
Spring Cloud Ribbon设计原理

2018-10-15  本文已影响108人  亦山札记

Ribbon 是netflix 公司开源的基于客户端的负载均衡组件,是Spring Cloud大家庭中非常重要的一个模块;Ribbon应该也是整个大家庭中相对而言比较复杂的模块,直接影响到服务调度的质量和性能。全面掌握Ribbon可以帮助我们了解在分布式微服务集群工作模式下,服务调度应该考虑到的每个环节。
本文将详细地剖析Ribbon的设计原理,帮助大家对Spring Cloud 有一个更好的认知。

一. Spring集成下的Ribbon工作结构



Spring Cloud集成模式下的Ribbon有以下几个特征:

  1. Ribbon 服务配置方式
    每一个服务配置都有一个Spring ApplicationContext上下文,用于加载各自服务的实例。
    比如,当前Spring Cloud 系统内,有如下几个服务:
服务名称 角色 依赖服务
order 订单模块 user
user 用户模块
mobile-bff 移动端BFF order,user

mobile-bff服务在实际使用中,会用到orderuser模块,那么在mobile-bff服务的Spring上下文中,会为orderuser 分别创建一个子ApplicationContext,用于加载各自服务模块的配置。也就是说,各个客户端的配置相互独立,彼此不收影响

  1. 和Feign的集成模式
    在使用Feign作为客户端时,最终请求会转发成 http://<服务名称>/<relative-path-to-service>的格式,通过LoadBalancerFeignClient, 提取出服务标识<服务名称>,然后根据服务名称在上下文中查找对应服务的负载均衡器FeignLoadBalancer负载均衡器负责根据既有的服务实例的统计信息,挑选出最合适的服务实例

二、Spring Cloud模式下和Feign的集成实现方式

和Feign结合的场景下,Feign的调用会被包装成调用请求LoadBalancerCommand,然后底层通过Rxjava基于事件的编码风格,发送请求;Spring Cloud框架通过 Feigin 请求的URL,提取出服务名称,然后在上下文中找到对应服务的的负载均衡器实现FeignLoadBalancer,然后通过负载均衡器中挑选一个合适的Server实例,然后将调用请求转发到该Server实例上,完成调用,在此过程中,记录对应Server实例的调用统计信息。

     * Create an {@link Observable} that once subscribed execute network call asynchronously with a server chosen by load balancer.
     * If there are any errors that are indicated as retriable by the {@link RetryHandler}, they will be consumed internally by the
     * function and will not be observed by the {@link Observer} subscribed to the returned {@link Observable}. If number of retries has
     * exceeds the maximal allowed, a final error will be emitted by the returned {@link Observable}. Otherwise, the first successful
     * result during execution and retries will be emitted.
    public Observable<T> submit(final ServerOperation<T> operation) {
        final ExecutionInfoContext context = new ExecutionInfoContext();
        if (listenerInvoker != null) {
            try {
            } catch (AbortExecutionException e) {
                return Observable.error(e);
        // 同一Server最大尝试次数
        final int maxRetrysSame = retryHandler.getMaxRetriesOnSameServer();
        final int maxRetrysNext = retryHandler.getMaxRetriesOnNextServer();

        // Use the load balancer
        // 使用负载均衡器,挑选出合适的Server,然后执行Server请求,将请求的数据和行为整合到ServerStats中
        Observable<T> o = 
                (server == null ? selectServer() : Observable.just(server))
                .concatMap(new Func1<Server, Observable<T>>() {
                    // Called for each server being selected
                    public Observable<T> call(Server server) {
                        // 获取Server的统计值
                        final ServerStats stats = loadBalancerContext.getServerStats(server);
                        // Called for each attempt and retry 服务调用
                        Observable<T> o = Observable
                                .concatMap(new Func1<Server, Observable<T>>() {
                                    public Observable<T> call(final Server server) {
                                        if (listenerInvoker != null) {
                                            try {
                                            } catch (AbortExecutionException e) {
                                                return Observable.error(e);
                                        final Stopwatch tracer = loadBalancerContext.getExecuteTracer().start();
                                        return Observer<T>() {
                                            private T entity;
                                            public void onCompleted() {
                                                recordStats(tracer, stats, entity, null);
                                                // 记录统计信息

                                            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                                                recordStats(tracer, stats, null, e);//记录异常信息
                                                logger.debug("Got error {} when executed on server {}", e, server);
                                                if (listenerInvoker != null) {
                                                    listenerInvoker.onExceptionWithServer(e, context.toExecutionInfo());

