老友记重聚特辑对白 中英文对照
2021-05-28 本文已影响0人
英文 | 中文 |
So I guess this is it. | 看来就到此为止了 |
Yeah. | 是啊 |
I guess so. | 看来是这样 |
Well, do you guys have to go to the new house right away | 你们得马上去新家吗? |
or do you have some time? | 有没有一点时间? |
We got some time. | 我们还有点时间 |
Okay, should we get some coffee? | 好,那要不要去喝咖啡? |
Sure. | 好啊 |
Where? | 哪里喝? |
Wow. Wow. | "17年后" |
I mean, this is beautiful. | 这真的太美了 |
It's beautiful. Look at that. | 太美了,你看看 |
Oh, man. | 天啊 |
So many... So many different episodes are like | 好多集的回忆涌现 |
you know, Lisa playing guitar up there, | 丽莎在这儿弹吉他 |
Jen and I, our first kiss, | 珍妮佛跟我的初吻 |
like, the pilot, opening the umbrella. | 还有试播集,雨伞突然打开 |
I mean, come on. | 你们倒是看看 |
Yeah. | |
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Where is everyone? | 其他人呢? 快点,我想见见他们 |
Come on, I want to see everyone. | 其他人呢? 快点,我想见见他们 |
Oh, my God. | 我的天啊 |
Oh! | |
That "Oh!" | -那声熟悉的惊呼 -我就重视这个 |
This is all I care about. | -那声熟悉的惊呼 -我就重视这个 |
- Hi. | - Hi. Hi. |
Oh, my God. | -你好 -你好,天啊 |
Hello. Oh, you smell good, too. | 你好啊,你味道真香 |
Yeah, so do you. | 你也是 你看看 |
Look at that. | 你看看 |
Wasn't there a decision to lose this? | -不是说这个不要吗? |
Yes, I thought this was gone. | -对,我以为不要了 |
This was here in the beginning, and... | 一开始有这根梁柱 |
- It kept, like... - Got in the way. | -但一直‥挡路,对 -挡我们的路 |
It got in the way. Yeah. | -很遗憾你被梁柱遮住 -现在也继续挡 |
Sorry, you got lost behind the beam. | -很遗憾你被梁柱遮住 |
As it's probably getting in the way now. | -现在也继续挡 |
- Well, I don't know. - Oh. | 是这样吗? |
- Sometimes it's a choice. - There we go. | -有时候是故意的 -像这样 |
- Ee, ee, ee. - How crazy is this? | 是不是很疯狂? |
I hear someone. | 我听到有人来了 |
I just started crying. | 我听到有人来了 我眼泪都出来了 |
Floosh! | 小丽许 珍珍 |
Joo! | 珍珍 |
It's amazing. | 真是太棒了 |
- Hi. - How are you? | -你好 -你好吗? |
Ooh. Holy crap. | 我的妈呀 |
Oh, weird. | 好奇怪的感觉 |
Alright, well, where's the tissue box? | 好,面纸盒在哪里? |
Uh-oh. | 好,面纸盒在哪里? |
- Oh! - Hey! | |
What are you guys doing here? | 你们怎么会在这里? |
Waiting for you. | 在等你啊 |
Oh, my God. How are you? | 我的天啊,你好吗? |
Oh, look at you. | -看看你,还有你 -大布蓝‥ |
- Look at you. - Hello. Big blue. | -看看你,还有你 -大布蓝‥ |
This is great. | 真是太棒了 |
This is too weird. | -好奇妙 -你们看这个 |
Look at this. | -好奇妙 -你们看这个 |
Remember when we all used to fit through that door? | 记得我们以前 全部一起过那扇门吗? |
- Oh. - I got chills. | -我起鸡皮疙瘩 -好奇妙 |
It's so weird. Walk that way, buddy. | 往那边走,朋友 |
Look at this. | 快看这个 |
Does Courteney still have her lines written on the table? | -克特妮写在桌上的台词还在吗 |
Do you know what the difference is? | -你们知道哪里不同吗? |
You know what's nuts? Oh, really? | 知道什么很夸张吗? 真的吗? |
I never knew she did that. And I saw it. | 我以前没发现,后来看到了 我问她这是什么 她说"管好你自己就好" |
