

2017-08-05  本文已影响13人  水若蓝


There are countless newsletters for entrepreneurs, so where should you start? To cut to the chase, our list of seven must-read newsletters is based on what the editor of a popular newsletter for startup founders —The Mattermark Daily— reads, as well as recommendations from venture capitalists and other founders.

企业家面前往往摆着无数的Newsletter选择,应该从哪儿开始呢? 话不多说,我们来直奔主题吧。在此,根据The Mattermark Daily的 编辑(这是一家备受创业者欢迎的Newsletter公司)以及许多风险投资者的推荐,我们列出了以下七家Newsletter,供大家选择。

1.Stratechery Daily Update. Ben Thompson's Stratechery — as in, strategy with a heavy dose oftechinsight — comes highly recommended by entrepreneur andproductivity hackerNiket Desai. Stratechery's thought-provoking content is good enough to demand a fee: $10 per month or $100 per year. And Desai isn't the only one who vouches for Thompson's writing. Hunter Walk, partner at the VC firm Homebrew, and Mike Arrington, the TechCrunch founder turned early-stage investor,are both paying subscribers who've also provided testimonials. Still unconvinced? Thompson hasa page of samplesto try first.

Stratechery Daily Update. Ben Thompson的Stratechery有着极强的科技视野,它也备受企业家、productivity hacker的Niket Desai的推崇。Stratechery上的内容发人深省,很有价值,也值得每月10美金或者每年100美金的投入。不仅如此,Desai也不是唯一推崇这家科技通讯的人。风投公司Homebrew的合伙人Hunter Walk和TechCrunch的创始人Mike Arrington也都订阅了这份杂志。

2.StrictlyVC. Started in 2013 by Connie Loizos, former senior editor at Thomson Reuters, StrictlyVC offers a series of news bites that relate strictly to the business of funding and growing startups. New funds, new funding deals and exits, plus the key decision makers at VC firms — all get air time in this daily newsletter. Jeff Bussgang, general partner at Flybridge Capital Partners and author ofMastering the VC Game, loves StrictlyVC for its "great interviews" and its "insider feel."

StrictlyVC. 由汤森路透的前高级编辑康妮路伊斯在2013年创建。StrictlyVC提供一系列与初创企业息息相关的新观点。很多初创公司以及风投公司的主要决策者都会经常在飞机上阅读这份杂志。Flybridge Capital Partners的普通合伙人Jeff Bussgang就非常喜欢StrictlyVC,赞赏其绝佳的采访内容和给人以“内部人士”的感觉。

3.First Round Review. This newsletter is styled as a series of magazines with in-depth interviews and analyses of everything that affects startups — from management, fundraising and engineering to marketing and PR. There's also a magazine for women who've made the leap to startup life. Desai describes First Round as having "the best content from a VC I've seen." Whether you're thinking about launching a startup or already building one, First Round's dispatches are worth the read.

First Round Review. 这份Newsletter的独特之处在于其对影响创业公司的所有因素都进行了深度采访和分析,比如管理,融资,营销和人力资源。同时,通讯还专门为创业的女性提供文章。 Desai认为, First Round为创业公司提供了最好的内容。他说,无论你是在考虑要不要开始创业还是已经开始着手创业了,First Round的文章都值得一读。

4.Term Sheet. Started by formerFortunesenior editor Dan Primack and now written by senior writer Erin Griffith, this daily newsletter breaks down deals and news related to deals and dealmaking. Like Loizos, Primack covered private equity at Thomson Reuters before making his mark in the newsletter world. Nick Frost, who leadsThe Mattermark Daily, says he reads Term Sheet "every day" and counts it among the newsletters he most admires.

Term Sheet. Term Sheet由Fortune的前高级编辑Dan Primack创立,如今由高级写手Erin Griffith来主笔。这则每日通讯主要提供与交易相关的内容。像Loizos一样,Primack在Newsletter领域大展身手之前,在汤森路透持有股份。The Mattermark Daily的负责人Nick Frost说他每天都会读Term Sheet,并认为这是最好的Newsletter之一。

5.Benedict Evans' Newsletter. Often cited as one of the better newsletters on startups and entrepreneurship, this recommendation comes from Patrick Mathieson, a venture investor at Toba Capital. On Quora, he lists Evans' newsletter asone of four aggregators that find the intel he needsso that he doesn't "spend a bunch of effort finding the best content." Evans, who is also a partner at Andreessen Horowitz, delivers his weekly compilations on Sundays.

Benedict Evans' Newsletter. Toba Capital的风险投资者Patrick Mathieson推荐了这份Newsletter,该通讯也一直被列为针对初创公司最好的Newsletter之一。在Quora上,他将Evan的Newsletter的聚合器列为最好的四个之一,因为他不需要花精力就可以轻而易举地找到最好的内容。 Andreessen Horowitz的合伙人之一Evans每周日都会在这份通讯上发表他的见解。

6.theSkimm. A favorite of Frost's, theSkimm uses a combination of humor and analysis to bring its 3.5 million readers up-to-speed on what's happening in the world every morning before work. Think of it as a thinner, snarkier and link-filled alternative to your morning paper — a handy tool for an entrepreneur with little free time between long, caffeinated stretches of coding. As Frost said in a recent interview, theSkimm "was a game-changer in terms of highlighting the power of a newsletter."

theSkimm.这份通讯使用幽默的笔触分析最新的内容,其读者每天上班前都可以阅读通讯文章,获取最新消息。相较于其他晨间读物而言,这份报纸既轻薄,观点又犀利,可以称得上是打发通勤时间的不二之选。正如 Frost在近期的一个采访中提到的那样, theSkimm凸显了Newsletter的力量,具有革新意义。

7.Bonus Pick.Our last choice is whatever Term Sheet's founder Primack has planned next. And he does have something in mind. "Of course I'm gonna write another email newsletter," Primack announced ina tweet dated Oct. 26. He's asking would-be subscribers tosign up at his website.

Meanwhile, sign up for our own newsletter. The RocketSpace Blog for tech startup founders has a wealth of stories to help you learn more and manage your business — from managing a startupwhen you're married to your co-foundertocash flow tipsto the bestTED talks for entrepreneurs.

额外福利。我们为您提供的最后一个选择,是 Sheet's founder的创始人 Primack 下一步要开启的内容。他已有所想法,在他的推文中就曾经提到会开始写另一份Newsletter。他也正向潜在的订阅者推销,要求他们登陆新的网站。 The RocketSpace 这个博客上有许多关于初创企业的故事,可以帮助你更好的了解并且管理你的事业——无论是当你与另一半一起创业时如何进行管理,还是一些管理现金流的窍门,抑或提供一些与企业相关的TED演讲。

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