坚持英语学习打卡 之 翻译篇(19)
今日翻译打卡第19天,完成Unit 13汉译英部分。这篇中文是介绍杭州的景色,涉及到一些景点翻译,略有难度。
优质译法:Now Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang Province with eight districts, three county-level cities and two counties under its jurisdiction.
技巧点拨:under one’s jurisdiction 表示“在...管辖之下”。
另外,注意积累关于中国行政区划(administrative division)的分类,例如22个省(province)、五个自治区(autonomous region)、四个直辖市(municipality)、两个特别行政区(special administrative region )、县(county)、县级市(county-level city)、区(district)、乡镇(township)
优质译法:Hangzhou’s West Lake is like a mirror, embellished all around with green hills and deep caves of enchanting beauty.
技巧点拨:翻译时注意一定要按照英文表达习惯进行意译。embellish表示“润色、修饰”,be embellished with 相当于“被美化”。“千峰凝翠”直接译为green hills,“洞壑幽深”译为deep caves,不要拘泥于字面。
优质译法:Hill Peaks tower around the lake and amaze the visitors with the ever-changing aspects of their beauty.
技巧点拨:注意此处tower用作动词,表示“耸立”,所以“环湖耸立”翻译为tower around the lake,对于“千姿百态”也作了句式上的灵活处理。
优质译法:Among the hills one finds springs everywhere.
技巧点拨:一般人都会翻译成There are many springs among the hills,但是如何让翻译的句子更多样呢?
优质译法:The place called Nine Greeks and Eight Gullies is well known for its twisting paths and murmuring streams.
技巧点拨:注意翻译一个陌生地名时,可以先加上The place called... 或者The beauty spot named...,让读者知道这是一个地方。
6. 重难点词组积累
繁衍生息 live and multiply
石刻 stone sculpture
五代时期 The Five Dynasties Period
南宋 The Southern Song Dynasty
三潭印月 Three Pools Mirroring the Moon
湖心亭 Mid-lake Pavilion
曲院风荷 Breeze-Ruffled Lotus at Quyuan Garden
平湖秋月 Autumn Moon Over the Calm Lake
花港观鱼 Viewing Fish at the Flower Pond
柳浪闻莺 Orioles Singing in the Willows
虎跑泉 Tiger Spring