                                            public void onNext(T entity) {
                                                this.entity = entity;//返回结果值
                                                if (listenerInvoker != null) {
                                                    listenerInvoker.onExecutionSuccess(entity, context.toExecutionInfo());
                                            private void recordStats(Stopwatch tracer, ServerStats stats, Object entity, Throwable exception) {
                                                loadBalancerContext.noteRequestCompletion(stats, entity, exception, tracer.getDuration(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), retryHandler);
                        // 使用observable 做重试逻辑,根据predicate 做逻辑判断,这里做
                        if (maxRetrysSame > 0) 
                            o = o.retry(retryPolicy(maxRetrysSame, true));
                        return o;
         // next请求处理,基于重试器操作   
        if (maxRetrysNext > 0 && server == null) 
            o = o.retry(retryPolicy(maxRetrysNext, false));
        return o.onErrorResumeNext(new Func1<Throwable, Observable<T>>() {
            public Observable<T> call(Throwable e) {
                if (context.getAttemptCount() > 0) {
                    if (maxRetrysNext > 0 && context.getServerAttemptCount() == (maxRetrysNext + 1)) {
                        e = new ClientException(ClientException.ErrorType.NUMBEROF_RETRIES_NEXTSERVER_EXCEEDED,
                                "Number of retries on next server exceeded max " + maxRetrysNext
                                + " retries, while making a call for: " + context.getServer(), e);
                    else if (maxRetrysSame > 0 && context.getAttemptCount() == (maxRetrysSame + 1)) {
                        e = new ClientException(ClientException.ErrorType.NUMBEROF_RETRIES_EXEEDED,
                                "Number of retries exceeded max " + maxRetrysSame
                                + " retries, while making a call for: " + context.getServer(), e);
                if (listenerInvoker != null) {
                    listenerInvoker.onExecutionFailed(e, context.toFinalExecutionInfo());
                return Observable.error(e);

从一组ServerList 列表中挑选合适的Server

     * Compute the final URI from a partial URI in the request. The following steps are performed:
     * <ul>
     * <li>  如果host尚未指定,则从负载均衡器中选定 host/port
     * <li>  如果host 尚未指定并且尚未找到负载均衡器,则尝试从 虚拟地址中确定host/port
     * <li> 如果指定了HOST,并且URI的授权部分通过虚拟地址设置,并且存在负载均衡器,则通过负载就均衡器中确定host/port(指定的HOST将会被忽略)
     * <li> 如果host已指定,但是尚未指定负载均衡器和虚拟地址配置,则使用真实地址作为host
     * <li> if host is missing but none of the above applies, throws ClientException
     * </ul>
     * @param original Original URI passed from caller
    public Server getServerFromLoadBalancer(@Nullable URI original, @Nullable Object loadBalancerKey) throws ClientException {
        String host = null;
        int port = -1;
        if (original != null) {
            host = original.getHost();
        if (original != null) {
            Pair<String, Integer> schemeAndPort = deriveSchemeAndPortFromPartialUri(original);        
            port = schemeAndPort.second();

        // Various Supported Cases
        // The loadbalancer to use and the instances it has is based on how it was registered
        // In each of these cases, the client might come in using Full Url or Partial URL
        ILoadBalancer lb = getLoadBalancer();
        if (host == null) {
            // 提供部分URI,缺少HOST情况下
            // well we have to just get the right instances from lb - or we fall back
            if (lb != null){
                Server svc = lb.chooseServer(loadBalancerKey);// 使用负载均衡器选择Server
                if (svc == null){
                    throw new ClientException(ClientException.ErrorType.GENERAL,
                            "Load balancer does not have available server for client: "
                                    + clientName);
                host = svc.getHost();
                if (host == null){
                    throw new ClientException(ClientException.ErrorType.GENERAL,
                            "Invalid Server for :" + svc);
                logger.debug("{} using LB returned Server: {} for request {}", new Object[]{clientName, svc, original});
                return svc;
            } else {
                // No Full URL - and we dont have a LoadBalancer registered to
                // obtain a server
                // if we have a vipAddress that came with the registration, we
                // can use that else we
                // bail out
                // 通过虚拟地址配置解析出host配置返回
                if (vipAddresses != null && vipAddresses.contains(",")) {
                    throw new ClientException(
                            "Method is invoked for client " + clientName + " with partial URI of ("
                            + original
                            + ") with no load balancer configured."
                            + " Also, there are multiple vipAddresses and hence no vip address can be chosen"
                            + " to complete this partial uri");
                } else if (vipAddresses != null) {
                    try {
                        Pair<String,Integer> hostAndPort = deriveHostAndPortFromVipAddress(vipAddresses);
                        host = hostAndPort.first();
                        port = hostAndPort.second();
                    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                        throw new ClientException(
                                "Method is invoked for client " + clientName + " with partial URI of ("
                                + original
                                + ") with no load balancer configured. "
                                + " Also, the configured/registered vipAddress is unparseable (to determine host and port)");
                } else {
                    throw new ClientException(
                            + " has no LoadBalancer registered and passed in a partial URL request (with no host:port)."
                            + " Also has no vipAddress registered");
        } else {
            // Full URL Case URL中指定了全地址,可能是虚拟地址或者是hostAndPort
            // This could either be a vipAddress or a hostAndPort or a real DNS
            // if vipAddress or hostAndPort, we just have to consult the loadbalancer
            // but if it does not return a server, we should just proceed anyways
            // and assume its a DNS
            // For restClients registered using a vipAddress AND executing a request
            // by passing in the full URL (including host and port), we should only
            // consult lb IFF the URL passed is registered as vipAddress in Discovery
            boolean shouldInterpretAsVip = false;

            if (lb != null) {
                shouldInterpretAsVip = isVipRecognized(original.getAuthority());
            if (shouldInterpretAsVip) {
                Server svc = lb.chooseServer(loadBalancerKey);
                if (svc != null){
                    host = svc.getHost();
                    if (host == null){
                        throw new ClientException(ClientException.ErrorType.GENERAL,
                                "Invalid Server for :" + svc);
                    logger.debug("using LB returned Server: {} for request: {}", svc, original);
                    return svc;
                } else {
                    // just fall back as real DNS
                    logger.debug("{}:{} assumed to be a valid VIP address or exists in the DNS", host, port);
            } else {
                // consult LB to obtain vipAddress backed instance given full URL
                //Full URL execute request - where url!=vipAddress
                logger.debug("Using full URL passed in by caller (not using load balancer): {}", original);
        // end of creating final URL
        if (host == null){
            throw new ClientException(ClientException.ErrorType.GENERAL,"Request contains no HOST to talk to");
        // just verify that at this point we have a full URL

        return new Server(host, port);

