

2020-03-11  本文已影响0人  北大胡师姐新传考研




传播理论 Communication theory

传播 Communication

内向/自我传播 Intrapersonal Communication

人际传播 Interpersonal Communication

群体传播 Group Communication

组织传播 Organization Communication

大众传播 Mass Communication

单向传播 One-Sided Communication

双向传播 Two-Sided Communication

互动传播 Interactive Communication

新闻价值 News Value

传播者 Communicator

主动传播者 Active Communicator

传播单位 Communication Unit

奥斯古德模式 Osgood Model

编码 Encode

解码 Decode

信源 Source

传播的数学理论 Mathematical Theory of Communication

传播渠道 Communication Channel

有效传播 Effective Communication

传播效果 Communication Effects

知识沟 Knowledge-Gap

使用与满足模式 Usage and Satisfaction Model

使用与依从模式 Usage and Dependency Model

地球村 Global Village

数字化 Digitalization

文化帝国主义 Culture Imperialism

跨文化传播 Intercultural Communication

守门人 Gatekeeper

有限效果模式 Limited Effects Model

适度效果模式 Moderate Effects Model

强大效果模式 Powerful Effects Model

子弹论 Bullet Theory

两级传播模式 Two-Step Flow Model

多级传播模式 Multi-Step Flow Model

沉默的螺旋模式 Spiral of Silence Model

劝服传播 Persuasive Communication

议程设置模式 the Agenda-Setting Model

时滞 Time Lag

最合适效果跨度 Optimal Effects Span

时间跨度 Time Span

公众舆论 Public Opinion

选择性接触 Selective Exposure

选择性注意 Selective Attention

传播与文化 Communication and culture

结构主义 Constructionism

解构主义 Deconstructionism

大众文化 Mass Culture

文化研究 Cultural Studies

批判学派/批判理论 Critical Theory

法兰克福学派 Frankfurt School

女权主义/女性主义 Feminism

符号学 Semiotics/Semiology

符号 Sign

文化帝国主义(媒介帝国主义) Cultural Imperialism

文化工业 Culture Industry

文化霸权 Cultural Hegemony

单向度的人 One-dimensionality person

风险社会 Risk Society

数字鸿沟 Digital Divide

电子乌托邦 Electronic Utopia

六度分隔(小世界)理论 Six Degrees of Separation

弱连接 Weak Ties

结构洞理论 Structural Hole Theory

长尾理论 The Long Tail Theory

米姆/模因/迷因 Meme

社会资本 Social Capital

后真相时代 The Post-truth Era

研究方法 Research method

传播研究 Communication Research

抽样 Sampling

调查研究方法 Survey Research

内容分析法 Content Analysis

实验分析法 Experimental Research

定性研究法 Qualitative Research Methods

个案研究法 Case Study

效度与信度 Validity/Reliability

变量 Variables

实地观察法 Field Observation

虚拟社群 Virtual Community

扩散研究 Diffusion Research

媒介事件 Media Events

民族志 Ethnography

科技 Technology

发展 Advance v/n.

提高;增强 Enhance=boost v.

远程通信 Telecommunications n.

高生产率的 Productive adj.

惊人的速度 A staggering rate

信息爆炸 Information overload

数字鸿沟 Digital divide

学科 Subject(拓展)

哲学 Philosophy

马克思主义哲学 Philosophy of Marxism

中国哲学 Chinese Philosophy

外国哲学 Foreign Philosophies

逻辑学 Logic

伦理学 Ethics

美学 Aesthetics

宗教学 Science of Religion

科学技术哲学 Philosophy of Science and Technology

经济学 Economics

理论经济学 Theoretical Economics

传播政治经济学 Political Economics of Communication

经济思想史 History of Economic Thought

经济史 History of Economic

西方经济学 Western Economics

世界经济 World Economics

统计学 Statistics

外交学 Diplomacy

社会学 Sociology

人口学 Demography

人类学 Anthropology

民俗学(含中国民间文学) Folklore (including Chinese Folk Literature)

民族学 Ethnology

教育学 Education Science

教育学原理 Educational Principle



Good morning, dear professors. I’m glad to be here for this interview.

My name is …, 22years old. I’m from … city, … province.

I’m going to graduate from … university this summer and my major is…

(I graduated from …university last July and I majored in .../my major was)

In the past three/four years, I have spent most of my time on studies. I have passed CET4 and CET6 and I have acquired basic knowledge of …(major)both in theory and practice.

Besides, I have obtained/won scholarship many times.(or other achievements)

I’m responsible…, easy-going… and determined…. I like playing basketball… and badminton… with my classmates, because it can help me relax myself… and build my body….

I’m really interested in …(subject/major), especially in ….(postgraduate field).

Therefore, it’s my sincere hope that you can take my application into sideration and I will try my best to study and learn as much as I could in my postgraduate study.

That’s all about me. Thank you for your attent



Well, my intense interest in my major affirmed my desire to pursue a higher degree on Journalism and communication at this university. I love the atmosphere of this campus, which is full of passion and youthful spirit. Studying in XXX university can help me to meet top students and scholars. Therefore, I believe it can bring me my academic research to a higher lev

If I am lucky enough to be accepted, I will devote all my efforts and energy to my major. Thank



Of course/Sure/Absolutely, there must be many things to learn if I were enrolled into my ideal research field. First of all, I hope I can build up a systematic view of my major, especially have a better command of comprehensive knowledge in the field. On theother hand, I am dreaming of the participation of some relevant projects.

In that way I hope I can get more experiences in practice. And what is more, if it is possible, I hope I can continue my study for a doctor degree. In a word, I am looking forward to making up a solid foundation of my future profession.




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