
抽丝剥茧—Go 哈希 Map 的鬼魅神功

2020-06-23  本文已影响0人  唯识相链2

map 的第二种声明方式通过 make 进行。make 的第二个参数中代表初始化创建 map 的长度。当 NUMBER 为空时,代表默认长度为 0.

var hash = make(map[T]T,NUMBER)

此种方式可以正常的对 map 进行访问与赋值 在 map 初始化时,还具有字面量形式初始化的方式。其在创建 map 时即在其中添加了元素。

var country = map[string]string{
    "China":  "Beijing",
    "Japan":  "Tokyo",
    "India":  "New Delhi",
    "France": "Paris",
    "Italy":  "Rome",

rating := map[string]float64{"c": 5, "Go": 4.5, "Python": 4.5, "C++": 3}

Map 的访问

map 可以进行两种形式的访问:

v  := hash[key]


v,ok := map[key]

当返回 2 个参数时,第 2 个参数代表当前 key 在 map 中是否存在。 不用惊讶于为什么同样的访问可以即返回一个值又返回两个值,这是在编译时做到的,后面会介绍。

Map 的赋值

map 的赋值语法相对简单

hash[key] = value

其代表将 value 与给 map1 哈希表中的 key 绑定在一起

Map 的删除

map 的删除需要用到 delete,其是 Go 语言中的关键字,用于进行 map 的删除操作,形如:


可以对相同的 key 进行多次的删除操作,而不会报错

关于 map 中的 key

很容易理解,如果 map 中的 key 都没有办法比较是否相同,那么就不能作为 map 的 key。 关于 Go 语言中的可比较性,直接阅读官方文档即可:https://golang.org/ref/spec#Comparison_operators 下面简单列出一些类型的可比较性


关于 map 并发冲突问题

Go 语言为什么不支持并发的读写,是一个频繁被提起的问题。我们可以在 Go 官方文档Frequently Asked Questions找到问题的答案(https://golang.org/doc/faq#atomic_maps



Map 在运行时

// A header for a Go map.
type hmap struct {
    count     int // # live cells == size of map.  Must be first (used by len() builtin)
    flags     uint8
    B         uint8  // log_2 of # of buckets (can hold up to loadFactor * 2^B items)
    noverflow uint16 // approximate number of overflow buckets; see incrnoverflow for details
    hash0     uint32 // hash seed

    buckets    unsafe.Pointer // array of 2^B Buckets. may be nil if count==0.
    oldbuckets unsafe.Pointer // previous bucket array of half the size, non-nil only when growing
    nevacuate  uintptr        // progress counter for evacuation (buckets less than this have been evacuated)

    extra *mapextra // optional fields


代表桶的bmap结构在运行时只列出了其首个字段: 即一个固定长度为 8 的数组。此字段顺序存储 key 的哈希值的前 8 位.

type bmap struct {
    tophash [bucketCnt]uint8

可能会有疑问,桶中存储的 key 和 value 值哪里去了? 这是因为 Map 在编译时即确定了 map 中 key,value,桶的大小。因此在运行时仅仅通过指针操作即可找到特定位置的元素。 桶本身在存储的 tophash 字段之后,会存储 key 数组以及 value 数组

type bmap struct {
    tophash [bucketCnt]uint8
    key   [bucketCnt]T
    value [bucketCnt]T


Go 语言选择将 key 与 value 分开存储而不是 key/value/key/value 的形式,是为了在字节对齐的时候能够压缩空间。

在进行hash[key]此类的的 Map 访问操作时,会首先找到桶的位置,如下为伪代码操作.

hash = hashfunc(key)
index = hash % array_size

接着遍历 tophash 数组,如果数组中找到了相同的 hash,那么就可以接着通过指针的寻址操作找到 key 与 value 值


= value赋值操作时,当指定桶中的数据超过了8个,并不会直接就新开辟一个新桶,而是会将数据放置到溢出桶中每个桶的最后还存储了overflow` 即溢出桶的指针

type mapextra struct {
    overflow    *[]*bmap
    oldoverflow *[]*bmap
    nextOverflow *bmap


当发生以下两种情况之一,map 会进行重建:


负载因子 = 哈希表中元素数量 / 桶的数量


map 的重建还存在第二种情况,即溢出桶的数量太多。这时只会新建和原来的 map 具有相同大小的桶。进行这样same size的重建为了是防止溢出桶的数量可能缓慢增长导致的内存泄露.