三. LoadBalancer--负载均衡器的核心

LoadBalancer 的职能主要有三个:

  1. 维护Sever列表的数量(新增、更新、删除等)
  2. 维护Server列表的状态(状态更新)
  3. 当请求Server实例时,能否返回最合适的Server实例


3.1 负载均衡器的内部基本实现原理


组成部分 职能 参考章节
Server Server 作为服务实例的表示,会记录服务实例的相关信息,如:服务地址,所属zone,服务名称,实例ID等
ServerList 维护着一组Server实例列表,在应用运行的过程中,Ribbon通过ServerList中的服务实例供负载均衡器选择。ServerList维护列表可能在运行的过程中动态改变 3.2
ServerStats 作为对应Server 的运行情况统计,一般是服务调用过程中的Server平均响应时间,累计请求失败计数,熔断时间控制等。一个ServerStats实例唯一对应一个Server实例
LoadBalancerStats 作为 ServerStats实例列表的容器,统一维护
ServerListUpdater 负载均衡器通过ServerListUpdater来更新ServerList,比如实现一个定时任务,每隔一段时间获取最新的Server实例列表 3.2
Pinger 服务状态检验器,负责维护ServerList列表中的服务状态注意:Pinger仅仅负责Server的状态,没有能力决定是否删除
PingerStrategy 定义以何种方式还检验服务是否有效,比如是按照顺序的方式还是并行的方式
IPing Ping,检验服务是否可用的方法,常见的是通过HTTP,或者TCP/IP的方式看服务有无认为正常的请求

3.2 如何维护Server列表?(新增、更新、删除)




  1. 基于配置的服务列表
    这种方式一般是通过配置文件,静态地配置服务器列表,这种方式相对而言比较简单,但并不是意味着在机器运行的时候就一直不变。netflix 在做Spring cloud 套件时,使用了分布式配置框架netflix archaiusarchaius 框架有一个特点是会动态的监控配置文件的变化,将变化刷新到各个应用上。也就是说,当我们在不关闭服务的情况下,如果修改了基于配置的服务列表时, 服务列表可以直接刷新
  2. 结合服务发现组件(如Eureka)的服务注册信息动态维护服务列表
    基于Spring Cloud框架下,服务注册和发现是一个分布式服务集群必不可少的一个组件,它负责维护不同的服务实例(注册、续约、取消注册),本文将介绍和Eureka集成模式下,如果借助Eureka的服务注册信息动态刷新ribbon 的服务列表

Ribbon 通过配置项:<service-name>.ribbon.NIWSServerListClassName 来决定使用哪种实现方式。对应地:

策略 ServerList实现


更新策略 ServerListUpdater实现
public class PollingServerListUpdater implements ServerListUpdater {
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PollingServerListUpdater.class);

    private static long LISTOFSERVERS_CACHE_UPDATE_DELAY = 1000; // msecs;
    private static int LISTOFSERVERS_CACHE_REPEAT_INTERVAL = 30 * 1000; // msecs;
    // 更新器线程池定义以及钩子设置
    private static class LazyHolder {
        private final static String CORE_THREAD = "DynamicServerListLoadBalancer.ThreadPoolSize";
        private final static DynamicIntProperty poolSizeProp = new DynamicIntProperty(CORE_THREAD, 2);
        private static Thread _shutdownThread;

        static ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor _serverListRefreshExecutor = null;

        static {
            int coreSize = poolSizeProp.get();
            ThreadFactory factory = (new ThreadFactoryBuilder())
            _serverListRefreshExecutor = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(coreSize, factory);
            poolSizeProp.addCallback(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {

            _shutdownThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
          "Shutting down the Executor Pool for PollingServerListUpdater");

        private static void shutdownExecutorPool() {
            if (_serverListRefreshExecutor != null) {

                if (_shutdownThread != null) {
                    try {
                    } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { // NOPMD
                        // this can happen if we're in the middle of a real
                        // shutdown,
                        // and that's 'ok'

    // 省略部分代码
    public synchronized void start(final UpdateAction updateAction) {
        if (isActive.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
            final Runnable wrapperRunnable = new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    if (!isActive.get()) {
                        if (scheduledFuture != null) {
                    try {
                        //执行update操作 ,更新操作定义在LoadBalancer中
                        lastUpdated = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        logger.warn("Failed one update cycle", e);
            scheduledFuture = getRefreshExecutor().scheduleWithFixedDelay(
                    initialDelayMs, //初始延迟时间
                    refreshIntervalMs, //内部刷新时间
        } else {
  "Already active, no-op");


