blended in like a chameleon. 他迅速融入了新环境
My favorite movie's "Gremlins." 我最爱的电影是《小魔怪》
And grandma and Evan were just hanging out, squishing bugs. 奶奶和埃文则是悠闲地玩玩打打虫子
And that's me, your boy Eddie Huang, 那是我主角埃迪·黄
still straight struggling to fit in at my new school. 依然在挣扎着融入新学校
Dude, are those nurse's shoes? 老兄你穿的是护士鞋吗
Yeah, they're your mom's. 是啊是你妈的鞋
My mom does happen to be a nurse, 我妈的确恰巧是个护士
and she helps sick people get better. 她是救死扶伤的白衣天使
Can't wait to tell everybody 我真是迫不及待告诉大家
the new Chinese kid wears nurse's shoes. 新来的中国小孩穿着护士鞋
Walter's not wearing Jordans, either! 沃特也没穿乔丹鞋啊
He doesn't need to... he's black. 他不需要穿他是黑人啊
That's like built-in Jordans. 那简直是天生的乔丹鞋
This school's ridiculous. 这学校真是太荒谬了
They were jerks, but remember, 他们都是混蛋不过记住了
this was 1995, before the Internet. 当时是1995年互联网尚未普及
I couldn't just search "Asian kids who like hip-hop." 我无法在网上搜索"喜欢嘻哈的亚洲孩子"
I had to figure out a way to fit in 我必须想个办法来融入新环境
or be stuck eating lunch with the janitor and his kite. 否则只能永远就着大楼管理员和他的风筝吃午餐了
I'm just saying, don't call it a seasonal fruit salad 我想说的是如果里面只有瓜
if it's nothing but melons. 就别称之为时令水果沙拉啊
My famous tuna salad. 我的拿手好菜金枪鱼沙拉
Mac and cheese with bacon bits. 芝士通心粉加培根
Stinky tofu. 臭豆腐
That's exotic. 真具异域风情
How is this fuller than before? 怎么反而比刚刚的还多了
Aren't you gonna try some? 你们不尝尝吗
No. 不了
But I admire you for making it. 但我很欣赏你做这道菜
It's that enterprising spirit 正是这种魄力
that made Taiwan a world power in little league baseball. 让台湾在少年棒球联盟中十分厉害
I watched a documentary about China in college. 我上大学时看了部有关中国的纪录片
You guys, I am so excited for this year's block party. 各位我对今年的街区派对感到无比激动
I am so excited about our karaoke number. 我倒是对我们的卡拉OK曲目感到激动
What's the party for? 那个派对是用来庆祝什么的
The Daytona 500. 代托纳500赛事
What's the Daytona 500? 代托纳500是什么
We watch cars race around speedways 200 times, 我们观看赛车有200次了
stopping only for fuel or engine maintenance, 他们只会因加油或发动机维护而停下
and although the ultimate cup winner 虽然最终的获胜者
is decided by an elaborate points system, 是由详尽的计分系统计算出来的
individual race winners can still celebrate 但是每个单场获胜者依然可以通过
by getting a grandfather clock or drinking a glass of milk. 得到一个大摆钟或是喝一杯牛奶来庆祝
Caveat... drinking milk isn't specifically Nascar, 注意喝牛奶不是只有纳斯卡赛事才有
but auto racing in general. 一般的赛车活动都是有的
Do you have any aspirin? 你有阿司匹林吗
Hey, there, neighbor! 嘿你好啊邻居
Hello, neighbor. 你好啊邻居
- I'm Louis.- I'm Marvin. -我叫路易斯-我叫马文
- Hello. - This is Honey. -你好-这是哈妮
- Hello. - Hi! -你好-你好
We just got back from a month in the Keys. 我们刚在礁岛群待了一个月回来
Oh, that's wonderful 那真是太好了
you took your daughter on such a nice vacation! 你带你女儿去享受了一趟美好的假期
Your dad is a good man. 你爸可真是个大好人
Listen to him. 要听他的话哦
Stay in school. 在学校好好学习
She's my wife. 她是我妻子
Of course she's your wife. 她当然是你妻子了
She doesn't look like you at all. 她跟你长得一点都不像
《狂犬库丘》 改编自史蒂芬·金的小说
Oh, no. 不好
You're reading Stephen King.What's wrong? 你竟然在读史蒂芬·金的小说出什么事了
I have nothing in common with these neighborhood women. 我跟那些邻居女人们格格不入
I miss my friends back in D.C. 我想念华盛顿的那些朋友们了
We had such pleasant talks. 我们当年聊天是多么畅快
I guess I'm just lonely. 大概我是寂寞了吧
你知不知道我三岁的时候 他们把我的脚绑了(七)
You'll make new friends.It just take time. 你会交到新朋友的只是需要一段时间而已
And stop reading that book. 别再看那书了
Those stories always give you nightmares. 你总是会因这类故事做噩梦
You know what gives me nightmares? 你知道什么会让我做噩梦吗
Our bank account. 我们的银行账户
