托福 写作

2018-10-23 TOEFL Writing 10天突破新托

2018-10-23  本文已影响0人  suntarliarzn

The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.
​                                                               ------Mark Twain

ambition cn.志向
company un.陪伴
antagonize vt.让...反感,敌视
antagonism toward/to un.对...反感
antagonist cn.反派
agony un. 极大地痛苦
The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. 胜者为王,败者为寇
fair-weather friend n.靠不住的朋友
affection for sth. *n.对...的好感
reassure/comfort sb. vt.安慰某人
reconcile vt.调解;和解
irritating/annoying adj.很烦人的
reserved adj. 内向的
reticent adj.含蓄的,不爱说话的
bring a person out of his/her shell 让某人放轻松、放开
self-deception n.自我欺骗
deception un.骗人
deceitful adj.骗人的
deceit un.有目的的欺骗
deceive sb. into doing sth. vt. 欺骗某人做某事
someone's eyes/ears deceive them 眼睛欺骗了
assertive/self-assured adj.自信的
assertive adj.果断的
assure sb./ensure that...sth.... vt.确认,肯定
articulate adj.口齿清楚的;意思明确的
egotistical/self-centered adj. 以自我为中心的
egotism un.自我为中心
vain adj.虚荣的,徒劳的
laid-back adj.轻松自如的;惬意的
congenial adj.和善的(人);宜人的(环境)
congeniality/geniality/amiability/affability un.和善,友好
prominent/outstanding adj. 杰出的
trivial adj.琐碎的
trivia un. 琐事