     * an interface for the updateAction that actually executes a server list update
    public interface UpdateAction {
        void doUpdate();
    //在DynamicServerListLoadBalancer 中则实现了具体的操作:
    public DynamicServerListLoadBalancer() {
        this.isSecure = false;
        this.useTunnel = false;
        this.serverListUpdateInProgress = new AtomicBoolean(false);
        this.updateAction = new UpdateAction() {
            public void doUpdate() {

    public void updateListOfServers() {
        List<T> servers = new ArrayList();
       // 通过ServerList获取最新的服务列表 
       if (this.serverListImpl != null) {
            servers = this.serverListImpl.getUpdatedListOfServers();
            LOGGER.debug("List of Servers for {} obtained from Discovery client: {}", this.getIdentifier(), servers);
            if (this.filter != null) {
                servers = this.filter.getFilteredListOfServers((List)servers);
                LOGGER.debug("Filtered List of Servers for {} obtained from Discovery client: {}", this.getIdentifier(), servers);

    protected void updateAllServerList(List<T> ls) {
        if (this.serverListUpdateInProgress.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
            try {
                Iterator var2 = ls.iterator();

                while(var2.hasNext()) {
                    T s = (Server);

            } finally {

public class EurekaNotificationServerListUpdater implements ServerListUpdater {

    public synchronized void start(final UpdateAction updateAction) {
        if (isActive.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
          this.updateListener = new EurekaEventListener() {
                public void onEvent(EurekaEvent event) {
                    if (event instanceof CacheRefreshedEvent) {
                       if (!updateQueued.compareAndSet(false, true)) {  // if an update is already queued
                  "an update action is already queued, returning as no-op");

                        if (!refreshExecutor.isShutdown()) {
                            try {
                                refreshExecutor.submit(new Runnable() {
                                    public void run() {
                                        try {
                                            updateAction.doUpdate(); // 执行真正的更新操作
                                        } catch (Exception e) {
                                            logger.warn("Failed to update serverList", e);
                                        } finally {
                                });  // fire and forget
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                logger.warn("Error submitting update task to executor, skipping one round of updates", e);
                                updateQueued.set(false);  // if submit fails, need to reset updateQueued to false
                        else {
                            logger.debug("stopping EurekaNotificationServerListUpdater, as refreshExecutor has been shut down");
            //EurekaClient 客户端实例
            if (eurekaClient == null) {
                eurekaClient = eurekaClientProvider.get();
            if (eurekaClient != null) {
            } else {
                logger.error("Failed to register an updateListener to eureka client, eureka client is null");
                throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to start the updater, unable to register the update listener due to eureka client being null.");
        } else {
  "Update listener already registered, no-op");


3.2.1 相关的配置项
配置项 说明 生效场景 默认值
<service-name>.ribbon.NIWSServerListClassName ServerList的实现,实现参考上述描述 ConfigurationBasedServerList
<service-name>.ribbon.listOfServers 服务列表 hostname:port 形式,以逗号隔开 ServerList实现基于配置时
<service-name>.ribbon.ServerListUpdaterClassName 服务列表更新策略实现,参考上述描述 PollingServerListUpdater
<service-name>.ribbon.ServerListRefreshInterval 服务列表刷新频率 基于定时任务拉取时 30s
3.2.2 ribbon的默认实现


### 更新线程池大小
3.2.3 Spring Cloud集成下的配置


### 更新线程池大小

3.3 负载均衡器如何维护服务实例的状态?

Ribbon负载均衡器将服务实例的状态维护托交给PingerPingerStrategyIPing 来维护,具体交互模式如下所示:

* 定义Ping服务状态是否有效的策略,是序列化顺序Ping,还是并行的方式Ping,在此过程中,应当保证相互不受影响
public interface IPingStrategy {

    boolean[] pingServers(IPing ping, Server[] servers);

 * 定义如何Ping一个服务,确保是否有效
 * @author stonse
public interface IPing {
     * Checks whether the given <code>Server</code> is "alive" i.e. should be
     * considered a candidate while loadbalancing
     * 校验是否存活
    public boolean isAlive(Server server);

3.3.1 创建Ping定时任务


控制参数 说明 默认值
<service-name>.ribbon.NFLoadBalancerPingInterval Ping定时任务周期 30 s
<service-name>.ribbon.NFLoadBalancerMaxTotalPingTime Ping超时时间 2s
<service-name>.ribbon.NFLoadBalancerPingClassName IPing实现类 DummyPing,直接返回true


     * Default implementation for <c>IPingStrategy</c>, performs ping
     * serially, which may not be desirable, if your <c>IPing</c>
     * implementation is slow, or you have large number of servers.
    private static class SerialPingStrategy implements IPingStrategy {

        public boolean[] pingServers(IPing ping, Server[] servers) {
            int numCandidates = servers.length;
            boolean[] results = new boolean[numCandidates];

            logger.debug("LoadBalancer:  PingTask executing [{}] servers configured", numCandidates);

            for (int i = 0; i < numCandidates; i++) {
                results[i] = false; /* Default answer is DEAD. */
                try {
                    // 按序列依次检查服务是否正常,并返回对应的数组表示 
                    if (ping != null) {
                        results[i] = ping.isAlive(servers[i]);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    logger.error("Exception while pinging Server: '{}'", servers[i], e);
            return results;
3.3.2 Ribbon默认的IPing实现:DummyPing


public class DummyPing extends AbstractLoadBalancerPing {

    public DummyPing() {

    public boolean isAlive(Server server) {
        return true;

    public void initWithNiwsConfig(IClientConfig clientConfig) {


3.3.3 Spring Cloud集成下的IPing实现:NIWSDiscoveryPing

而和Spring Cloud 集成后,IPing的默认实现,是NIWSDiscoveryPing ,其使用Eureka作为服务注册和发现,则校验服务是否可用,则通过监听Eureka 服务更新来更新Ribbon的Server状态,而具体的实现就是 NIWSDiscoveryPing:

 * "Ping" Discovery Client
 * i.e. we dont do a real "ping". We just assume that the server is up if Discovery Client says so
 * @author stonse
public class NIWSDiscoveryPing extends AbstractLoadBalancerPing {
        BaseLoadBalancer lb = null; 

        public NIWSDiscoveryPing() {
        public BaseLoadBalancer getLb() {
            return lb;

         * Non IPing interface method - only set this if you care about the "newServers Feature"
         * @param lb
        public void setLb(BaseLoadBalancer lb) {
   = lb;

        public boolean isAlive(Server server) {
            boolean isAlive = true;
         //取 Eureka Server 的Instance实例状态作为Ribbon服务的状态   
                 if (server!=null && server instanceof DiscoveryEnabledServer){
                DiscoveryEnabledServer dServer = (DiscoveryEnabledServer)server;                
                InstanceInfo instanceInfo = dServer.getInstanceInfo();
                if (instanceInfo!=null){                    
                    InstanceStatus status = instanceInfo.getStatus();
                    if (status!=null){
                        isAlive = status.equals(InstanceStatus.UP);
            return isAlive;

        public void initWithNiwsConfig(
                IClientConfig clientConfig) {

Spring Cloud下的默认实现入口:

    public IPing ribbonPing(IClientConfig config) {
        if (this.propertiesFactory.isSet(IPing.class, serviceId)) {
            return this.propertiesFactory.get(IPing.class, config, serviceId);
        NIWSDiscoveryPing ping = new NIWSDiscoveryPing();
        return ping;

3.4 如何从服务列表中挑选一个合适的服务实例?

3.4.1 服务实例容器:ServerList的维护

负载均衡器通过 ServerList来统一维护服务实例,具体模式如下:



 * Interface that defines the methods sed to obtain the List of Servers
 * @author stonse
 * @param <T>
public interface ServerList<T extends Server> {
    public List<T> getInitialListOfServers();
     * Return updated list of servers. This is called say every 30 secs
     * (configurable) by the Loadbalancer's Ping cycle
     * 获取更新后的的服务列表
    public List<T> getUpdatedListOfServers();   





3.4.2 服务实例列表过滤器ServerListFilter


public interface ServerListFilter<T extends Server> {
    public List<T> getFilteredListOfServers(List<T> servers);
} Ribbon 的默认ServerListFilter实现:ZoneAffinityServerListFilter


控制参数 说明 默认值
<service-name>.ribbon.EnableZoneAffinity 是否开启区域优先 false
<service-name>.ribbon.EnableZoneExclusivity 是否采取区域排他性,即只返回和当前Zone一致的服务实例 false
<service-name>.ribbon.zoneAffinity.maxLoadPerServer 每个Server上的最大活跃请求负载数阈值 0.6
<service-name>.ribbon.zoneAffinity.maxBlackOutServesrPercentage 最大断路过滤的百分比 0.8
<service-name>.ribbon.zoneAffinity.minAvailableServers 最少可用的服务实例阈值 2


public class ZoneAffinityServerListFilter<T extends Server> extends
        AbstractServerListFilter<T> implements IClientConfigAware {

    public List<T> getFilteredListOfServers(List<T> servers) {
          if (zone != null && (zoneAffinity || zoneExclusive) && servers !=null && servers.size() > 0){
           List<T> filteredServers = Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.filter(
                    servers, this.zoneAffinityPredicate.getServerOnlyPredicate()));
            if (shouldEnableZoneAffinity(filteredServers)) {
                return filteredServers;
            } else if (zoneAffinity) {
        return servers;
    // 判断是否应该使用区域优先过滤条件
    private boolean shouldEnableZoneAffinity(List<T> filtered) {    
        if (!zoneAffinity && !zoneExclusive) {
            return false;
        if (zoneExclusive) {
            return true;
       // 获取统计信息
        LoadBalancerStats stats = getLoadBalancerStats();
        if (stats == null) {
            return zoneAffinity;
        } else {
            logger.debug("Determining if zone affinity should be enabled with given server list: {}", filtered);
            ZoneSnapshot snapshot = stats.getZoneSnapshot(filtered);
           double loadPerServer = snapshot.getLoadPerServer();
            int instanceCount = snapshot.getInstanceCount();            
            int circuitBreakerTrippedCount = snapshot.getCircuitTrippedCount();
            // 1. 如果Server断路的比例超过了设置的上限(默认`0.8`)
            // 2. 或者当前负载超过了设置的负载上限
            // 3. 如果可用的服务小于设置的服务上限`默认为2`
            if (((double) circuitBreakerTrippedCount) / instanceCount >= blackOutServerPercentageThreshold.get() 
                    || loadPerServer >= activeReqeustsPerServerThreshold.get()
                    || (instanceCount - circuitBreakerTrippedCount) < availableServersThreshold.get()) {
                logger.debug("zoneAffinity is overriden. blackOutServerPercentage: {}, activeReqeustsPerServer: {}, availableServers: {}", 
                        new Object[] {(double) circuitBreakerTrippedCount / instanceCount,  loadPerServer, instanceCount - circuitBreakerTrippedCount});
                return false;
            } else {
                return true;



image.png Ribbon 的ServerListFilter实现2:ZonePreferenceServerListFilter

ZonePreferenceServerListFilter 集成自 ZoneAffinityServerListFilter,在此基础上做了拓展,在 ZoneAffinityServerListFilter返回结果的基础上,再过滤出和本地服务相同区域(zone)的服务列表。