I was like, "What is this?" She goes... | 我问她这是什么 |
"Mind your business," she said. | 她说"管好你自己就好" |
So before we shot that night, I erased it all. | 所以那天晚上开拍前 我把台词都擦掉了 |
- No. - And she got so mad at me. | -不会吧 |
Or had the script in the sink. | -她超不爽我 或把剧本放在洗手台 |
- That I do remember. - That I remember. | 我记得这个‥ |
There was always a script in the sink. | 洗手台里面总是有一份剧本 |
- I didn't know why. - That was Courteney's script. | -我都不知道原因 -那是克特妮的 |
Good for her. | 真佩服她 |
Oh, my God. | 真佩服她 我的天啊 |
- Really? - C.C.! | -是真的? |
- Did you cry too? - Yes. | -你也哭了吗,那就好 -对 |
Okay, good. | -你也哭了吗,那就好 -对 |
Of course I did. | 我一定会哭的啊 |
How are you? Ohh. | 你好吗? |
Wow. | -天啊,这布景 -我懂‥ |
I know. It's worse than you imagine. | -看看你 -你好,小丽许 |
- Look at you. - Oh, you do smell good, Court. | -看看你 -你好,小丽许 你好香,克特妮 |
- Hi. - Oh, my gosh. That's crazy. | -你好 -天啊,好夸张 |
- Do you remember that night? - What? | -你记得那天晚上吗? -什么? |
You had... I don't remember what episode it was. | 你有‥我忘记是哪一集 |
But you had this, like, big speech, | 但你有一大串台词 |
and you were struggling with it all week long, | 你辛苦练了一周 |
and you wrote it on the table, | 后来你把台词写在桌上 |
and then just... and I didn't know that that's what you did. | 然后我不知道是你写的 |
And I saw it and I asked you, | 我看到之后问你 你叫我管好自己就好 |
and you told me to mind my business. | 我看到之后问你 你叫我管好自己就好 |
So when you weren't looking, I erased it before we shot. | 所以我趁你不注意 在开拍前偷偷擦掉了 |
- That's so mean. - And you got so mad at me. | -你太坏了 -你对我超不爽 |
I didn't know you did that. | -我都不知道这件事 -你干吗擦掉? |
Why would you erase it? | 只是想整整你 |
Just to get you. | 只是想整整你 |
God, I had so many... | 天哪,我常把台词 |
so much of my dialogue within these apples. | 放在这些苹果里 |
- I didn't know. - Oh, sometimes, yeah. | -我都不知道 -有时候会 |
I have memory issues. | 我记忆力不太好 |
Matthew Perry's here. | 马修派瑞来了 |
Hello. | -你们好 -马修 |
- Hey, Matt. - Matty! | -小马 -丽许,你好 |
Looshy. Hi. | -小马 -丽许,你好 |
Could you be any later? | 你还真会迟到 |
- Hey. - How are you, brother? | 你好啊,兄弟 |
Hey. | 你好啊,兄弟 -你好 -你也到了 小马 |
- How are you, bud? - Good. | -你好吗,兄弟? -很好 |
Look at all of us. | -看看这一切,天啊 -很夸张 |
- Oh, my God. - This is crazy. | -看看这一切,天啊 -很夸张 |
Does it seem smaller to anyone else? | 你们不觉得变小了吗? |
From here to over there. | 从这里到那里 |
- Does not feel smaller. - No. | -没有变小的感觉 -没有 |
It feels the same to me. | -我觉得一样 -那面墙以前就是紫色的? |
And was it always purple, that wall? | -我觉得一样 -那面墙以前就是紫色的? |
- Yes. - Oh, my God. | -是啊 -我的天啊 对,你疯了 |
Yeah, you've gone crazy. | -是啊 -我的天啊 对,你疯了 |
I mean, this is incredible. | -太不可思议了 -对,的确 |
Yeah, it really is. The whole thing. | -全部都好神奇 -真的‥ |
Just really... | -全部都好神奇 -真的‥ |
Oh, the one thing missing... | 唯一缺少的东西 |
