

2018-08-28  本文已影响2人  Lochaiching



本文原文链接为https://busy.org/@iang/life-is-a-cabaret-or-how-to-split-and-merge-a-blockchain ,由本号“EOS技术爱好者”翻译。


Life is a Cabaret... Or how to split and merge a blockchain



作者:Ian Grigg



Imagine we have a perfect message and a perfect blockchain and a perfect musical?


Imagine our perfect blockchain has entered into the entertainment business and we're casting Liza and Michael and Helmut and all for the 7pm session of that And then along comes Crypt-XO, noted lover of theatrics, and asks, how does a message-based blockchain fork?

想象一下,我们趋于完善的区块链已经进入到了娱乐行业,我们正在挑选Liza、Michael 和Helmut,以及所有娱乐行业的人都参加7点的晚会,然后Crypt-XO(一位著名的戏剧爱好者)问,一个基于消息的区块链是如何分叉的?

That made me wonder @iang _fc how is a message based blockchain hard forked? Differences?

Because that’s a good question - how does one do that? - I spent a day thinking about this. And I drew up a plan. Even more challenging and interesting, I drew up the notion of merging two chains that had forked.



I mean, really - if a chain can fork, it can merge, right? “It stands to reason…” It happens all the time in the theatre business, I saw it in the movie.


 "The curtain is yours" says an injured Richard Burbage to an embattled Will Shakespeare.

So we know that theatres can merge. Splitting a currency is as easy as splitting a theatre it seems, as proven by those fine productions, Bitcoin on Broadway and Ethereum at the Albert Hall . Merging seems plausible, and while I was tussling with the precise meaning of how to merge a currency, it occurred to me that, no matter the song - "Money makes the world go round..." the world isn't just about money.


In the theatre production of Cabaret , tickets were of course sold-out months earlier.Now that our blockchain has forked, and the tickets are available twice, how does that work?


Do the seats fork as well? Do the actors sing and dance twice as fast?


The world is also about companies. So what about a DAC? In this case, a Distributed Autonomous Corporation (or a DAO in the slightly unfortunate Ethereum lingo) has issued 100% of its ownership to its shareholders. On a fork, do the shareholders pick up 200% shares, 100% on the left chain and 100% on the right? Do the CEO and all the staff have to work twice as hard to pay twice the dividends? Do the staff get twice the salaries? What happens when the taxman turns up?


Or grandma's house? When Mattereum has completed its fine legal work to get grandma's house onto the blockchain, and it forks, do we now have two houses? Two shares? Two grandmas? Do the grandmas have to let twice as many rooms, perhaps day rooms and night rooms?


If truly, "money makes the world go around," does a fork make the world go round twice as fast? I can see one advantage to the Bitcoin and Ethereum notion of forks and that is if the central bank were to adopt blockchain - then it would have the option of forking to do massive quantitative easing. Think about the benefits! If the Fed had issued a One True FedCoin, then 2008 crisis would have been a snap – fork and ease. Two One True FedCoins is twice better, the economists will say it so!


如果这些能实现,“钱能让世界运转”,那分叉能让世界以两倍速度运转吗?我可以看到Bitcoin和Ethereum分叉概念的一个优势,那就是如果中央银行采用区块链,那么它就可以选择进行大规模的量化宽松政策。想想其中益处!如果美联储发行了一种One True FedCoin,那么2008年的金融危机将会是一个断裂-分叉-缓解的过程。

两种One True FedCoin将获得翻倍的利益,经济学家会这么说!

Or, if the EU is facing rebellion in the fringe states, then Grexit, Brexit, Prexit and be blessed! The Brits could have been quite happily dealing in Broyos while the Greeks would be spending up big on Greuyos.


There's something for everyone in a fork. And that's the problem - it's a concept that only a charity or aid NGO or other mystics could find sane. Actual accountants, actual owners, actual people who actually count and account, in the mathematical meaning of the term, cannot deal with the notion that yesterday there was one, and today there are two.

分叉每个人都可以找到适合自己的东西,这就是问题所在——这是一个只有慈善机构或援助非政府组织,或其他神秘主义者才能找到理想的概念。 现实中的会计师、所有者和计算管理账户的人 ,在该术语严格的数学意义上,不能处理“昨天有一个,今天有两个”的概念。

Maybe, yes to twice the money, but NO to twice the obligations.


Part of the deal with a contract is that the parties enter into a commitment that there is only one deal, one pile of cash, one trade. You can’t fork your partner’s intent, and therefore you can’t fork a contract. At least, and expect the contract to survive. It’s only in the extraordinary circumstances of the cryptocurrency code-as-contract can you fork, and that’s not a feature, it’s a bug. A chain that can fork, or achain that permits a contract to fork, is not doing contracts.

合同交易的部分是,双方承诺只有一张协议、一堆现金、一笔交易。 你不能分叉你合作伙伴的意图,因此你不能分叉合同,至少期望合约存在下来。 只有在加密货币代码的特殊情况下才能实现合约,而且这不是一个功能,而是一个漏洞。 可以分叉或者允许合约分叉的链不能称为合约。

So, all is not lost. In a messaging based blockchain such as EOS, it should be possible to write the contracts to handle a fork. Basically, although two forks can exist independently (and there is a scenario for that) the contract should act as one thing.both chains is likely conflicted. So it can simply freeze any key or account where a message is seen from both chains and entering the contract into a forking conflict.


A requirement for this might be that a message has to indicate which chain it is referring to. I suspect this is possible by referring to a block header, something called TAPOS or Transaction As Proof Of Stake . Some thinking to do there, but basically this means that a software agent that is dealing with your account and your contracted value should be careful not to write messages referring to two separate, forked block headers because the contract is likely to interpret that as a fork and freeze out that agent entirely. Until a revoke message is received to undo one of the sides. Maybe.

对此的要求可能是消息必须指示它所引用的链。 我认为这是可能的,通过引用区块头文件,称为TAPOS或Transaction As Proof Of Stake。 有些人想这么做,但实际上这意味着处理你的帐户和你的合约定义值的软件代理应该十分小心地不要引用两个单独的分叉区块的头文件,因为合约很可能将其解释为分叉并完全冻结该代理。直到收到撤消消息撤消其中一方。 也许是这样的情况。

As I say, there is some thinking to be done there (does the above create an option?) but it does rather hint that we can handle a fork on a message-based chain with enough hard love.


On a state-based chain, which is the flip side of Crypt-XO's question, that's much harder. In a UTXO-based system, the code is tied into the transactions, so each transaction is authoritative in and of itself and therefore it does not refer to the fork at all. With EOS at least this is solved by the message-based paradigm. (I'm unsure if Ethereum survives here because it is both message and state based, just to double up on the complexity and confusion).



Anyway. I'd just like to put a stake in the heart of the fork. The notion that a blockchain can just fork because we're all a bit different, and all the value forks too is death to business. It's like candy for kids, crack for weeders, push-button QE for governments, and frankly, it kills practically every smart contract. The fact that blockchains are running around doing the fork & doubling down on the money indicates nobody can run a smart contract on those chains and hope for it to handle value.


And what's a smart contract if it isn't handling value? Heaven knows what would happen to all those token sales on Ethereum if it were to fork today. If that worries you, just remember, Liza had the last word on depression.

如果它不能处理数值,还能算得是智能合约吗? 谁都不知道如果它今天要分叉了,那么以太坊上的所有代币会怎么卖出去。 如果这同时也让你担心了,请关心一下Liza在抑郁前说的最后一句话:

"What good is sitting alone in your room?

Come hear the music play

Life is a Cabaret, old chum

Come to the Cabaret"






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