第三十四期 Reading Journal 07/02/201

2019-02-02  本文已影响0人  黄子腾HZT_0078748

Hi everyone,today I would like to introduce a book, which everyone has read over the holidays, Slumdog Millionaire by Vikas Swarup. I chose this book because my teacher forced me to but when I started reading it, I couldn’t stop because it was so interesting.I would like to talk about the cover of this book, the stories and questions and   what the book made me think about.

I’ll begin by talking about the cover of this book. The image on this cover shows Thomas sitting in the answer seat and he seems like he has just won something because there are shining ribbons everywhere. If we look at the title we can easily infer that he has just won at least 1000000 rupees.This clever design makes me want to find out: How he won the 1000000 rupees, it made me wondered about how come a Slumdog with no education can win 1000000 rupees but not anyone else? Then I open the book and read it through.

Haha,very interesting

Well, I’ve told you about these clues that hide in the cover. Now let’s move on to the content of this book.

There are twelve terrible stories behind twelve questions. For instance, the suicide of the famous actress Neelima Kumari and the profile picture on the 100 US dollars bill. If you want to find out more information and the whole story line,(you need to pay), just a joke,(I’ll give you a half prize), ha just another joke, find it yourself.

This book really makes me think about the fairness of society and the huge gap between rich people and poor people. Most people judge others by how rich they are or how beautiful they are.Which just not fair. We should be able to see the intrinsic heart of others not just the surface,but most people choose not to. A good friend should be able to consider friends or strangers and have a generous heart to accept everyone as your friend.No matter how weird they looks like.

All right,let’s end up shall we? This is a really nice book. The story line is full of writing skills and the cover is colourful and attractive. Read it, watch it, think about it and I believe you will love it.