the original cookie jar is at Lisa Kudrow's house. | 以前那个饼干罐在丽莎库卓家 |
Did you take anything from the set besides... | 你们拿过布景的道具吗? |
I took a neon coffee mug. | 我拿了咖啡杯霓虹灯 |
I have the original ball from the foosball table. | 我把手足球台的球拿走了 |
You look at it and go, "What is that old, crappy..." | -你看着它说"这啥旧玩意儿" -应该整组搬走的 |
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Should have taken the whole table. | 我们把它砸烂了,记得吗? 最后的时候砸烂了 |
We smashed it, remember? | 我们把它砸烂了,记得吗? 最后的时候砸烂了 |
By the end, it got smashed. | 我们把它砸烂了,记得吗? 最后的时候砸烂了 |
- Oh, it did? - Then what's that? | -是喔? -那么那是什么? |
Well, that was before it got destroyed. | 那是被砸烂前的样子 |
We're going back a little further. | 我们现在回到更早之前 |
I need to watch this series. | 我真得看看这出电视剧 |
- It was good. - I have the original ball. | -很好看喔 -我把原本的球拿走了 |
- Yeah, yeah. - It had its moments. | -曾经盛极一时 -我也听说过 |
That's what I hear. ♪ So no one told you life was gonna be this way ♪ ♪ Your job's a joke, you're broke ♪ ♪ Your love life's DOA ♪ ♪ It's like you're always stuck in second gear ♪ ♪ When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month ♪ ♪ Or even your year, but ♪ ♪ I'll be there for you ♪ ♪ When the rain starts to pour ♪ | -曾经盛极一时 |
♪ I'll be there for you ♪ ♪ Like I've been there before ♪ ♪ I'll be there for you ♪ ♪ 'Cause you're there for me too ♪ | -我也听说过 |
Save it. Thank you. | 谢谢鼓掌,谢谢 |
You're very, very kind. | 你们真是热情 |
Okay, thank you so much for coming out to be here tonight. | "詹姆斯柯登" 非常感谢你们 今晚特地来这儿 |
Let's be honest, none of you had other plans. | 就老实说吧,你们也没事情好做 |
Have fun, pal. | -尽情享受 -好,我们上吧 |
Okay, here we go. | -兴奋吗? -好兴奋 |
- We excited? - We got this in the bag. - We excited? | -兴奋吗? -好兴奋 |
This is gonna be fun. | -一定会很有趣 |
...together on a stage for the first time in years. | -睽违数年首次齐聚一个舞台 |
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Jennifer Aniston, | 各位观众,请热烈欢迎 珍妮佛安妮斯顿 克特妮考克斯 |
Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, David Schwimmer, | 丽莎库卓,大卫史温默 |
Matthew Perry, and Matt LeBlanc, the cast of "Friends"! ♪ So no one told you life was gonna be this way ♪ ♪ Your job's a joke, you're broke ♪ ♪ Your love life's DOA ♪ ♪ It's like you're always stuck in second gear ♪ | 马修派瑞,麦特雷布蓝克 |
♪ When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month ♪ ♪ Or even your year, but ♪ ♪ I'll be there for you ♪ ♪ 'Cause you're there for me too ♪ | "六人行"的主演们 |
The cast of "Friends," everybody. | 欢迎"六人行"的主角,各位 |
Might need to squeeze up there. | 可能要挤一挤,请坐 |
Take a seat. | |
Look at this. Look at all of you. | 看看这一切,看看你们啊 |
Hello. | 你们好 |
Hello, James Corden. | 你好,詹姆斯柯登 |
I cannot tell you how incredible it is | 这感觉我无法言喻 |