Stephen King should publish my checkbook. 史蒂芬·金应该出版一下我的支票簿
Mom, can I get the new Air Jordans? 妈能给我买双新乔丹鞋吗
- Wh...- Why not? -为...-为什么不行
They don't cost that much. 那鞋也不是很贵啊
My sneakers aren't fine. 我的运动鞋不能穿了
You never let me get anything! 你什么都不给我买
God! 天呐
I'm looking forward to when he wants a car. 我很期待等他想要车时是什么样的情形
And there's a point system, 她们提到什么计分系统
and then something happens with a clock, 然后又是钟什么的
and then the winner drinks milk. 并且获胜者可以喝牛奶
I love it. I love it. 我喜欢我喜欢
Okay, this block party is a great opportunity 听着街区派对是个大好机会
for us to network and promote the restaurant. 可以让我们打通人脉并宣传一下餐厅
- When is it? - I don't know. -什么时候办-我不知道
There's a party-planning meeting tonight. 今晚会召开派对筹备大会
I sent representatives. 我派了几个代表过去
Look, Alice, I don't want to sound like a broken record, 听着爱丽丝我也不想重复说个不停
but why not a petting zoo? 但为什么不能搞个抚爱动物园呢
We need to show people 我们需要让大家知道
that Cattleman's Ranch has great food, you know? 牧民的牧场餐厅有着美味的食物
We got to generate a buzz to bring in the customers. 我们必须制造点动静以吸引顾客
I'll get a meat smoker. We'll give out steak and ribs. 我去弄个烟熏机我们赠送一些牛排和肋排
No, are you crazy? 不行你是疯了吗
We cannot afford to just give away food! 我们可负担不起白送食物
The restaurant's not making any money. 餐厅一点钱都没赚到
We can barely pay our bills. 我们连账单都快付不起了
Jessica, it's important to project the image you want people to see. 杰西卡营造你希望别人看到的形象是很重要的
If you want to be successful, 如果你想成功
you have to project success. 就必须营造出成功的样子
That's what I needed to do. 那正是我需要做的
I wanted to change the way the kids at school saw me, 我想改变同学们对我的看法
so I turned to the one person 所以我向唯一一个
who could guide me through this... 可以指引我解决这事的人求助了
Ol' dirty bastard. 肮脏的老混蛋[ODB]
That's it... a hot girl was the ultimate status symbol. 没错一个性感的妹子是终极地位的象征
Even if I couldn't have Jordans, 即便我没有乔丹鞋
if I had a fine shorty on my arm... 如果有个美眉挽着我的手
wouldn't matter. 那也不重要了
Thanks, O.D.B.! 谢了ODB
Be right back! Taking out the trash! 马上回来丢一下垃圾
Eddie! 埃迪
That's very expensive! 那个很贵的
If you want to waste something, you waste water! 如果你非要浪费点什么就浪费水吧
Do not throw juice! 别把果汁白白泼掉
Mom, get out of my fantasy. 妈滚出我的幻想
Jessica, water doesn't project success. 杰西卡水可不能营造成功的形象
Capri Sun does. 果汁才可以哦
As does Cattleman's Ranch ribs... 牧民的牧场餐厅肋排也是哦
great pork at a fair price. 超美味的猪肉价格公道
Come on, fly girls. Try a rib. Tell a friend. 快来吧美女们尝块肋排帮忙宣传下
This is not free, okay? 这不是免费的明白吗
I am going to charge you all. 我会向你们收费的
Dad saw an opportunity 我爸发现一个
to promote our restaurant at the Nascar party. 在纳斯卡派对上推销我们家餐厅的机会
He just needed to figure out what the hell Nascar was first. 不过他得先搞清楚纳斯卡是什么东西
Hello. Uh, do you have any Nascar videos? 你好请问有纳斯卡赛事的碟片吗
Car or truck, cup series or busch, 小车卡车跑车布施车
short track or road race? 短道赛车还是公路赛车
I... 我...
Uh, which one is the milk? 哪一种是喝牛奶的
All right. Come on. 好吧跟我来
Come on. 来吧
Let's go walk past the adult section and try to see inside. 我们穿过成人区看看里面有什么
I thought those were the westerns. 我以为那些是西部片呢
Only the sexy ones. 是性感的西部片
They die and leave their wives their money. 他们去世了把财产都留给了妻子
"Dolores Claiborne." 《热泪伤痕》
Sometimes, they're driving home from their mistress's apartment, 有时他们从情妇家开车回家
and their brakes suddenly fail. 他们的刹车会突然失灵
An accident, Dolores... 一场意外事故德罗丽丝
can be an unhappy woman's best friend. 可以成为一个不幸福的女人最好的朋友
My husband doesn't like it when I watch Stephen King movies. 我老公不喜欢我看史蒂芬·金的电影



