【沟通】Crucial Conversations-Tools

2016-12-28  本文已影响0人  Alexandria300

Chapter 1. What's a crucial conversation?

1. Crucial conversation:

1) Opinions vary

2) Stakes are high

3) Emotions run strong

2. Typically how we handle crucial conversations

1) Avoid

2) Handle poorly

3) Handle well

3. Reasons handle poorly

1) Physical factors: Emotions don't prepare us to converse effectively when conversations turn to crucial.

2) Under pressure and multi-tasking

3) Stumped.  practice doesn't make perfect; perfect practice makes perfect.

4) Act in self-defending ways

4. Audacious claim

The key skill of effective leaders, teammates, parents, and loved ones is the capacity to skillfully address emotionally and politically risky issues.

Some benefits:

1) Kick-start career

2) Improve organization

Real problem never was in the process, system, or structure-it was in employee behavior. The key to real change lies not in implementing a new process, but in getting people to hold one another accountable to the process-regardless of level or position.

3) Improve relationship

4) Improve personal health

Chapter 2 

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