to be here with all of you now. | 现在能跟你们 齐聚在此真不可思议 |
And we are... I should say we are shooting now | 而且我们在这座 |
in front of the iconic fountain | 经典的喷泉前录影 |
where you shot the opening credits. | 你们就是在这儿拍片头 |
It's beautiful and it's lovely. | 喷泉又美又壮观 |
It is, however, noisy... | 但是有点吵 |
- Yes. - ...and difficult... | -对 -而且有困难‥ |
difficult to conduct an interview. | 在这边进行访问有困难 |
So if you'll just wait, watch this. | 请你们稍等,看好了 |
Watch this for power. Wait there. | 看我大显身手,等等 |
Done. Okay. | 行了,好 |
That's superpowers. | -是超能力‥ -好了,我知道‥ |
- Alright. I know. I know. - Those are superpowers. | -是超能力‥ -好了,我知道‥ |
You still got it. | -你宝刀未老喔 -我知道 |
- I know. - Had we known | -你宝刀未老喔 -我知道 早知道当年就叫你来 |
all those years ago. | 早知道当年就叫你来 |
Now, how are we doing? | 首先,各位心情如何? |
This has been an emotional day for all of you. | 今天对各位而言 是感触良多的一天 |
How are you feeling to be together, | 现在六人齐聚一堂 |
the six of you right now? | 你们感觉如何? |
It's been so fantastic and exciting. | 这真的很棒又令人兴奋 |
And we've literally just sort of slipped right back | 我们马上就回到老样子 |
right... as we usually do. | 就跟平常一样 |
David, how have you found this time? | 大卫,你觉得今天如何? |
Really emotional. Really, really fun, actually. | 有许多感触,其实也非常有趣 |
I felt, after the initial shock | 一开始是齐聚一室的震惊之情 |
of just being in the same room together, | |
just I think we all just fell right into our same old... | 后来我们马上就回到‥ |
our same old kind of joking around like we're a family. | 互相开玩笑的老样子 |
- And so it really was... - Regressed. We regressed. | 我们就像家人,所以真的很‥ |
- We regressed, yeah. - Back to 20s. | -我们回春了,回到二十几岁 -回春了‥对 |
How much do you stay in touch? | 你们谁平常就有在联络? |
Yeah, no, we stay in touch for sure. | 我们当然都有在联络 |
- Maybe not every day. - Sure. | -虽然不是每天,但是‥ |
But, you know, we have such a bond | -是 |
from having done this show | 我们因为拍这部电视剧 而产生情感连结 |
and forged this very tight relationship | 建立起很坚固的友谊 |
that, you know, any time you text | 每次联络谁,对方一定会回应 |
or call someone, they're going to pick up. | |
- They'll be there. - Matthew, who doesn't pick up? | -他们一定都在 -马修,有谁不接电话? |
I don't hear from anyone. | 我没接到任何电话 |
Now, I'm going to give you some stats, okay? | 现在我来说说数据,好吗? |
So "Friends," you made 236 episodes of the show. | 老友们,你们拍摄了236集 |
It aired in over 220 territories. | 在逾220个地区播出 |
"Friends" was TV's number-one comedy for six straight seasons, | "六人行"连续六个季度 是电视喜剧收视冠军 |
averaging 25 million viewers a week. | 每周平均有2500万名观众 |
52 million people watched the finale. | 有5200万名观众收看最终回 |
The show has been watched over 100 billion times | 该剧在各平台上 |
across all platforms. | 观看次数总计逾一千亿 |
- And tonight... - That's a lot. | -而今晚‥ -好多次 |
- That's a lot. - ...is a real | -好庞大的数字 |
