

2019-10-03  本文已影响0人  卫陈


How to Manage Your Career in the Age of Uncertainty

As industry distinctions become less clear, company life spans shorten, and the nature of competition continually shifts beneath our feet, it has become almost impossible to manage a fully predictable career.

We all understand that the lifetime contract between companies and employees expired decades ago. Today, we are faced with an ever-starker challenge: managing careers against the oxymoronic backdrop of permanent uncertainty.

life span: 生命周期

predictable career: 可预测的事业

Whitney Johnson, author of the book Disrupt Yourself: Putting the Power of Disruptive Innovation to Work has been studying the relationship between disruptions in industry and what it means to us as individuals for more than 20 years.

Johnson says that even as volatility has increased in recent years, professionals in some industries are affected more than others. If you are in, say, the business of making appliances — something that requires a lot of startup capital — you might feel more protected. If you’re in the professional services sector supporting that industry, you are far more exposed.

Whitney Johnson:写了一本新书,扰乱你的生活

But make no mistake: The forces of change will eventually find us all. So, what’s the upshot for individuals trying to thrive (and survive) amid all the upheaval of our digital world? In this week’s episode, Whitney Johnson focuses on theseThree Big Points:

forces of the change: 改变的力量

upshot: 终局

Upheaval :动荡


Be on the lookout for signs of volatility. It’s now a career-management mandate. It’s on you to see the change before it happens.

Look for opportunities to apply your talents elsewhere within your industry — this expands your network and your breadth of experience.

Never stop developing new skills. The world as it stands lasts but for a moment. You need to change with it, or you’ll find yourself out in the cold.

Be on the lookout for signs of volatility:天线万物皆变化,维变不变。所以要观察被动到来前的征兆,善观水者必先观其澜。观势

Look for opportunities to apply your talents elsewhere within your industry:寻找那些在产业内部能够让你才智能够发挥作用,延展

Never stop developing new skills. 要用不停止发展自己的新技能。创新

这篇文章的主旨我给大家概括了,要在变动的时代 安身立命,就是六个字 观势、延展、创新

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