Map 深入

上一节用多张图片解释了 Map 的实现原理,本节会继续深入 Go 语言源码解释 Map 的具体实现细节。问题掌握得有多细致,理解得就有多透彻。

Map 深入: make 初始化

如果我们使用 make 关键字初始化 Map,在 typecheck1 类型检查阶段,节点 Node 的 op 操作变为OMAKEMAP,如果指定了 make map 的长度,则会将长度常量值类型转换为 TINT 类型.如果未指定长度,则长度为 0。nodintconst(0)

func typecheck1(n *Node, top int) (res *Node) {
        case TMAP:
            if i < len(args) {
                l = args[i]
                l = typecheck(l, ctxExpr)
                l = defaultlit(l, types.Types[TINT])
                if l.Type == nil {
                    n.Type = nil
                    return n
                if !checkmake(t, "size", l) {
                    n.Type = nil
                    return n
                n.Left = l
            } else {
                n.Left = nodintconst(0)
            n.Op = OMAKEMAP

if !checkmake(t, "size", l) {
        n.Type = nil
        return n

func checkmake(t *types.Type, arg string, n *Node) bool {
    if !n.Type.IsInteger() && n.Type.Etype != TIDEAL {
        yyerror("non-integer %s argument in make(%v) - %v", arg, t, n.Type)
        return false

func walkexpr(n *Node, init *Nodes) *Node {
           fnname := "makemap64"
            argtype := types.Types[TINT64]
            // Type checking guarantees that TIDEAL hint is positive and fits in an int.
            // See checkmake call in TMAP case of OMAKE case in OpSwitch in typecheck1 function.
            // The case of hint overflow when converting TUINT or TUINTPTR to TINT
            // will be handled by the negative range checks in makemap during runtime.
            if hint.Type.IsKind(TIDEAL) || maxintval[hint.Type.Etype].Cmp(maxintval[TUINT]) <= 0 {
                fnname = "makemap"
                argtype = types.Types[TINT]
            fn := syslook(fnname)
            fn = substArgTypes(fn, hmapType, t.Key(), t.Elem())
            n = mkcall1(fn, n.Type, init, typename(n.Type), conv(hint, argtype), h)

不管是 makemap64 还是 makemap,最后都调用了 makemap 函数

func makemap64(t *maptype, hint int64, h *hmap) *hmap {
    if int64(int(hint)) != hint {
        hint = 0
    return makemap(t, int(hint), h)

func makemap(t *maptype, hint int, h *hmap) *hmap {
    B := uint8(0)
    for overLoadFactor(hint, B) {
    h.B = B

    if h.B != 0 {
        var nextOverflow *bmap
        h.buckets, nextOverflow = makeBucketArray(t, h.B, nil)
        if nextOverflow != nil {
            h.extra = new(mapextra)
            h.extra.nextOverflow = nextOverflow

    return h

func makeBucketArray(t *maptype, b uint8, dirtyalloc unsafe.Pointer) (buckets unsafe.Pointer, nextOverflow *bmap) {
    if b >= 4 {
        nbuckets += bucketShift(b - 4)
        sz := t.bucket.size * nbuckets
        up := roundupsize(sz)
        if up != sz {
            nbuckets = up / t.bucket.size

    if dirtyalloc == nil {
        buckets = newarray(t.bucket, int(nbuckets))
    } else {
        buckets = dirtyalloc
        size := t.bucket.size * nbuckets
        if t.bucket.ptrdata != 0 {
            memclrHasPointers(buckets, size)
        } else {
            memclrNoHeapPointers(buckets, size)

    if base != nbuckets {
        nextOverflow = (*bmap)(add(buckets, base*uintptr(t.bucketsize)))
        last := (*bmap)(add(buckets, (nbuckets-1)*uintptr(t.bucketsize)))
        last.setoverflow(t, (*bmap)(buckets))
    return buckets, nextOverflow