celebration of that. | -要来庆祝这样的成就 |
And the creators of the show are here tonight | 主创团队今晚也在场 |
sat in the audience. | 就坐在观众席里 |
Marta Kauffman, David Crane, Kevin Bright are just sat there. | 玛塔考夫曼 |
They created the show. | 大卫克雷恩与凯文布赖特 该剧主创人就坐在那儿 |
I'm the executive producer | 我是本剧执行制作人 |
and sometimes director of "Friends." | 有时候也是导演 |
My name is Kevin Bright. | 我叫凯文布赖特 "凯文布赖特" |
I'm co-creator, executive producer, | 我是共同创作者 执行制作人以及编剧 |
and writer Marta Kauffman. | 玛塔考夫曼 "玛塔考夫曼" |
I'm the co-creator and executive producer of "Friends." | 我是本剧共同创作者 与执行制作人 |
I'm David Crane. | 我叫大卫克雷恩 "大卫克雷恩" |
Marta and I spent our 20s living in New York. | 我跟玛塔二十几岁时住在纽约 |
We had a tight circle of friends. | 有一群感情紧密的朋友 |
There we were in our 20s in New York | 二十几岁的我们住在纽约 |
trying to make a living and find love. | 一边努力工作,一边寻找真爱 |
And we thought that could be a show. | 我们就想说 这可拍成一部电视剧 |
We drew on relatives of ours and friends of ours | 我们从亲朋好友身上汲取灵感 |
and names were... | 名字都是‥ 钱德就是以我朋友名字命名 |
We named Chandler after a friend of mine. | 我们确实从现实生活取材 |
I mean, we definitely pulled from our lives. | 我们确实从现实生活取材 |
We really were intrigued with the idea | 我们想打造出一出真正的群戏 |
of doing a true ensemble. | |
It's not like there's a lead and they have friends. | 而非一位主角与一群朋友 |
No, it's just about the friends. | 不是,重点就在于这群朋友 |
We're following all of their stories equally, | 每个人的故事都平等着墨 |
which we felt like we hadn't seen before. | 当时我们觉得没看过这种剧 |
The one-sentence pitch is it's about that time in your life | 一句话概述本剧就是 朋友即家人的那段岁月 |
when your friends are your family. | "24号棚" "第3街" "六人行摄影棚" |
- Want to see this area? - Yeah. | -要看看这区吗? |
I knew you were gonna do it. | -好 我就知道你会敲门 |
When did you knock? | 你何时敲门过了? |
Only in the reunion. | 这次重聚我才敲 |
Wow-ee. | |
Oh, the beam is back. | 梁柱回来了 |
Memories just flashed back | -回忆通通涌现 -对 |
of, like, jokes coming out of the bathroom. | -从浴室出来后说的玩笑话 -对‥ |
- I know, the bathroom. - "Oh, do not..." Just, like, stupid things that you would do. | "别进去喔" |
Oh. Did you go next door? | 就是你以前常做的蠢事 |
- I have not. - Come on. | 你去过隔壁了吗? -还没有 -走吧 |
What's back here? | 后面有什么? |
Look at the chairs. The chairs are here. | 你看,躺椅回来了 |
Ohh, yeah, oh, yeah. | 爽‥ |
These I think can be operated by just one person. | 这些应该一个人操作就行 |
But back then, we had three per camera. | 以前每架摄影机要三个人 |
It was a huge crew. | 工作团队很庞大 |
Four cameras, like, the choreography was incredible. | 有四架摄影机‥ 我们的走位很夸张 |
- | - Ohhh. |
Ohhh. Ohh. Ohh. | |
Do you remember the episode where | 记得有一集我们都没起身吗? |
we never got out of the chairs? | 记得 |
Yeah. | 记得 |
Pizza's on the way. | 披萨要送过来了 我就说不必起身吧? |
I told you we wouldn't have to get up. | 披萨要送过来了 我就说不必起身吧? |
