Key Notes of <
2018-09-08  本文已影响0人  遇见Sealand
Understand Strategic Thinking

What is Strategic thinking?

Strategic thinking: a way of looking at your work with a broader focus and longer time frame than usual.

To bring the most value to your dept. and org. , and advance your career, you need to be able to think strategically.

-Take a break from your Daily activities

从日常的繁忙中脱离出来,时常问自己: 我为什么要做这个? 怎么样才能做得更好? 我的工作是否帮助实现了公司的整体战略?

-Identify trends


-Challenge assumptions


-Look for signs of emerging Opps and challenges


-Use the insights u gain


Strategic thinking and Strategic planning

Strategic planning: design the roadmap that guide how people work through the company.

. Set priorities

. Allocate resources and

. Plan actions to achieve goals

Strategic thinking: Scan for new ways to contribute to the org. success. Apply insights when carrying out org. priorities and provide input.


Characteristics of Strategic thinkers

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就我自己而言,在proactive、curious、creative、flexible 方面还可以继续学习。

Proactive: Anticipate change and Look for opps.

Curious: Be interested in what is going on throughout the dept., org., industry and larger biz environment.

Creative: consider unorthodox

Flexible: Be able to adjust and modify the approaches.

Strategic thinking as a habit

Work not only in the business, but also on it.

in 和 on 一个字母只差,却形象的展示出了做事情的姿态和高度: 是仅在自己的一亩三分地做工,还在站在更高的角度去思考探索? 且看一图道破天机

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How to make Strategic thinking as a habit?

. Recognize it as a key aspect of your job
. Free up your time by delegating
. Put it on your calendar
. Capture your ideas and questions
. Meet with a partner to get more inputs

Stay tuned.....

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