Nov. 14 PM 2017 No.1072

2017-11-15  本文已影响0人  打雷不怕

AP News Dictation Nov.14 PM 2017@打雷不怕 No.1072

  1. Attorney general Jeff Sessions strongly defended himself against allegations that he had misled congress members about his acknowledge of communications with Russia during the 2016 campaign. The appearance before the House judiciary commitee follows a guilty plea from one Trump campaign aide who served on a foreign policy council of Session's chaired.
  2. Senate majority leader Mitch McConnel has spoken to both president Donald Trump and vice president Mike Pence about the Alabama senate race. He suggest the GOP candidate Roy Moore who has been accused of sexual assualt by multiple women should step down.
  3. Authorities say at least 5 people are dead including a suspected gunman after a series of shootings outside an elementary school and multiple other locations in rural, northern CA.
  4. And Wangwang the giant panda cub was born in Malaysia while her parents were on loan from China has assembled
    40 years diplomatic relations between the 2 countries. Now she is on her way home to be reunited with mon and dad.
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