1️⃣ Siddhartha Gautama:悉达多·乔答摩
-Born in 560 BC In Lumbini India 蓝毗尼(释迦牟尼的出生之地)
-A seer prophesied that he would become greater ruler ever or leave his palace and discover a way of salvation for all humanity
- seer / n. 预言家;幻想家;先知者/
- prophesied /vt. vi 预言/
- salvation /n. 拯救;救助/
-the latter would happen if he saw, sickness, old age, death and a monk who renounced the world
- monk /n. 僧侣/
- renounced /vt. 宣布放弃/ break up with
- sheltered/adj.受保护的;v. 庇护/
-at age 29 he wanted to see the outside world because his dad sheltered him
-he abandoned his wife and son
-he studied snd rejected Hindu scriptures(n. 经文)
-at 35 he sat under a **fig tree **for 40 days and experienced nirvana
*** fig tree**:原译为无花果树,圣经里的神树。菩提树(Bodhi tree)乃是属于无花果树(Fig Tree)科的植物。
-he became known as "buddha" (enlightened(adj.被启发的) one)
-he saw flashed of himself in his past lives
-found out that peace comes form knowing that you are the universe
-founded an order of monks called Sangha
-got rid of caste system (种姓制度)
2⃣️ buddhists 佛教徒
Most buddhists don't care if Buddha existed or not, its only the principles that matter.
3⃣️ Tripitaka 三藏经
-is authoritative and sacred based on oral traditions **written over **500 year after his death
- authoritative: adj. 有权威的;命令式的;当局的
- sacred: adj. 神的;神圣的;宗教的;庄严的
- oral: n. 口试
- write over:覆盖,改写
4⃣️ Nirvana 涅槃;天堂
-the Buddhist version of Moksha
the realization that you are everything and you are just existing in the moment
- version :n. 版本;译文;倒转术
- ** Moksha** : n. (佛教、印度教、耆那教中的)从轮回中得到解脱
5⃣️ ❤️
Everybody, every human being wants happiness, and Buddha, he acts like teacher. You are your own master. Future, everything depends on your own shoulder. Buddha‘s responsibility is just to show the path, that s all. (The Dalai Lama)
- 每个人都想得到幸福快乐,佛陀就像一个老师,你是你自己的主人,将来所有的事情都将由你自己的肩膀承担,而佛陀的责任,只是给你指路。
6⃣️ GOD 佛经中对god的看法
-the existence of God is irrelevant (adj. 不相干的)and unimportant
-buddha didn't deny the existence of God but denied the relevance(n. 关联)
-buddha rejected the indifferent(adj. 漠不关心的;无关紧要的;中性的,中立的) gods of Hinduism(n. 印度教)
- 佛教徒没有创世纪的故事,也没有造物之神,他们致力于人类所受的苦难以及如何解决人类所受的苦难。
7⃣️ Humanity 关于人类
-Buddha rejected the idea of humans having an atman(n. (印度教)灵魂)
-Humans are neither gods nor a part of god,humans are merely part of the material realm (物质领域)
-all humans are capable of( 能够 )enlightenment(n. 启迪;教化)
- 佛教否定印度教中所说的人类有灵魂。
- 人类不是神或者神的一部分,人类仅仅只是物质领域的一部分。
- 所有的人都是可以被教化的。
8⃣️ Problem 问题
- life is suffering
* 生活充满了苦难——这是佛教中要解决的最根本的问题。
- happiness is an illusion(n. 幻觉,错觉;错误的观念或信仰)
* 快乐转瞬即逝。
- humanity is trapped(受困于) in samsara(轮回)
* 人类要受轮回之苦。
9⃣️ Four Noble Truths 四真谛
* 普遍存在/苦的原因/苦的消灭/灭苦的方法
1.Suffering is universal
2.The cause of suffering is craving (欲望)(desire)
- craving是所有苦难的源头。
3.The he cessation (停止)of suffering is to overcome ignorance(无知unwisdom) and eliminate(exclude)cravings
it is the remainderless fading away and cessation of that same craving, the giving up and relinquishing(n. 放弃)of it, freedom from it, non-reliance **on **it.(不依靠它)
reliance on 依靠;信赖
Fading-away 消逝
4.One suppresses(压制) cravings by following the Middle way or 8 fold path
——苦: 生就是苦的业因,生活中當然有苦有樂,但使人難以忍受的是諸行無常。生、老、病是众生所必經的。
- 八大痛苦:生、老、病、死、爱别离、怨憎会、求不得、五蕴炽盛。
- 五蕴:色、受、想、行、识。(1物质方面+4精神方面)
*六尘:色声香味触法。 - 怨憎会:指对不喜欢的“六尘”,或哪些不好的人交往产生的怨憎。
- 五取蕴即苦:五取蕴的共相“无常、苦、空、无我”
——道:佛陀列出一系列指示让他的弟子去做,一条引导心灵通往觉悟的路径,叫做八正道,即道德、纪律、警觉与智慧 。
🔟 Eight Fold path 八正道
① right understanding believe in the Four Noble Truths-
② right aspirations renounce all desires and any thoughts like lust, bitterness and cruelty-
③ right speech speak only truth and refrain(克制) fro lying-
④ right behavior exercise self-control and abstain from killing, stealing and sexual immorality
right occupation work in an occupation that benefits other and harms no one
- work不是正当的"职业",而是正当的"行为"
⑤ right effort comment totally to the Middle Way
⑥ right mindfulness exhibit mental self-control to eliminate all emotions
⑦ right mediation perform meditation through yoga
⑧ Solution
aspiration/n. 愿望;/
renounce/vt. 宣布放弃/
lust/n. 性欲;贪欲/
bitterness/n. 苦味;苦难;怨恨/
immorality/n. 不道德;无道义;伤风败俗的行为/(wickedness,improbity)
occupation/n. 职业;占有;消遣;占有期/
-stop thinking about yourself and compassion (怜悯)will arise
-❤️you're the only one who can save yourself
-Buddha claimed that his mission was to help escape samsara, not to explain what one would find after nirvana
- 菩提心与大小乘佛教:
[大乘佛法(Mahayana)] 修行者具有菩提心
[小乘佛法(Hinayana] 是自利,不能利他,修行者不具有菩提心
-❤️Zen Buddhism** "look within, you are the Buddha"**❤️
- 纪录片 — 炉香赞佛 The Buddha (2010)
- Wikipedia — BUDDHISM