Map 深入: 字面量初始化


func anylit(n *Node, var_ *Node, init *Nodes){
        if !t.IsMap() {
            Fatalf("anylit: not map")
            maplit(n, var_, init)


func maplit(n *Node, m *Node, init *Nodes) {
    a := nod(OMAKE, nil, nil)
    a.Esc = n.Esc
    a.List.Set2(typenod(n.Type), nodintconst(int64(n.List.Len())))
    if len(entries) > 25 {

entries := n.List.Slice()
if len(entries) > 25 {
    // loop adding structure elements to map
    // for i = 0; i < len(vstatk); i++ {
    //  map[vstatk[i]] = vstate[i]
    // }

for _, r := range entries {
    map[key] = value

Map 深入: map 访问

前面介绍过,对 map 的访问,具有两种形式。一种是返回单个值

v := hash[key]


v, ok := hash[key]

Go 语言没有函数重载的概念,决定返回一个值还是两个值很明显只能够在编译时完成。 对于 v:= rating["Go"]rating["Go"] 会在编译时解析为一个 node,其中左边 type 为 ONAME,存储名字:,右边 type 为 OLITERAL,存储"Go",节点的 op 为"OINDEXMAP" 根据hash[key] 位于赋值号的左边或右边,决定要执行访问还是赋值的操作。访问操作会在运行时调用运行 mapaccess1_XXX 函数,赋值操作会在运行时调用 mapassign_XXX 函数.

if n.IndexMapLValue() {
            // This m[k] expression is on the left-hand side of an assignment.
            fast := mapfast(t)
            if fast == mapslow {
                // standard version takes key by reference.
                // orderexpr made sure key is addressable.
                key = nod(OADDR, key, nil)
            n = mkcall1(mapfn(mapassign[fast], t), nil, init, typename(t), map_, key)
        } else {
            // m[k] is not the target of an assignment.
            fast := mapfast(t)
            if fast == mapslow {
                // standard version takes key by reference.
                // orderexpr made sure key is addressable.
                key = nod(OADDR, key, nil)

            if w := t.Elem().Width; w <= 1024 { // 1024 must match runtime/map.go:maxZero
                n = mkcall1(mapfn(mapaccess1[fast], t), types.NewPtr(t.Elem()), init, typename(t), map_, key)
            } else {
                z := zeroaddr(w)
                n = mkcall1(mapfn("mapaccess1_fat", t), types.NewPtr(t.Elem()), init, typename(t), map_, key, z)

func mapfast(t *types.Type) int {
    // Check runtime/map.go:maxElemSize before changing.
    if t.Elem().Width > 128 {
        return mapslow
    switch algtype(t.Key()) {
    case AMEM32:
        if !t.Key().HasHeapPointer() {
            return mapfast32
        if Widthptr == 4 {
            return mapfast32ptr
        Fatalf("small pointer %v", t.Key())
    case AMEM64:
        if !t.Key().HasHeapPointer() {
            return mapfast64
        if Widthptr == 8 {
            return mapfast64ptr
        // Two-word object, at least one of which is a pointer.
        // Use the slow path.
    case ASTRING:
        return mapfaststr
    return mapslow

func mkmapnames(base string, ptr string) mapnames {
    return mapnames{base, base + "_fast32", base + "_fast32" + ptr, base + "_fast64", base + "_fast64" + ptr, base + "_faststr"}

var mapaccess1 = mkmapnames("mapaccess1", "")

