2019-11-04 Rule No.7-9

2019-11-04  本文已影响0人  泥巴叔叔

这是 Food Rules 读书笔记的第 3 天,今天不到 30 分钟就完成了阅读和读书笔记,我觉得这跟作者这章的幽默手法(骗稿费嫌疑)有关,大家请看:

Keep it simple!

没有错!你看到的就是 Rule No.7 的全部内容了,是不是像作者说的一样,保持简单,说的就是如果这个东西包含的成分连一个第三方评定的人名字都叫不上,就别吃。按照这个规则来说,超市里面但凡带包装的东西,叫不上名字的成分太多啦,基本上基本上都没法吃。

Avoid food products that make health claims. 

第八条规则是,如果这东西说它对健康有好处,就别吃。正如作者说的,这规则听起来有点反直觉反人类啊,但是仔细想想,的确是有三分道理,因为从食药监局拿到“健康”这个标签,并且花钱宣传,这种情况之下,的确不是平凡的农夫家庭能够想到,并且愿意负担的东西。透过这个观点,我想起之前读过的一本书 Rework ,其中关于“市场推广”和“企业文化”也有类似的观点,比如大公司才有资金去做市场、品牌的推广,而像作者他们那样几个人的小公司,根本没有钱,做好自己该做的事情,做好产品就好了,他们建立了自己的网站,通过网站直接和客户建立连接。关于企业文化也是,一个企业的文化不是写在公司宣传手册里面的,而是通过这个公司每个人认可的价值观,通过大家共同的努力,年复一年做的事情,逐渐形成的,不是写在哪里的。

Of course it is easier said than done. The way of healthy diet itself is counterintuitive: human beings love sweetness naturally. For instance, Sichuan people love spicy food because of the damp climate caused by the basin structure geographically. Eating spicy food helps people dehumidify and thus a special eating habit and culture has been created as well. People in Sichuan always have hot pot or other spicy food that does harm to them, even if they're told not to do so by doctors. The question, seems to become a flavor and health balance problem. Everyone has a choice. 

This sounds counterintuitive, but consider: For a product to carry a health claim on its package, it must first have a package, so right off the bat it’s more likely to be a processed rather than a whole food.Then, only the big food manufacturers have the where-withal to secure FDA-approved health claims for their products and then trumpet them to the world.

right off the bat 马上;立刻

If something happens right off the bat, it happens immediately.


where-withal 必要手段、必要设备(尤指所需资金)

If you have the wherewithal for something, you have the means, especially the money, that you need for it.

这里这个词就用来替代 money ,这个钱让人想到了资本运作,对于大公司来说,很多事情真的是轻而易举,小公司却要头疼许久也解决不了。

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