Born A Crime - (7&8) Fufi & Robe

2017-10-10  本文已影响0人  二白_a00c

New Vocabulary:

1. rascal:  a child who behaves badly but whom you still like

原文:Fufi was a little rascal as well.

造句:Mom thought little Trevor was a little rascal.

2. leave sb in the lurch: to leave sb at a time when yo should stay and help them

原文:When a parent is absent, you’re left in the lurch of not knowing

造句:Police never leave people in the lurch no matter how tough the circumstance is .

3.tuck in: to eat sth eagerly

原文:Luckily my tastes hadn’t matured much since the age of thirteen, so I tucked right in.

造句: I once tucked in chocolate.

4.interrogate: ask questions of (someone, especially a suspect or a prisoner) closely, aggressively, or formally.

原文:Is this how you normally get to know people, by interrogating them?

造句: Do not interrogate your kid when he does something wrong.


Fufi is his deaf dog and Robert is his father. But Fufi refused to leave other people's home to go back home with him. He learned  a lesson---you do not own the thing that you love. He never called Robert Dad in case of being into trouble under apartheid, but he clearly remembered how well he loved Christmas with Robert. After ten-year gap with Robert, he reconnected with Robert with the help of embassy. He felt a flood of emotions rushing through him when he saw an oversized photo album, a scrapbook of everything he had ever done, which is made by Robert.


I believed that Fufi was my dog, but of course that wasn’t true. Fufi was a dog. I was a boy. We got along well. She happened to live in my house.


"Nothing. All I know is that you’re extremely secretive.”

“You see? You’re getting to know me already.


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