2021 年 6 月发表在 PLOS GENETICS 上。
有鳞目是鸟类和哺乳动物的近亲,已经有超过 10000 个在颜色、毒液、再生方面有丰富多样性的物种被描述。由于基因组研究工具的缺乏,在有鳞目上很少有遗传研究。豹纹守宫(Eublepharis macularius)是常见的宠物,有很丰富的 coloration pattern。研究者们利用繁育家系进行连锁分析、基因共线性分析、纯合比对(homozygosity mapping)等方法发现了一个自然存在的不完全显性位点,这个位点会产生被称为 “Lemon Frost” 的表型,皮肤偏白、并且会导致虹膜瘤。研究者们将这一突变定位到了一个大致的位点,这一区域有一个很可能的候选基因 SPINT1,是一种抑癌基因,其突变与人类皮肤黑色素瘤、小鼠和斑马鱼中的上皮细胞过度增生有关。文章证明豹纹守宫适合用于遗传学研究,并发现了一个人类黑色素瘤抑癌基因在爬行动物中也一直肿瘤发生。

Fig 1. The Lemon Frost mutant of the common leopard gecko, Eublepharis macularius. (A) wild type; (B) heterozygous mutant; (C) homozygous mutant, with red arrow pointing to the eye lid; (D) blizzard mutant with minimal color; (E) Lemon Frost mutation (lf) on the blizzard background; (F-H) segregation ofthe lfallele. Lemon Frost (LF) denotes heterozygotes for the mutation; super LF denotes homozygotes
for the mutation. All proportions are consistent with expectations for single-locus Mendelian inheritance (chi-square test p > 0.1).
作者将他们发现的这个位点称为 LF(lemon frost),A图为野生型纯合,B图为突变杂合,C图为突变纯合。将 lemon frost 个体与野生型杂交,其后代表现出的性状分离大致符合不完全显性的遗传规律。

Fig 3. Localization ofthe Lemon Frost mutation. (A) p-value for association with white color and (B) linkage disequilibrium for 28 markers syntenic to chicken chromosome 5 (red, ordered by synteny), 4 markers syntenic to chromosome 7 (cyan), and 16 markers without synteny information (green). Randomly selected markers that are not associated with white color (purple). (C) A schematic ofthe region showing synteny and gene annotation. (D) Fraction of markers showing expected allele
frequency pattern in pools, plotted for 10 kb windows along scaffold 996. The four windows with the highest fraction are marked by asterisks and span the location of the gene SPINT1. Windows with fewer than 5 variants were not plotted (dashed red lines). (E) Genome-wide distribution ofthe fraction ofmarkers showing expected allele frequency pattern in pools for all 10 kb windows. The 4 highest windows on scaffold 996 (red arrows) marked in D are among the 6 highest windows in the entire genome.
通过关联分析、连锁分析定位到了一段区域(AB图中红点所示)。区域内的 SPINT1 基因区段是非常有可能的候选。于是研究者们接下来对这一基因区域进行了一代测序。

Fig 4. The lemon frost allele in a backcross. (A) We genotyped 7 progeny with the Lemon Frost phenotype and 6 wild type progeny from the third generation of a backcross of Mr. Frosty to the Sunburst line for markers in the SPINT1 region and observed a consistent inheritance pattern. (B) Sequencing chromatogram of a
heterozygous animal (lf/+) at an insertion marker. (C) Sequencing chromatogram of a homozygous animal (+/+) at the same insertion marker.
但是其实研究内容不能有力地把这个突变作为 LF 突变,没有明确证明二者相关性。