当指定了当前服务的所在Zone,并且 ZoneAffinityServerListFilter 没有起到过滤效果时,ZonePreferenceServerListFilter会返回当前Zone的Server列表。

public class ZonePreferenceServerListFilter extends ZoneAffinityServerListFilter<Server> {

    private String zone;

    public void initWithNiwsConfig(IClientConfig niwsClientConfig) {
        if (ConfigurationManager.getDeploymentContext() != null) {
   = ConfigurationManager.getDeploymentContext().getValue(

    public List<Server> getFilteredListOfServers(List<Server> servers) {
                List<Server> output = super.getFilteredListOfServers(servers);
                if ( != null && output.size() == servers.size()) {
            List<Server> local = new ArrayList<>();
            for (Server server : output) {
                if ( {
            if (!local.isEmpty()) {
                return local;
        return output;

    public String getZone() {
        return zone;

    public void setZone(String zone) { = zone;
    } Ribbon 的ServerListFilter实现3:ServerListSubsetFilter

此过滤器也是继承自 ZoneAffinityServerListFilter,在此基础上做了拓展,在实际使用中不太常见,这个后续再展开介绍,暂且不表。

3.4.3 LoadBalancer选择服务实例 的流程



LoadBalancer 选择服务实例的流程

  1. 通过ServerList获取当前可用的服务实例列表;
  2. 通过ServerListFilter将步骤1 得到的服务列表进行一次过滤,返回满足过滤器条件的服务实例列表;
  3. 应用Rule规则,结合服务实例的统计信息,返回满足规则的某一个服务实例;

通过上述的流程可以看到,实际上,在服务实例列表选择的过程中,有两次过滤的机会:第一次是首先通过ServerListFilter过滤器,另外一次是用过IRule 的选择规则进行过滤


当LoadBalancer在选择合适的Server提供给应用后,应用会向该Server发送服务请求,则在请求的过程中,应用会根据请求的相应时间或者网络连接情况等进行统计;当应用后续从LoadBalancer选择合适的Server时,LoadBalancer 会根据每个服务的统计信息,结合Rule来判定哪个服务是最合适的。 负载均衡器LoaderBalancer 都统计了哪些关于服务实例Server相关的信息?
ServerStats 说明 类型 默认值
zone 当前服务所属的可用区 配置 可通过 指定
totalRequests 总请求数量,client每次调用,数量会递增 实时 0
activeRequestsCountTimeout 活动请求计数时间窗niws.loadbalancer.serverStats.activeRequestsCount.effectiveWindowSeconds,如果时间窗范围之内没有activeRequestsCount值的改变,则activeRequestsCounts初始化为0 配置 60*10(seconds)
successiveConnectionFailureCount 连续连接失败计数 实时
connectionFailureThreshold 连接失败阈值通过属性niws.loadbalancer.default.connectionFailureCountThreshold 进行配置 配置 3
circuitTrippedTimeoutFactor 断路器超时因子,niws.loadbalancer.default.circuitTripTimeoutFactorSeconds 配置 10(seconds)
maxCircuitTrippedTimeout 最大断路器超时秒数,niws.loadbalancer.default.circuitTripMaxTimeoutSeconds 配置 30(seconds)
totalCircuitBreakerBlackOutPeriod 累计断路器终端时间区间 实时 milliseconds
lastAccessedTimestamp 最后连接时间 实时
lastConnectionFailedTimestamp 最后连接失败时间 实时
firstConnectionTimestamp 首次连接时间 实时
activeRequestsCount 当前活跃的连接数 实时
failureCountSlidingWindowInterval 失败次数统计时间窗 配置 1000(ms)
serverFailureCounts 当前时间窗内连接失败的数量 实时
responseTimeDist.mean 请求平均响应时间 实时 (ms)
responseTimeDist.max 请求最大响应时间 实时 (ms)
responseTimeDist.minimum 请求最小响应时间 实时 (ms)
responseTimeDist.minimum 请求最小响应时间 实时 (ms)
responseTimeDist.stddev 请求响应时间标准差 实时 (ms)
dataDist.sampleSize QoS服务质量采集点大小 实时
dataDist.timestamp QoS服务质量最后计算时间点 实时
dataDist.timestampMillis QoS服务质量最后计算时间点毫秒数,自1970.1.1开始 实时
dataDist.mean QoS 最近的时间窗内的请求平均响应时间 实时
dataDist.10thPercentile QoS 10% 处理请求的时间 实时 ms
dataDist.25thPercentile QoS 25% 处理请求的时间 实时 ms
dataDist.50thPercentile QoS 50% 处理请求的时间 实时 ms
dataDist.75thPercentile QoS 75% 处理请求的时间 实时 ms
dataDist.95thPercentile QoS 95% 处理请求的时间 实时 ms
dataDist.99thPercentile QoS 99% 处理请求的时间 实时 ms
dataDist.99.5thPercentile QoS 前99.5% 处理请求的时间 实时 ms 服务断路器的工作原理



