Jan. 2018 樱桃专题之 Peppa Pig Indoor
小猪佩奇是很多小朋友的大爱,卡通片绘本贴纸文件积木样样都想要。不过这个月,我们来点不一样的。不是讲绘本,也不是看卡通,我们在家里 玩 游 戏!对!我们“投其所好”,设计了几个和小猪佩奇里面人物相关的小游戏,和宝宝们一起玩英语。So what are we waiting for!
游戏一:Give Peppa a Face 认识五官
我们可以画一个或者打印 Peppa 的模样,让小宝贝们自己贴 / 画五官。让宝宝说或指都可以。
Mommy is going to draw the eyes/nose/ears/mouth for Peppa. Which one would you want me to draw first? Would you like to draw her eye, her ears, her nose, or her mouth?
慢慢的,妈妈们可以让宝宝试试自己把五官贴上。 Baby, can you stick the eyes/nose/ears/mouth on Peppa’s face? Wow, look at you! Peppa now has two ears!
游戏二:Self Introduction “自我介绍”
宝宝们需要学自我介绍吗?当然!现在不学,上了幼儿园还得学。爸爸妈妈可以画出 Peppa pig 一家的模样,然后带着宝宝把片头的自我介绍玩起来。比较小的宝宝可以先学拟(鼻)声(鼾)词。已经会简单讲话的宝宝可以尝试引导他们说重点词。
I am (动动手上的人物引导宝宝说出名字).........Peppa Pig.
This is my little brother(动动手上的人物引导宝宝说出名字).........George. (鼻鼾声)
This is (动动手上的人物引导宝宝说出名字).........Mummy Pig. (鼻鼾声)
And this is(动动手上的人物引导宝宝说出名字).........Daddy Pig.(鼻鼾声)
游戏三:Build a Dino Park 建一座属于自己的恐龙乐园
First, we can use the toy basket/box as a volcano. Can you bring mommy the basket? And we flip it upside down like this. You have yourself a volcano.
And now, we can use your toy trees to make a jungle. Go plant your trees, wherever you want.
Lastly, we can use these building blocks to make a river and some grassland. What color do you want the river to be? Can you help?
Ta da. We have turned the bedroom into a dinosaur park. Now let's bring out your dinosaurs and play!