上传ipa时遭遇错误:ERROR ITMS - 90167 No
升级了macOS Sierra (10.12) 和XCode8以后,使用Application Loader上传IPA到App Store时报了个奇怪的错误:
ITMS - 90167
After chatting with folks at WWDC in both the Xcode lab and the App Store lab, they were able to dig up information that this is a known issue in the current Sierra seed that is fixed in the next release.
这是7月份的讨论,结论是,这个错误是macOS Sierra Beta的问题,但是,我装的Sierra是正式版啊。
继续找最新的讨论,在Xamarin 的论坛上,有人在最近也遇到了类似问题:
September 21
is there anything new about this? I have macOS Sierra (release) and current Xamarin Studio/Framework running, but Application Loader gives me this error...
然后,又马上回复了解决方法:安装Xcode 8
Sorry - Install of Xcode 8 solved the issue - my App Store was doing strange Stuff - ignore my postings
但是,我装的就是XCode 8 啊。
还好,还有人也回复了另一个方法:用新版的Application Loader
If any one still have an issue, here is my findnings. For me it was an issue with older version of application loader. I tried using 3.6 version of application loader on mac seirra and that works fine.
原来升级macOS Sierra(10.12) 后,Application Loader并没有自己升级,而且升级了XCode8以后,旧的Application Loader也没有被替换,还是3.0
有问题的Application Loader版本解决方法
1. 使用XCode 8 自带的Application Loader (3.6)。【已验证】
启动方法是 XCode菜单 -> Open Developer Tool -> Application Loader
Xcode里启动Application LoaderApplication Loader的版本是 3.6
正常的版本2. 用Xcode 8直接上传,应该也是可以的。不过,由于通过Xcode上传经常出现网络错误,所以我已经放弃这个方法了。【已验证XCode8版本没问题,未验证XCode之前版是否有问题】