ServerStats 说明 类型 默认值
successiveConnectionFailureCount 连续连接失败计数 实时
connectionFailureThreshold 连接失败阈值通过属性niws.loadbalancer.default.connectionFailureCountThreshold 进行配置,当successiveConnectionFailureCount 超过了此限制时,将计算熔断时间 配置 3
circuitTrippedTimeoutFactor 断路器超时因子,niws.loadbalancer.default.circuitTripTimeoutFactorSeconds 配置 10(seconds)
maxCircuitTrippedTimeout 最大断路器超时秒数,niws.loadbalancer.default.circuitTripMaxTimeoutSeconds 配置 30(seconds)
totalCircuitBreakerBlackOutPeriod 累计断路器终端时间区间 实时 milliseconds
lastAccessedTimestamp 最后连接时间 实时
lastConnectionFailedTimestamp 最后连接失败时间 实时
firstConnectionTimestamp 首次连接时间 实时
@Monitor(name="CircuitBreakerTripped", type = DataSourceType.INFORMATIONAL)    
    public boolean isCircuitBreakerTripped() {
        return isCircuitBreakerTripped(System.currentTimeMillis());
    public boolean isCircuitBreakerTripped(long currentTime) {
        long circuitBreakerTimeout = getCircuitBreakerTimeout();
        if (circuitBreakerTimeout <= 0) {
            return false;
        return circuitBreakerTimeout > currentTime;//还在熔断区间内,则返回熔断结果
   private long getCircuitBreakerTimeout() {
        long blackOutPeriod = getCircuitBreakerBlackoutPeriod();
        if (blackOutPeriod <= 0) {
            return 0;
        return lastConnectionFailedTimestamp + blackOutPeriod;
    private long getCircuitBreakerBlackoutPeriod() {
        int failureCount = successiveConnectionFailureCount.get();
        int threshold = connectionFailureThreshold.get();
       // 连续失败,但是尚未超过上限,则服务中断周期为 0 ,表示可用 
       if (failureCount < threshold) {
            return 0;
        int diff = (failureCount - threshold) > 16 ? 16 : (failureCount - threshold);
        int blackOutSeconds = (1 << diff) * circuitTrippedTimeoutFactor.get();
        if (blackOutSeconds > maxCircuitTrippedTimeout.get()) {
            blackOutSeconds = maxCircuitTrippedTimeout.get();
        return blackOutSeconds * 1000L;


  1. 计算累计连接失败计数successiveConnectionFailureCount 是否超过 链接失败阈值connectionFailureThreshold。如果 successiveConnectionFailureCount < connectionFailureThreshold,即尚未超过限额,则熔断时间为 0 ;反之,如果超过限额,则进行步骤2的计算;
  2. 计算失败基数,最大不得超过 16:diff = (failureCount - threshold) > 16 ? 16 : (failureCount - threshold)
  3. 根据超时因子circuitTrippedTimeoutFactor计算超时时间: int blackOutSeconds = (1 << diff) * circuitTrippedTimeoutFactor.get();
  4. 超时时间不得超过最大超时时间`maxCircuitTrippedTimeout 上线,

当有链接失败情况出现断路逻辑时,将会最多:1<<16 * 10 =320s、最少1<<1 * 10 =100s 的请求熔断时间,再此期间内,此Server将会被忽略。
熔断时间最大值:1<<16 * 10 =320s
熔断时间最小值:1<<1 * 10 =100s



  1. 当请求时,发生的异常不是断路拦截类的异常(Exception)时(至于如何节点是否是断路拦截类异常,可以自定义)
  2. 当请求未发生异常,切且有结果返回时 定义IRule,从服务实例列表中,选择最合适的Server实例


public interface IRule{
     * choose one alive server from lb.allServers or
     * lb.upServers according to key
     * @return choosen Server object. NULL is returned if none
     *  server is available 

    public Server choose(Object key);
    public void setLoadBalancer(ILoadBalancer lb);
    public ILoadBalancer getLoadBalancer();    


实现 描述 备注
RoundRobinRule 通过轮询的方式,选择过程会有最多10次的重试机制
RandomRule 随机方式,从列表中随机挑选一个服务
ZoneAvoidanceRule 基于ZoneAvoidancePredicate断言和AvailabilityPredicate断言的规则。ZoneAvoidancePredicate计算出哪个Zone的服务最差,然后将此Zone的服务从服务列表中剔除掉;而AvaliabitiyPredicate是过滤掉正处于熔断状态的服务;上述两个断言过滤出来的结果后,再通过RoundRobin轮询的方式从列表中挑选一个服务
BestAvailableRule 最优匹配规则:从服务列表中给挑选出并发数最少的Server
RetryRule 采用了装饰模式,为Rule提供了重试机制
WeightedResponseTimeRule 基于请求响应时间加权计算的规则,如果此规则没有生效,将采用 RoundRobinRule的的策略选择服务实例
image.png RoundRobinRule 的实现
public class RoundRobinRule extends AbstractLoadBalancerRule {

    private AtomicInteger nextServerCyclicCounter;
    private static final boolean AVAILABLE_ONLY_SERVERS = true;
    private static final boolean ALL_SERVERS = false;

    private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RoundRobinRule.class);

    public RoundRobinRule() {
        nextServerCyclicCounter = new AtomicInteger(0);

    public RoundRobinRule(ILoadBalancer lb) {

    public Server choose(ILoadBalancer lb, Object key) {
        if (lb == null) {
            log.warn("no load balancer");
            return null;

