2017-03-21 本文已影响116人
() -> 98.6 //无参
(n) -> 1.0/n //有参
// A functional interface.
interface MyValue {
double getValue();
MyValue = () -> 98.6;
System.out.println("A constant value:" + myValue.getValue());//98.6
// 三种不同的lambda表达式使用相同的接口
// Another functional interface.
interface MyParamValue {
double getValue(double v);
MyParamValue myPval = (n) -> 1.0/n;//没有显示指定为double
System.out.println(Reciprocal of 4 is:" + myPval.getValue(4.0));
interface NumericTest {
boolean test(int n, int m);
class LambdaDemo2 {
public static void main(String args[])
// This lambda expression determines if one number is
// a factor of another.
NumericTest isFactor = (n, d) -> (n % d) == 0;
if(isFactor.test(10, 2))
System.out.println("2 is a factor of 10");
if(!isFactor.test(10, 3))
System.out.println("3 is not a factor of 10");
// This lambda expression returns true if the first
// argument is less than the second.
NumericTest lessThan = (n, m) -> (n < m);
if(lessThan.test(2, 10))
System.out.println("2 is less than 10");
if(!lessThan.test(10, 2))
System.out.println("10 is not less than 2");
// This lambda expression returns true if the absolute
// values of the arguments are equal.
NumericTest absEqual = (n, m) -> (n < 0 ? -n : n) == (m < 0 ? -m : m);
if(absEqual.test(4, -4))
System.out.println("Absolute values of 4 and -4 are equal.");
if(!lessThan.test(4, -5))
System.out.println("Absolute values of 4 and -5 are not equal.");
interface StringTest {
boolean test(String aStr, String bStr);
class LambdaDemo3 {
public static void main(String args[])
// This lambda expression determines if one string is
// part of another.
StringTest isIn = (a, b) -> a.indexOf(b) != -1;//类型推断
String str = "This is a test";
System.out.println("Testing string: " + str);
if(isIn.test(str, "is a"))
System.out.println("'is a' found.");
System.out.println("'is a' not found.");
if(isIn.test(str, "xyz"))
System.out.println("'xyz' Found");
System.out.println("'xyz' not found");
interface NumericFunc {
int func(int n);
class BlockLambdaDemo {
public static void main(String args[])
// This block lambda returns the smallest positive factor of a value.
NumericFunc smallestF = (n) -> {
int result = 1;
// Get absolute value of n.
n = n < 0 ? -n : n;
for(int i=2; i <= n/i; i++)
if((n % i) ==0) {
result = i;
return result;
System.out.println("Smallest factor of 12 is " + smallestF.func(12));
System.out.println("Smallest factor of 11 is " + smallestF.func(11));
/ A generic functional interface with two parameters
// that returns a boolean result.
interface SomeTest<T> {
boolean test(T n, T m);
class GenericFunctionalInterfaceDemo {
public static void main(String args[])
// This lambda expression determines if one integer is
// a factor of another.
SomeTest<Integer> isFactor = (n, d) -> (n % d) == 0;
if(isFactor.test(10, 2))
System.out.println("2 is a factor of 10");
// The next lambda expression determines if one Double is
// a factor of another.
SomeTest<Double> isFactorD = (n, d) -> (n % d) == 0;
if(isFactorD.test(212.0, 4.0))
System.out.println("4.0 is a factor of 212.0");
// This lambda expression determines if one string is
// part of another.
SomeTest<String> isIn = (a, b) -> a.indexOf(b) != -1;
String str = "Generic Functional Interface";
System.out.println("Testing string: " + str);
if(isIn.test(str, "face"))
System.out.println("'face' is found.");
System.out.println("'face' not found.");
package com.strfun.test;
interface StringFunc {
String func(String str);
class LambdaArgumentDemo {
// This method has a functional interface as the type of its
// first parameter. Thus, it can be passed a reference to any
// instance of that interface, including an instance created
// by a lambda expression. The second parameter specifies the
// string to operate on.
static String changeStr(StringFunc sf, String s) {
return sf.func(s);
public static void main(String args[])
String inStr = "Lambda Expressions Expand Java";
String outStr;
System.out.println("Here is input string: " + inStr);
// Define a lambda expression that reverses the contents
// of a string and assign it to a StringFunc reference variable.
StringFunc reverse = (str) -> {
String result = "";
for(int i = str.length()-1; i >= 0; i--)
result += str.charAt(i);
return result;
// Pass reverse to the first argument to changeStr().
// Pass the input string as the second argument.
outStr = changeStr(reverse, inStr);
System.out.println("The string reversed: " + outStr);
// This lambda expression replaces spaces with hyphens.
// It is embedded directly in the call to changeStr().
outStr = changeStr((str) -> str.replace(' ', '-'), inStr);
System.out.println("The string with spaces replaced: " + outStr);
// This block lambda inverts the case of the characters in the
// string. It is also embedded directly in the call to changeStr().
outStr = changeStr((str) -> {
String result = "";
char ch;
for(int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++ ) {
ch = str.charAt(i);
result += Character.toLowerCase(ch);
result += Character.toUpperCase(ch);
return result;
}, inStr);
System.out.println("The string in reversed case: " + outStr);
interface MyFunc {
int func(int n);
class VarCapture {
public static void main(String args[])
// A local variable that can be captured.
int num = 10;
MyFunc myLambda = (n) -> {
// This use of num is OK. It does not modify num.
int v = num + n;
// However, the following is illegal because it attempts
// to modify the value of num.