But you remember the beginning of the week | 但那周的一开始,在修改剧本后 |
after the table draft, you came to me and you go, | 你跑来找我说"这也太蠢了" 我就说"对,就是这样才厉害" |
"It's so stupid." | 你跑来找我说"这也太蠢了" |
I was like, "Yeah, but that's the brilliance." | 我就说"对,就是这样才厉害" |
And you were like, "Maybe we can have fun with this." | 你说"也许我们会拍得很愉快" |
And then we had a blast. | 我们的确拍得很尽兴 |
What if we have to pee? | 万一要上厕所呢? |
I'll cancel the sodas. | 我请他们别送汽水 |
Oh, they're sitting in their chairs. | 他们坐在自己的躺椅上 |
No, they aren't. Are they really? | 不是吧,真的吗? |
Oh, Matty, it's good to see you, man. | -麦特,真高兴见到你 -这真是太棒了 |
This is great. | 史温默 记得你们玩丢球的那集吗? |
Schwimmer, the episode where you guys were throwing a ball | 史温默 记得你们玩丢球的那集吗? |
and the whole time, you couldn't drop the ball. | 你们一直不把球放下 |
I don't remember that. | 我不记得 |
- Let me ask the boys. - What kind of ball? | -我问问他们俩 -哪种球? |
It was like a Nerf ball. | 好像是一颗玩具球 |
Hey, guys. Hey, do you remember the one | 好像是一颗玩具球 -两位 |
where you guys were throwing a ball back and forth | -是 记得有一集你们在玩传接球吗? |
- and you couldn't drop the ball? - Couldn't drop the ball, yeah. | -死都不把球放下 -记得‥ |
- Yes. - So it was you two. | 所以是你们俩在玩? |
Everybody ended up getting in on it. | 所以是你们俩在玩? 大家最后都一起玩了 |
- Schwimmer was in on it. - No memory. | -史温默也是 -他不记得 |
You want to get something to eat? | 你要吃点东西吗? |
Or you want to see how long | 还是要看我们传接球能玩多久? |
we can throw this ball back and forth? | |
- The ball thing. - Yeah? | -玩传接球 -是吗? |
This is how old we are. This is what laptops were. | 我们年纪就是这么大 以前笔电长这样 |
No, I remember that. | 我记得 |
It's so heavy. | 我记得 这好重 |
Let's go look at the dressing rooms. | 我们去看看更衣室 |
- This is Jennifer's forever. - My room. | -这间永远是珍妮佛的 -我的更衣室 |
Those are my hardwood floors. | 这正是我的硬木地板 |
You guys ate lunch together every day. | 你们每天都一起吃午餐 |
- Yeah, we did. - First couple of years, | 对,没错 |
like, we ate every meal together. | 刚开始那几年 我们三餐都一起吃 |
That's right. | -没错 -就连周末也是 |
- Even on the weekend. - We watched every show together. | -连每集都一起看 |
We were inseparable, all of us. | -我们总是形影不离 |
Big center table here, and Enger would cook... | 这边有张大桌子 |
It all seems small to me, the whole stage. | -安格会下厨‥ -我现在觉得整个棚子都好小 |
No, that's impossible, though, | 但那是不可能的 |
because we haven't grown. | 我们身体又没变大 |
- Well, speak for yourself. - Shut up. | -那是你没有 -闭嘴 |
Let's talk about favorite episodes. | 我们来聊你们最爱哪一集 |
Everybody's got their favorite episodes. | 每个人都有最爱的 我很好奇你们的是哪集 |
I'm keen to know what are yours. | 我很喜欢感恩节那几集 |
I love the Thanksgiving ones, but I also... I loved | 我很喜欢感恩节那几集 |
when we traded... when we lost the apartment. | 但我也很爱我们输掉公寓的那集 |
