美国密歇根州夫妻连生14个儿子 遗传基因咨询师称概率低于0.02
Michigan couple with 13 sons add another to the clan
美国密歇根州夫妻连生14个儿子 遗传基因咨询师称概率低于0.02%
The well-known Kent County couple with 13 sons has welcomed another baby into the family and -- you guessed it -- it's another son.
据美国《大急流报》(The Grand Rapids Press)网站4月18日的消息:密歇根州罗克福德市肯特县这对知名夫妻已生育了13个儿子,近日这个家庭又迎来了另一个婴儿--你猜对了--又是一个儿子。
Jay and Kateri Schwandt on Wednesday, April 18 announced the birth of a baby boy weighing 8 pounds, 4 ounces and 21 inches long.
4月18日,杰伊(Jay)和凯特瑞•施万特(Kateri Schwandt)宣布生下一个体重7.5斤(8磅4盎司)、体长53厘米(21英寸)的男婴。
The baby was born shortly before 6 p.m. and came early, five days before Kateri Schwandt's expected due date.
The Schwandt family, of Rockford, has been chronicled far and wide by media for their large family of boys. The oldest is 25 and the youngest is 2.
A genetics counselor earlier -- when they were expecting their 13th child -- calculated the chance of giving birth to 12 sons in a row at .02 percent.
Whatever the odds, Jay Schwandt is simply happy for a safe delivery for mom and baby.
He said they expect to work on choosing a name for the baby as soon as Wednesday evening.
他表示,夫妻双方希望尽快在周三晚上为这名婴儿起一个名字。(PICTURE SOURCE:Casey Sykes)