        Server server = null;
        int count = 0;
        while (server == null && count++ < 10) {
            List<Server> reachableServers = lb.getReachableServers();
            List<Server> allServers = lb.getAllServers();
            int upCount = reachableServers.size();
            int serverCount = allServers.size();

            if ((upCount == 0) || (serverCount == 0)) {
                log.warn("No up servers available from load balancer: " + lb);
                return null;
            // 生成轮询数据
            int nextServerIndex = incrementAndGetModulo(serverCount);
            server = allServers.get(nextServerIndex);

            if (server == null) {
                /* Transient. */

            if (server.isAlive() && (server.isReadyToServe())) {
                return (server);

            // Next.
            server = null;

        if (count >= 10) {
            log.warn("No available alive servers after 10 tries from load balancer: "
                    + lb);
        return server;

     * Inspired by the implementation of {@link AtomicInteger#incrementAndGet()}.
     * @param modulo The modulo to bound the value of the counter.
     * @return The next value.
    private int incrementAndGetModulo(int modulo) {
        for (;;) {
            int current = nextServerCyclicCounter.get();
            int next = (current + 1) % modulo;
            if (nextServerCyclicCounter.compareAndSet(current, next))
                return next;

    public Server choose(Object key) {
        return choose(getLoadBalancer(), key);
} ZoneAvoidanceRule的实现


  1. ZoneAvoidancePredicate 计算出哪个Zone的服务最差,然后将此Zone的服务从服务列表中剔除掉;
  2. AvailabilityPredicate 将处于熔断状态的服务剔除掉;
  3. 将上述两步骤过滤后的服务通过RoundRobinRule挑选一个服务实例返回

ZoneAvoidancePredicate 剔除最差的Zone的过程:

public static Set<String> getAvailableZones(
            Map<String, ZoneSnapshot> snapshot, double triggeringLoad,
            double triggeringBlackoutPercentage) {
        if (snapshot.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        Set<String> availableZones = new HashSet<String>(snapshot.keySet());
        if (availableZones.size() == 1) {
            return availableZones;
        Set<String> worstZones = new HashSet<String>();
        double maxLoadPerServer = 0;
        boolean limitedZoneAvailability = false;

        for (Map.Entry<String, ZoneSnapshot> zoneEntry : snapshot.entrySet()) {
            String zone = zoneEntry.getKey();
            ZoneSnapshot zoneSnapshot = zoneEntry.getValue();
            int instanceCount = zoneSnapshot.getInstanceCount();
            if (instanceCount == 0) {
                limitedZoneAvailability = true;
            } else {
                double loadPerServer = zoneSnapshot.getLoadPerServer();
                  if (((double) zoneSnapshot.getCircuitTrippedCount())
                        / instanceCount >= triggeringBlackoutPercentage
                        || loadPerServer < 0) {
                    limitedZoneAvailability = true;
                } else {
                    if (Math.abs(loadPerServer - maxLoadPerServer) < 0.000001d) {
                        // they are the same considering double calculation
                        // round error
                    } else if (loadPerServer > maxLoadPerServer) {
                        maxLoadPerServer = loadPerServer;
        // 如果最大负载没有超过上限,则返回所有可用分区
        if (maxLoadPerServer < triggeringLoad && !limitedZoneAvailability) {
            // zone override is not needed here
            return availableZones;
        // 从最差的可用分区中随机挑选一个剔除,这么做是保证服务的高可用
        String zoneToAvoid = randomChooseZone(snapshot, worstZones);
        if (zoneToAvoid != null) {
        return availableZones;


四. Ribbon的配置参数

控制参数 说明 默认值
<service-name>.ribbon.NFLoadBalancerPingInterval Ping定时任务周期 30 s
<service-name>.ribbon.NFLoadBalancerMaxTotalPingTime Ping超时时间 2s
<service-name>.ribbon.NFLoadBalancerRuleClassName IRule实现类 RoundRobinRule,基于轮询调度算法规则选择服务实例
<service-name>.ribbon.NFLoadBalancerPingClassName IPing实现类 DummyPing,直接返回true
<service-name>.ribbon.NFLoadBalancerClassName 负载均衡器实现类 2s
<service-name>.ribbon.NIWSServerListClassName ServerList实现类 ConfigurationBasedServerList,基于配置的服务列表
<service-name>.ribbon.ServerListUpdaterClassName 服务列表更新类 PollingServerListUpdater,
<service-name>.ribbon.NIWSServerListFilterClassName 服务实例过滤器 2s
<service-name>.ribbon.ServerListRefreshInterval 服务列表刷新频率 2s
<service-name>.ribbon.NFLoadBalancerClassName 自定义负载均衡器实现类 2s
<service-name>.ribbon.NFLoadBalancerClassName 自定义负载均衡器实现类 2s
<service-name>.ribbon.NFLoadBalancerClassName 自定义负载均衡器实现类 2s

五. 结语

Ribbon是Spring Cloud框架中相当核心的模块,负责着服务负载调用,Ribbon也可以脱离SpringCloud单独使用。
Ribbon 也是整个组件框架中最复杂的一环,控制流程上为了保证服务的高可用性,有很多比较细节的参数控制,在使用的过程中,需要深入理清每个环节的处理机制,这样在问题定位上会高效很多。

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