2019-05-08  本文已影响0人  Wamg潇潇

Everybody's got a hand in this.人人都要分一杯羹; bring an extra set of hands.交帮手;

Let's make it 10:00.十点吧;    your boy got in a tussle.你儿子打架了。

precinct辖区;  smoke herb抽大麻;  free rein 自由经营; four grand四千块;

porterhouse steak上等牛排; the bit player客串演员; jerkin’ off 打飞机;I'm out.我走了。

bar-back服务员。 get personal 人身攻击; 

Maybe I'm just paranoid.也许是我多虑了;    can I get  a refill?我能再续一杯吗?

play second fiddle,演配角;   second set 2号片场; the Mob 纽约黑帮;lay a winning bet down on sth ,给sth下注;

on a carper ,有活儿; shmoog 蠢货;   throw a curveball出了个大难题; step away,置身事外;

a wall-off home run.一记再见全垒打;who tipped you to this. 说给你们说的;    be that as it may,即使如此;

two mags of film两卷胶片;    seductive slut 骚货;   a round-trip fare. 往返票;  doing outreach 扩大范围;

the people with Judson,消息传出去;   a busted-out joint.收费很好的酒吧;

no one else got your golden touch.没人有你这么大的能耐;   bust one's balls 为难某人;

that's the end of it; 就这样;put you out on the street,你也只有流落街头; 

A wise wine merchant never samples his own product.明智的酒商永远不品尝自己的产品。

comes to that既然这样;   subtext 弦外之音;     make my ears burn说我坏话;

be rolling in cash日进斗金;  full -length feature全长影片;  she's still got a few moves.她风韵犹存; 

part of the package卖点;   you're not messing around this time.你这次可是来真的了;

you even breath in my direction.你敢靠近我;ginzo 意大利人;  tough guy硬汉;

at the end of the day到头来;   John Hancock,亲笔签名;  got you遵命;

dropout辍学生;   female floater女性浮尸; 10-4收到;  zone squad to central ,分队呼叫总部。

M.E.法医。 advise on ETA汇报预计到达时间;   wrap my  head around something.理清一些事。

go for it,have at it。尽管去,尽情享受;   grow some eyes in the back of your head.背后长点眼;

backers 投资者,clear it with you跟你说清楚;   go to the table and negotiate,去谈判;

hand to God,我发誓;  best option最好的做法;  union delegate工会代表;

turn myself in。自首;  I'm not gonnna rabbit,我不会逃的;

I'd off-loaded her for free.我愿意免费把她送走;  be livin' those hours.一直忙里忙外;

Tonight is all abbout you,今晚你是主角; who'd you piss off,你惹到谁了;

claustrophobic 幽闭恐惧症;  catch up on赶进度;  

Everybody's got a hand in this.人人都要分一杯羹; bring an extra set of hands.交帮手;

Let's make it 10:00.十点吧;    your boy got in a tussle.你儿子打架了。

precinct辖区;  smoke herb抽大麻;  free rein 自由经营; four grand四千块;

porterhouse steak上等牛排; the bit player客串演员; jerkin’ off 打飞机;I'm out.我走了。

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