[WEKA] 1 概览

2018-10-31  本文已影响0人  反复练习的阿离很笨吧



数据挖掘是一门成熟的技术,Weka 是数据挖掘的工具包,是 Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis 的首字母缩略词,我们称作 Weka。

Exploring the Explorer


instances 实例
attributes 属性
class 类属性
我们已在上节课学习了数据文件,是关于天气的数据,一个非常简单的数据集。它包含了 14 天的天气,或者说实例。 每天是一个实例,由五种属性来描述。四种与天气有关, 最后一个叫类属性。它是我们希望要预测的。
discrete (“nominal”) : “classification” problem
continuous (“numeric”): “regression” problem


ARFF 文件格式 ARFF file format:

@relation Glass
@attribute 'RI' numeric
@attribute 'Na' numeric
@attribute 'Mg' numeric
@attribute 'Al' numeric
@attribute 'Si' numeric
@attribute 'K' numeric
@attribute 'Ca' numeric
@attribute 'Ba' numeric
@attribute 'Fe' numeric
@attribute 'Type' { 'build wind float', 'build wind non-float', 'vehic wind float', 'vehic wind non-float', containers, tableware, headlamps}
1.51793,12.79,3.5,1.12,73.03,0.64,8.77,0,0,'build wind float'

Question 2
Which of these attributes, taken by itself, gives the best indication of the class?
When you look at the class distribution for petalwidth, you can see that it has the least overlap of colors for all the bars.

竟然猜对了( •̀ ω •́ )

Building a classifier 建立分类器

Classify panel分类器面板
J48 一个决策树分类器

  1. J48 的配置面板改变参数,以及“More”按钮
    -Set minNumObj to 15 to avoid small leaves
    -… option: pruned vs unpruned trees
  2. 右击我们之前的运行记录,得到一个小菜单。单击“visualize tree”。
  3. Confusion Matrix
  4. weka的percentage of correctly classified instances保留小数点后四位,实际中我们常保留整数。

Using a filter 使用过滤器


Use a filter to remove an attribute 使用过滤器删除一个属性

Open weather.nominal.arff (again!)
 Check the filters
– supervised vs unsupervised
– attribute vs instance
 Choose the unsupervised attribute filter Remove
 Check the More information; look at the options
 Set attribute Indices to 3 and click OK 删除属性湿度(humidity):湿度的序号是 3
 Apply the filter
 Recall that you can Save the result
 Press Undo

修改attributeIndex & nominalIndex

Allfilter 和 MultiFilter 用于合并使用多种过滤器。

Remove instances where humidity is high 删除湿度值为 high 的实例

 Supervised or unsupervised? 无监督
 Attribute or instance? 实例
 Look at them
 Select RemoveWithValues
 Set attributeIndex
 Set nominalIndices
 Apply
 Undo

Filters can be very powerful
Judiciously removing attributes can
– improve performance
– increase comprehensibility

Question 3
Identify one of the attributes that was removed by clicking Undo and then Apply. Now figure out why it was removed.
A The attribute name was too short
B Only one of the attribute’s values actually appears in the dataset
C The attribute only had two possible values
An attribute that has the same value for all instances in the dataset doesn’t yield any additional information, and Weka therefore deems it to be useless.

Question 4
Open the glass.arff dataset (which was downloaded when you installed Weka). Apply the unsupervised attribute filter Normalize. What is the new range (i.e. minimum and maximum) of the Na attribute?
The Normalize filter scales attributes into the range [0, 1].

Visualizing your data 可视化数据

Open iris.arff
 Bring up Visualize panel
 Click one of the plots; examine some instances
 Set x axis to petalwidth and y axis to petallength
 Click on Class colour to change the colour
 Bars on the right change correspond to attributes: click for x
axis; right-click for y axis
 Jitter slider
 Show Select Instance: Rectangle option
 Submit, Reset, Clear and Save

  1. 我们可以在下拉菜单中选择不同的 x 轴和 y 轴。更简单的方法是,单击这些代表不同属性的小横条。单击这里,x 轴就会改变为花萼长;单击这里,x 轴就会改变为花萼宽;单击这里,x 轴就会改变为花瓣长;等等。右键单击这里,y 轴就会改变为花萼长。这样,我们就可以快速地浏览这些不同的图。
  2. 抖动(jitter)滑块可以帮助你区分实际位置特别近的点。
  3. 选择数据集的一部分

Visualizing classification errors 可视化分类结果

 Run J48 (trees>J48)
 Visualize classifier errors (from Results list) 日志区右键
 Plot predictedclass against class
 Identify errors shown by confusion matrix

器 AddClassfication。这里,我们打开配置面板,机器学习方案,选择 J48,将
outputClassification 设置为 True。完成配置。现在应用这个过滤器。它将添加一个新的属性。完成了。这个新增的属性是根据 J48 分类的结果。
Weka 的功能非常强大,你可以利用分类器和过滤器做各种各样的事情。


