RNA 20. SCI 文章中单样本免疫浸润分析 (ssGSEA
ssgsea<-gsva(as.matrix(expMatrix), geneSets, method = "ssgsea",
min.sz = 10)
ssgsea[1:3, 1:2]
## TCGA-3L-AA1B-01A-11R-A37K-07 TCGA-4N-A93T-01A-11R-A37K-07
## Activated B cell 0.4251134 0.3742325
## Activated CD4 T cell 0.5324122 0.5193579
## Activated CD8 T cell 0.6129071 0.5807931
4. 结果展示
DEA.ssgsea <- TCGAanalyze_DEA(mat1 = ssgsea[, group[group$Group == "NT", ]$Sample],
mat2 = ssgsea[, group[group$Group == "TP", ]$Sample], metadata = FALSE, pipeline = "limma",
Cond1type = "NT", Cond2type = "TP", fdr.cut = 0.05, logFC.cut = 2, )
rowclin <- read.table("clinical.tsv", header = 1, check.names = F, sep = "\t")
clin <- data.frame(rowclin[, c(2, 4, 12, 16, 28)])
clin <- clin[!duplicated(clin$case_submitter_id), ]
## case_submitter_id age_at_index gender vital_status ajcc_pathologic_stage
## 1 TCGA-G4-6307 37 female Alive Stage IIIB
## 3 TCGA-AA-3522 67 male Alive Stage IIA
## 5 TCGA-AA-3530 80 male Alive Stage I
## 7 TCGA-AA-3511 64 male Alive Stage II
## 9 TCGA-AA-3842 51 male Alive Stage IIIA
## 11 TCGA-AA-3561 72 male Alive Stage IIA
colnames(ssgsea) = substr(colnames(ssgsea), 1, 12)
group$Sample = substr(group$Sample, 1, 12)
## Sample Group
## 1 TCGA-D5-6530 TP
## 2 TCGA-G4-6320 TP
## 3 TCGA-AD-6888 TP
## 4 TCGA-CK-6747 TP
## 5 TCGA-AA-3975 TP
## 6 TCGA-A6-6780 TP
clin_group = merge(group, clin, by.x = "Sample", by.y = "case_submitter_id")
## Sample Group age_at_index gender vital_status ajcc_pathologic_stage
## 1 TCGA-3L-AA1B TP 61 female Alive Stage I
## 2 TCGA-4N-A93T TP 67 male Alive Stage IIIB
## 3 TCGA-4T-AA8H TP 42 female Alive Stage IIA
## 4 TCGA-5M-AAT4 TP 74 male Dead Stage IV
## 5 TCGA-5M-AAT6 TP 40 female Dead Stage IV
## 6 TCGA-5M-AATE TP 76 male Alive Stage IIA
## NT TP
## 41 469
clin_group <- clin_group[!duplicated(clin_group$Sample), ]
ann_col <- clin_group[, 2:6]
rownames(ann_col) <- clin_group$Sample
# names(ann_col)=c('TNM Stage','Cluster')
## Group age_at_index gender vital_status ajcc_pathologic_stage
## TCGA-3L-AA1B TP 61 female Alive Stage I
## TCGA-4N-A93T TP 67 male Alive Stage IIIB
## TCGA-4T-AA8H TP 42 female Alive Stage IIA
## TCGA-5M-AAT4 TP 74 male Dead Stage IV
## TCGA-5M-AAT6 TP 40 female Dead Stage IV
## TCGA-5M-AATE TP 76 male Alive Stage IIA
show_colnames = F,
# 不展示行名
cluster_rows = T,
# 不对行聚类
cluster_cols = T,
# 不对列聚类
annotation_col = ann_col,
# 加注释
# cellwidth = 5,
#cellheight = 5,
# 设置单元格的宽度和高度
fontsize = 8
RNA 2. SCI文章中基于GEO的差异表达基因之 limma
RNA 3. SCI 文章中基于T CGA 差异表达基因之 DESeq
RNA 4. SCI 文章中基于TCGA 差异表达之 edgeR
RNA 6. 差异基因表达之-- 火山图 (volcano)
RNA 7. SCI 文章中的基因表达——主成分分析 (PCA)
RNA 8. SCI文章中差异基因表达--热图 (heatmap)
RNA 12. SCI 文章中肿瘤免疫浸润计算方法之 CIBERSORT
RNA 14. SCI 文章中差异表达基因之 蛋白互作网络 (PPI)
RNA 15. SCI 文章中的融合基因之 FusionGDB2
RNA 17. SCI 文章中的筛选 Hub 基因 (Hub genes)
RNA 19. SCI 文章中无监督聚类法 (ConsensusClusterPlus)
RNA 20. SCI 文章中单样本免疫浸润分析 (ssGSEA)
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Xiao B, Liu L, Li A, et al. Identification and Verification of Immune-Related Gene Prognostic Signature Based on ssGSEA for Osteosarcoma. Front Oncol. 2020;10:607622. Published 2020 Dec 15. doi:10.3389/fonc.2020.607622
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