最终会在运行时会调用 mapaccess1_XXXX 的函数。

而对于v, ok := hash[key]类型的 map 访问则有所不同。在编译时的 op 操作为 OAS2MAPR.会将其转换为在运行时调用的 mapaccess2_XXXX 前缀的函数。其伪代码如下:

//   var,b = mapaccess2*(t, m, i)
//   v = *var

func mapaccess1(t *maptype, h *hmap, key unsafe.Pointer) unsafe.Pointer {
    alg := t.key.alg
    hash := alg.hash(key, uintptr(h.hash0))
    m := bucketMask(h.B)
    b := (*bmap)(add(h.buckets, (hash&m)*uintptr(t.bucketsize)))
    top := tophash(hash)
    for ; b != nil; b = b.overflow(t) {
        for i := uintptr(0); i < bucketCnt; i++ {
            if b.tophash[i] != top {
                if b.tophash[i] == emptyRest {
                    break bucketloop
            k := add(unsafe.Pointer(b), dataOffset+i*uintptr(t.keysize))
            if t.indirectkey() {
                k = *((*unsafe.Pointer)(k))
            if alg.equal(key, k) {
                e := add(unsafe.Pointer(b), dataOffset+bucketCnt*uintptr(t.keysize)+i*uintptr(t.elemsize))
                if t.indirectelem() {
                    e = *((*unsafe.Pointer)(e))
                return e
    return unsafe.Pointer(&zeroVal[0])

func mapaccess2(t *maptype, h *hmap, key unsafe.Pointer) (unsafe.Pointer, bool) {
    alg := t.key.alg
    hash := alg.hash(key, uintptr(h.hash0))
    m := bucketMask(h.B)
    b := (*bmap)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(h.buckets) + (hash&m)*uintptr(t.bucketsize)))
    top := tophash(hash)
    for ; b != nil; b = b.overflow(t) {
        for i := uintptr(0); i < bucketCnt; i++ {
            if b.tophash[i] != top {
                if b.tophash[i] == emptyRest {
                    break bucketloop
            k := add(unsafe.Pointer(b), dataOffset+i*uintptr(t.keysize))
            if t.indirectkey() {
                k = *((*unsafe.Pointer)(k))
            if alg.equal(key, k) {
                e := add(unsafe.Pointer(b), dataOffset+bucketCnt*uintptr(t.keysize)+i*uintptr(t.elemsize))
                if t.indirectelem() {
                    e = *((*unsafe.Pointer)(e))
                return e, true
    return unsafe.Pointer(&zeroVal[0]), false

Map 深入: 赋值操作

if h == nil {
    panic(plainError("assignment to entry in nil map"))

if h.flags&hashWriting != 0 {
    throw("concurrent map writes")

alg := t.key.alg
hash := alg.hash(key, uintptr(h.hash0))

h.flags ^= hashWriting

if h.buckets == nil {
    h.buckets = newobject(t.bucket) // newarray(t.bucket, 1)

bucket := hash & bucketMask(h.B)

if h.growing() {
    growWork(t, h, bucket)

b := (*bmap)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(h.buckets) + bucket*uintptr(t.bucketsize)))
top := tophash(hash)

for i := uintptr(0); i < bucketCnt; i++ {
            if b.tophash[i] != top {
                if isEmpty(b.tophash[i]) && inserti == nil {
                    inserti = &b.tophash[i]
                    insertk = add(unsafe.Pointer(b), dataOffset+i*uintptr(t.keysize))
                    elem = add(unsafe.Pointer(b), dataOffset+bucketCnt*uintptr(t.keysize)+i*uintptr(t.elemsize))
                if b.tophash[i] == emptyRest {
                    break bucketloop
            k := add(unsafe.Pointer(b), dataOffset+i*uintptr(t.keysize))
            if t.indirectkey() {
                k = *((*unsafe.Pointer)(k))
            if !alg.equal(key, k) {
            // already have a mapping for key. Update it.
            if t.needkeyupdate() {
                typedmemmove(t.key, k, key)
            elem = add(unsafe.Pointer(b), dataOffset+bucketCnt*uintptr(t.keysize)+i*uintptr(t.elemsize))
            goto done
        ovf := b.overflow(t)
        if ovf == nil {
        b = ovf

