
vue 语法快速输入插件

2019-01-18  本文已影响3人  刘员外__

使用 Vue VSCode Snippets 插件,命令行:

vbase               Single file component base
vfor                v-for directive
vmodel              Semantic v-model directive
vmodel-num          Semantic v-model number directive
von                 v-on click handler with arguments
vel-props           Component element with props
vsrc                Image src binding
vstyle              Inline style binding
vstyle-obj          Inline style binding with objects
vclass              Class binding
vclass-obj          Class binding with objects
vclass-obj-mult     Multiple conditional class bindings
vanim               Transition component with JS hooks
vnuxtl              Nuxt Routing Link
vdata               Component data as a function
vmethod             Vue method
vcomputed           Vue computed property
vwatcher            Vue watcher with new and old value args
vprops              Props with type and default
vimport             Import one component into another
vimport-c           Import one component into another within the export statement
vimport-export      Import one component into another and use it within the export statement
vfilter             Vue filter
vmixin              Create a Vue Mixin
vmixin-use          Bring a mixin into a component to use
vc-direct           Vue create a custom directive
vimport-lib         Import a library
vimport-gsap        Import GreenSock with Timeline and Eases
vanimhook-js        Using the Transition component JS hooks in methods
vcommit             Commit to Vuex store in methods for mutation
vdispatch           Dispatch to Vuex store in methods for action
vtest               A simple unit testing component
vinc                incrementer
vdec                decrementer
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