
2020-05-08  本文已影响0人  Pentacle_V



swoop down on 猛扑

be outlawed  宣布……为不合法的

an outcast 被驱逐的人

stray cat 流浪猫

hulking 庞大笨重的

in the gutter 排水沟

a triple decker, violently purple bus.厚达三层的

protruding 突出来的

a fair few pimples 粉刺

break a fall 减弱下降的力量

you did flag us down, din cha? 招收停下

brass bedsteads 床架

candles were burning in brackets?支架,托架

ram 猛拉

his stomach churned 搅拌

unfurled a copy of the Daiily Prophet 展开

elude capture 逃避捕获

scary-looking fing(finishing), inee?最后的

Oo's supporter was tracked down?追捕到

be second -in-command 第二把手,副司令,副指挥员

Them Azkaban guards give me the collywobbles. 肚子疼

scattering bushes and bollards 短柱

Whereabouts in London?  具体在哪里?

pinstriped cloak 细条纹的

the wizened, toothless landlord 干瘪的,干瘦的

owlish face 像猫头鹰的

a private parlour 会客厅

bottle-green suit 深绿色

hitch up 拉起

Tom the innkeeper reappeared 掌柜,旅店老板

in a right flap: a feeling or opinion about something or someone 一举一动都了解

She has no recollection of the incident at all. 回忆,记忆

airily 漫步经心地

the silver fastening 扣子处