if isEmpty(b.tophash[i]) && inserti == nil {
    inserti = &b.tophash[i]
    insertk = add(unsafe.Pointer(b), dataOffset+i*uintptr(t.keysize))
    elem = add(unsafe.Pointer(b), dataOffset+bucketCnt*uintptr(t.keysize)+i*uintptr(t.elemsize))

if !h.growing() && (overLoadFactor(h.count+1, h.B) || tooManyOverflowBuckets(h.noverflow, h.B)) {
        hashGrow(t, h)
        goto again // Growing the table invalidates everything, so try again

if inserti == nil {
    // all current buckets are full, allocate a new one.
    newb := h.newoverflow(t, b)
    inserti = &newb.tophash[0]
    insertk = add(unsafe.Pointer(newb), dataOffset)
    elem = add(insertk, bucketCnt*uintptr(t.keysize))

 *hmap, key unsafe.Pointer) unsafe.Pointer {
    var inserti *uint8
    var insertk unsafe.Pointer
    var elem unsafe.Pointer
    for {

    // Did not find mapping for key. Allocate new cell & add entry.

    // If we hit the max load factor or we have too many overflow buckets,
    // and we're not already in the middle of growing, start growing.

    if inserti == nil {
        // all current buckets are full, allocate a new one.
        newb := h.newoverflow(t, b)
        inserti = &newb.tophash[0]
        insertk = add(unsafe.Pointer(newb), dataOffset)
        elem = add(insertk, bucketCnt*uintptr(t.keysize))

    // store new key/elem at insert position
    if t.indirectkey() {
        kmem := newobject(t.key)
        *(*unsafe.Pointer)(insertk) = kmem
        insertk = kmem
    if t.indirectelem() {
        vmem := newobject(t.elem)
        *(*unsafe.Pointer)(elem) = vmem
    typedmemmove(t.key, insertk, key)
    *inserti = top

    if h.flags&hashWriting == 0 {
        throw("concurrent map writes")
    h.flags &^= hashWriting
    if t.indirectelem() {
        elem = *((*unsafe.Pointer)(elem))
    return elem

Map 深入: Map 重建

当发生以下两种情况之一,map 会进行重建:

bigger := uint8(1)
if !overLoadFactor(h.count+1, h.B) {
    bigger = 0
    h.flags |= sameSizeGrow

if h.extra != nil && h.extra.overflow != nil {
    // Promote current overflow buckets to the old generation.
    if h.extra.oldoverflow != nil {
        throw("oldoverflow is not nil")
    h.extra.oldoverflow = h.extra.overflow
    h.extra.overflow = nil

func hashGrow(t *maptype, h *hmap) {
    // If we've hit the load factor, get bigger.
    // Otherwise, there are too many overflow buckets,
    // so keep the same number of buckets and "grow" laterally.
    bigger := uint8(1)
    if !overLoadFactor(h.count+1, h.B) {
        bigger = 0
        h.flags |= sameSizeGrow
    oldbuckets := h.buckets
    newbuckets, nextOverflow := makeBucketArray(t, h.B+bigger, nil)

    flags := h.flags &^ (iterator | oldIterator)
    if h.flags&iterator != 0 {
        flags |= oldIterator
    // commit the grow (atomic wrt gc)
    h.B += bigger
    h.flags = flags
    h.oldbuckets = oldbuckets
    h.buckets = newbuckets
    h.nevacuate = 0
    h.noverflow = 0

    if h.extra != nil && h.extra.overflow != nil {
        // Promote current overflow buckets to the old generation.
        if h.extra.oldoverflow != nil {
            throw("oldoverflow is not nil")
        h.extra.oldoverflow = h.extra.overflow
        h.extra.overflow = nil
    if nextOverflow != nil {
        if h.extra == nil {
            h.extra = new(mapextra)
        h.extra.nextOverflow = nextOverflow

