【看美剧学英语】生活大爆炸721 无限可能周四之夜
You need to do something else. Get your mind off it. 你得做点别的事 转移下注意力
Penny劝SheldonAny chance that restaurant is near Griffith Park? 新餐厅会刚好坐落在G公园旁吗
Sheldon想戴帽子I can sit through the colonoscopy now. 我现在能平静看完结肠检查纪录片了
Howard说All right, let's get this over with. 好了 赶紧看完了事
Raj说Maybe I need a break from all of you. 或许我才应该摆脱你们 清静一会
Penny反击道What difference does it make? 有问题又如何
Howard觉得无所谓I do like that the ex-boyfriend's out of the picture. 不会有前男友纠缠问题 我倒是喜欢这一点
Raj认为这点也好How am I gonna make it up to him? 我怎么才能弥补过错呢
Amy为撒谎而内疚Since you're paying for dinner, I'll let that slide. 看在饭钱是你付的份上 我就不计较了
Penny说Let me get this straight. 我来理一下
Howard暂停播放以后说I'm still stuck at work. 我还在加班呢
Bernadette还在假装Penny ratted me out. Penny出卖了我
Bernadette说Everything will fall into place once you commit to her. 一旦你对她全心投入 一切都会走上正轨
灵媒表示You really struck a nerve. 你真是戳到他痛处了
Penny感慨Can I tell you something without you judging me? 我跟你说件事 你别戴有色眼镜看我好吗