
2017-02-13  本文已影响0人  huuila

W2P1 Steve Jobs’ legacy is the omniscient tech company


Steve Jobs, Apple’s co-founder, was prone to hyperbole but his eulogy for the iPhone as he launched it 10 years ago was accurate

[be prone to…] likely to suffer from an illness or show a particular negative characteristic

Eg. Tom is prone to brag about his IQ.

Google was just an internet search engine then, but one of its offspringunveiled plans this week to make an entire platform — software and hardware — for driverless cars.

[ unveiled] If you unveil something new, you show it or make it known for the first time.

Eg. When she unveil her plan for this holiday, everybody was shoked.

For a long time, Jobs was a lone voice in the wilderness in preaching the power of uniting hardware and software…

[ preaching]to try to persuade other people to believe in a particular belief or follow a particular way of life

Eg. He preaches his political philosophy to people.

Carmaking was once vertically integrated

[ integrate] to combine two or more things in order to become more effective

Eg. Transport planning should be integrated with energy policy.

its market capitalisation has grown from 380bn — is squeezingbricks-and-mortar retailers.

[ bricks-and-mortar] property in the form of buildings usually when considered as an investment

Eg. I was nearly 40 when I finally invested in bricks andmortar.

Sears and Macy’s, the US retail chains, unveiled further store closures last week; both have invested in technology to increase online sales but** are struggling to **beat Amazon.

[ are struggling to] unsuccessful but trying hard to succeed

Eg. Although he is eighteen years old he has been struggling to shoulder the responsibility of the family.

It creates** a virtuous circle**.

By analysing the data these capture, they can develop products tailored to every user.

[ tailor] to make or prepare something following particular instructions

Eg. As an excellent teacher, he usually carries out a variety of teaching methods tailor his student.


[ a virtuous circle]良性循环

[cloud computing] 云计算

[patchy results] 参差不齐的结果


regulatory arbitrage 监管套利



IPO全称Initial public offerings(首次公开募股),是指某公司(股份有限公司或有限责任公司)首次向社会公众公开招股的发行方式。有限责任公司IPO后会成为股份有限公司。对应于一级市场,大部分公开发行股票由投资银行集团承销而进入市场,银行按照一定的折扣价从发行方购买到自己的账户,然后以约定的价格出售,公开发行的准备费用较高,私募可以在某种程度上部分规避此类费用。

Market Capitalization 市值(Market Capitalization,简称 Market Cap)是一种度量公司资产规模的方式,数量上等于该公司当前的股票价格乘以该公司所有的普通股数量。市值通常可以用来作为收购某公司的成本评估,市值的增长通常作为一个衡量该公司经营状况的关键指标。市值也会受到非经营性因素的影响而产生变化,例如收购和回购。市值即为股票的市场价值,亦可以说是股票的市场价格计算出来的总价值,它包括股票的发行价格和交易买卖价格。股票的市场价格是由市场决定的。股票的面值和市值往往是不一致的。股票价格可以高于面值,也可以低于面值,但股票第一次发行的价格一般不低于面值。股票价格主要取决于预期股息的多少,银行利息率的高低,及股票市场的供求关系。股票市场是一个波动的市场,股票市场价格亦是不断波动的。股票的市场交易价格主要有:开市价,收市价,最高价,最低价。收市价是最重要的,是研究分析股市以及抑制股票市场行情图表采用的基本数据。