    // the actual copying of the hash table data is done incrementally
    // by growWork() and evacuate().

bucket := hash & bucketMask(h.B)
if h.growing() {
    growWork(t, h, bucket)






newbit := h.noldbuckets()
if hash&newbit != 0 {
    useY = 1

func evacuate(t *maptype, h *hmap, oldbucket uintptr) {
    // Unlink the overflow buckets & clear key/elem to help GC.
        if h.flags&oldIterator == 0 && t.bucket.ptrdata != 0 {
            b := add(h.oldbuckets, oldbucket*uintptr(t.bucketsize))
            // Preserve b.tophash because the evacuation
            // state is maintained there.
            ptr := add(b, dataOffset)
            n := uintptr(t.bucketsize) - dataOffset
            memclrHasPointers(ptr, n)

    if oldbucket == h.nevacuate {
        advanceEvacuationMark(h, t, newbit)

Map 深入: delete

for {
    b.tophash[i] = emptyRest
    if i == 0 {
        if b == bOrig {
            break // beginning of initial bucket, we're done.
        // Find previous bucket, continue at its last entry.
        c := b
        for b = bOrig; b.overflow(t) != c; b = b.overflow(t) {
        i = bucketCnt - 1
    } else {
    if b.tophash[i] != emptyOne {

func mapdelete(t *maptype, h *hmap, key unsafe.Pointer) {
    alg := t.key.alg
    hash := alg.hash(key, uintptr(h.hash0))
    h.flags ^= hashWriting

    bucket := hash & bucketMask(h.B)
    if h.growing() {
        growWork(t, h, bucket)
    b := (*bmap)(add(h.buckets, bucket*uintptr(t.bucketsize)))
    bOrig := b
    top := tophash(hash)
    for ; b != nil; b = b.overflow(t) {
        for i := uintptr(0); i < bucketCnt; i++ {
            if b.tophash[i] != top {
                if b.tophash[i] == emptyRest {
                    break search
            k := add(unsafe.Pointer(b), dataOffset+i*uintptr(t.keysize))
            k2 := k
            if t.indirectkey() {
                k2 = *((*unsafe.Pointer)(k2))
            if !alg.equal(key, k2) {
                if t.indirectkey() {
                *(*unsafe.Pointer)(k) = nil
            } else if t.key.ptrdata != 0 {
                memclrHasPointers(k, t.key.size)
            e := add(unsafe.Pointer(b), dataOffset+bucketCnt*uintptr(t.keysize)+i*uintptr(t.elemsize))
            if t.indirectelem() {
                *(*unsafe.Pointer)(e) = nil
            } else if t.elem.ptrdata != 0 {
                memclrHasPointers(e, t.elem.size)
            } else {
                memclrNoHeapPointers(e, t.elem.size)
            b.tophash[i] = emptyOne
                if i == bucketCnt-1 {
                if b.overflow(t) != nil && b.overflow(t).tophash[0] != emptyRest {
                    goto notLast
            } else {
                if b.tophash[i+1] != emptyRest {
                    goto notLast
            for {
                b.tophash[i] = emptyRest
                if i == 0 {
                    if b == bOrig {
                        break // beginning of initial bucket, we're done.
                    c := b
                    for b = bOrig; b.overflow(t) != c; b = b.overflow(t) {
                    i = bucketCnt - 1
                } else {
                if b.tophash[i] != emptyOne {
            break search
    if h.flags&hashWriting == 0 {
        throw("concurrent map writes")
    h.flags &^= hashWriting


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