The quiz, the embryos. | 胚胎那集的机智问答 |
完整版请点击 | |
Yeah, the one with the embryos. | -"胚胎的那集" -没错 |
Yeah, but that quiz was really fun and really devastating. | 机智问答很好玩 |
Yeah. | -也很令人烦乱 -对啊 |
I just can't believe that you think | 你们竟然以为 |
that you and Chandler know me and Rachel better | 自己对我跟瑞秋的了解 |
than we know you. | -胜过我们对你们的了解 -我们真这么认为 |
Well, we do. | 莫妮卡最受不了的小事 |
What is Monica's biggest pet peeve? | 莫妮卡最受不了的小事 |
- Animals dressed as humans. - That's correct. | -把动物装扮成人类 -没有错 |
What name appears on the address label? | 请问收件人的名字是谁? |
- It's Chandler Bing! - No! | -是钱德宾 -不是 |
Actually, it's "Miss Chanandler Bond." | 其实是钱南德勒邦小姐 |
If we win, they have to get rid of the rooster. | 我们赢的话 他们得把公鸡处理掉 |
- Ooh, that's interesting. - But if we win... | 有意思 但我们赢的话 你们要把公寓让给我们 |
we get your apartment. | 钱德宾的工作为何? |
What is Chandler Bing's job? | 钱德宾的工作为何? |
Oh, oh, he's a transponds... transponster! | 他是询答‥询答员 |
That's not even a word! | 根本没有这种职业 |
- No! - Oh, my God. | -不要 -天啊 |
- Yes! - Whoo! | 好耶 |
Okay, the test is ready. | 好,问答准备开始 |
Each team will answer a set of trivia questions, okay? | 每队都要回答一组冷知识题目 |
The categories are "Fears and Pet Peeves," | 类别分为恐惧跟怪癖 |
- "Ancient History"... - Oh, no! | -陈年往事 -糟糕 |
- ..."Literature"... - Uh-oh. | 文学,相关琐事 |
- ...and "It's All Relative." - Okay. | |
Now the coin toss to see who goes first. | 现在翻转硬币看谁先上 |
Okay. | 好 |
Okay, somebody call it this time. | -要有人先喊哪一面,再来 -抱歉 |
- Oh, sorry. - Okay, here we go. | 好 |
Okay. | 好 |
Heads. | 正面 是反面,男生队先上 |
Oh, it's tails, and the boys go first. | 是反面,男生队先上 |
Alright. Okay. | -没问题 |
Okay, here we go. Pick your category. | -好,开始 |
- Ancient History. - Alright. | -选一个类别,好 -陈年往事 |
"Rachel wrote Ross a letter and demanded he read it | 瑞秋写一封信给罗斯 |
before they got back together. | 并要求他在他们复合前看完 |
How many pages was that letter?" | 请问那封信有几页? |
18 pages. | -十八页 -可恶 |
Damn. | -十八页 -可恶 |
- 18 pages... - Front and back! | -十八页‥ -正反两面 |
Front and back is correct. | 正反两面,答对 |
Oh, my God, that's good. | 我的天啊,真厉害 |
- This is the letter. - Is that the letter? | -就是这封信‥ -就是这封? |
This is the letter. | 所以是谁得分? |
Who gets the points for that? | 所以是谁得分? -什么? -我啊 |
- What? - Me. | -什么? -我啊 好,女士们,选个类别 |
Okay, ladies, pick a category. | 好,女士们,选个类别 |
- It's All | - It's All Relative. |
- Alright. - Yes. | Relative. -相关琐事‥ -好 |
"Ladies, can you name this voice?" | 女士们,请说这是谁的声音 |
That's my monkey. | 那是我的猴子 |
Oh! Mr... Mr. Henkel. | 汉柯尔先生 |
- Mr. Winkel... Hinkel? - Hinkel. | -温柯尔先生,辛科尔? -辛科尔 |
- Wait. No, no, no. Really? - No? What's his name? | -不是‥是吗? -不是吗,他叫什么? |
Wait, wait. Do it one more time. | -等等,再一次 -再听一次 |
Can we hear it again? | -等等,再一次 -再听一次 |