Cannot set the value of read-only property 'outputFile' for object of type
One of the plugins you are using supports Java 8 language features. To try the support built into
- 去掉app下 build.gradle lambda plugin配置
//apply plugin: 'me.tatarka.retrolambda'- 根目录下build.gradle 去掉dependencies中的lambda依赖
classpath 'me.tatarka:gradle-retrolambda:3.6.0'
publishNonDefault is deprecated and has no effect anymore. All variants are now published.
defaultPublishConfig 'release',默认 library 只会生产 release 下的版本,此版本将会被所有项目使用,通过defaultPublishConfig可以控制默认生产哪个版本的库。
publishNonDefault true,默认情况下不能生产所有版本的 library,通过设置publishNonDefault为true,可以同时生产所有版本的 library, publishNonDefault已弃用,不再起作用,直接去掉即可
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Annotation processors must be explicitly declared now. The following dependencies on the compile classpath are found to contain annotation processor. Please add them to the annotationProcessor configuration.
compiler-4.11.0.jar (com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler:4.11.0)
Alternatively, set android.defaultConfig.javaCompileOptions.annotationProcessorOptions.includeCompileClasspath = true to continue with previous behavior. Note that this option is deprecated and will be removed in the future.
defaultConfig { javaCompileOptions { annotationProcessorOptions { >includeCompileClasspath = true } } }