// num++;
return v;
// Use the lambda. This will display 18.
// The following line would also cause an error, because
// it would remove the effectively final status from num.
// num = 9;
interface MyIOAction {
boolean ioAction(Reader rdr) throws IOException;
class LambdaExceptionDemo {
public static void main(String args[])
double[] values = { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 };
// This block lambda could throw an IOException.
// Thus, IOException must be specified in a throws
// clause of ioAction() in MyIOAction.
MyIOAction myIO = (rdr) -> {
int ch =; // could throw IOException
// ...
return true;
interface MyTransform<T>{
void transform(T[] a);
MyTransform<Double> sqrts = (v) ->{
for(int i=0;i<v.length;i++)
v[i]= Math.sqrt(v[i]);
// A functional interface for numeric predicates that operate
// on integer values.
interface IntPredicate {
boolean test(int n);
// This class defines three static methods that check an integer
// against some condition.
class MyIntPredicates {
// A static method that returns true if a number is prime.
static boolean isPrime(int n) {
if(n < 2) return false;
for(int i=2; i <= n/i; i++) {
if((n % i) == 0)
return false;
return true;
// A static method that returns true if a number is even.
static boolean isEven(int n) {
return (n % 2) == 0;
// A static method that returns true if a number is positive.
static boolean isPositive(int n) {
return n > 0;
class MethodRefDemo {
// This method has a functional interface as the type of its
// first parameter. Thus, it can be passed a reference to any
// instance of that interface, including one created by a
// method reference.
static boolean numTest(IntPredicate p, int v) {
return p.test(v);
public static void main(String args[])
boolean result;
// Here, a method reference to isPrime is passed to numTest().
result = numTest(MyIntPredicates::isPrime, 17);
if(result) System.out.println("17 is prime.");
// Next, a method reference to isEven is used.
result = numTest(MyIntPredicates::isEven, 12);
if(result) System.out.println("12 is even.");
// Now, a method reference to isPositive is passed.
result = numTest(MyIntPredicates::isPositive, 11);
if(result) System.out.println("11 is positive.");
// A functional interface for numeric predicates that operate
// on integer values.
interface IntPredicate {
boolean test(int n);
// This class stores an int value and defines the instance
// method isFactor(), which returns true if its argument
// is a factor of the stored value.
class MyIntNum {
private int v;
MyIntNum(int x) { v = x; }
int getNum() { return v; }
// Return true if n is a factor of v.
boolean isFactor(int n) {
return (v % n) == 0;
class MethodRefDemo2 {
public static void main(String args[])
boolean result;
MyIntNum myNum = new MyIntNum(12);
MyIntNum myNum2 = new MyIntNum(16);
// Here, a method reference to isFactor on myNum is created.
IntPredicate ip = myNum::isFactor;
// Now, it is used to call isFactor() via test().
result = ip.test(3);
if(result) System.out.println("3 is a factor of " + myNum.getNum());
// This time, a method reference to isFactor on myNum2 is created.
// and used to call isFactor() via test().
ip = myNum2::isFactor;
result = ip.test(3);
if(!result) System.out.println("3 is not a factor of " + myNum2.getNum());
// Use an instance method reference to refer to any instance.
// A functional interface for numeric predicates that operate
// on an object of type MyIntNum and an integer value.
interface MyIntNumPredicate {
boolean test(MyIntNum mv, int n);
// This class stores an int value and defines the instance
// method isFactor(), which returns true if its argument
// is a factor of the stored value.
class MyIntNum {
private int v;
MyIntNum(int x) { v = x; }
int getNum() { return v; }
// Return true if n is a factor of v.
boolean isFactor(int n) {
return (v % n) == 0;
class MethodRefDemo3 {
public static void main(String args[])
boolean result;
MyIntNum myNum = new MyIntNum(12);
MyIntNum myNum2 = new MyIntNum(16);
// This makes inp refer to the instance method isFactor().
MyIntNumPredicate inp = MyIntNum::isFactor;
// The following calls isFactor() on myNum.
result = inp.test(myNum, 3);
System.out.println("3 is a factor of " + myNum.getNum());
// The following calls isFactor() on myNum2.
result = inp.test(myNum2, 3);
System.out.println("3 is a not a factor of " + myNum2.getNum());
interface SomeTest<T> {
boolean test (T n, T m);
class MyClass{
static <T> boolean myGenMeth(T x, T, y){
boolean resylt = false;
return result;
// Demonstrate a Constructor reference.
// MyFunc is a functional interface whose method returns
// a MyClass reference.
interface MyFunc {
MyClass func(String s);
class MyClass {
private String str;
// This constructor takes an argument.
MyClass(String s) { str = s; }
// This is the default constructor.
MyClass() { str = ""; }
// ...
String getStr() { return str; }
class ConstructorRefDemo {
public static void main(String args[])
// Create a reference to the MyClass constructor.
// Because func() in MyFunc takes an argument, new
// refers to the parameterized constructor in MyClass,
// not the default constructor.
MyFunc myClassCons = MyClass::new;
// Create an instance of MyClass via that constructor reference.
MyClass mc = myClassCons.func("Testing");
// Use the instance of MyClass just created.
System.out.println("str in mc is " + mc.getStr( ));
interface MyClassArrayCreator{
MyClass[] func(int n);
MyClassArrayCreater mcArrayCons = MyClass[]::new;
MyClass[] a = mcArrayCons.func(3);
for(int i= 0;i<3;i++){
a[i]=new MyClass(i);